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Python for Data Science

Three marks

Discuss the role of indentation in python.

  • Indentation plays a crucial role in determining the structure and execution of the code.
  • Python uses indentation to signify the beginning and end of blocks of code.
  1. Structure:
  • Defines blocks for loops, conditionals, and functions.
  • Shared indentation within a block.
  1. Readability:
  • Enhances code readability.
  • Consistent indentation is mandatory.
  1. No Braces:
  • Uses indentation, not braces.
  • No need for explicit closing symbols.
  1. Whitespace:
  • Flexible use of spaces or tabs.
  • Consistency within the block is crucial.
  1. Continuation:
  • Allows logical code continuation.
  • Maintains readability for complex expressions.

List the features of matplotlib.

  1. Versatility
  2. Customization
  3. Publication-Quality Plots
  4. Matplotlib Pyplot Interface
  5. Object-Oriented Interface
  6. Support for LaTeX
  7. Multiple Backends
  8. Interactive Features
  9. Seamless Integration with NumPy
  10. Support for 3D Plots
  11. Animation Capabilities
  12. Matplotlib Gallery
  13. Community and Documentation
  14. Integration with Jupyter Notebooks
  15. Cross-Platform Compatibility

What is the role of Python in Data science?

What is the role of python in data science?

  1. Versatility and Readability:
  • Python's clean syntax facilitates concise expression of complex ideas.
  1. Rich Ecosystem of Libraries:
  • NumPy, Pandas, Matplotlib, Seaborn, Scikit-learn, TensorFlow, and PyTorch form a robust toolkit for data science.
  1. Data Handling and Manipulation:
  • Pandas simplifies data manipulation, exploration, and analysis.
  1. Numerical and Scientific Computing:
  • NumPy supports efficient numerical operations.
  1. Statistical Analysis:
  • Statsmodels and SciPy provide statistical models and tests.
  1. Visualization:
  • Matplotlib and Seaborn create high-quality visualizations.
  1. Machine Learning:
  • Scikit-learn offers tools for classification, regression, and clustering.
  1. Deep Learning:
  • TensorFlow and PyTorch are prevalent for complex tasks.
  1. Big Data Integration:
  • Python seamlessly integrates with Apache Spark for large-scale data processing.
  1. Community Support:
  • Python's active community provides extensive resources.
  1. Open Source and Cross-Platform:
  • Python's open-source nature and cross-platform compatibility enhance accessibility.
  1. Database Integration:
  • Python connects seamlessly with various databases.
  1. Scalability:
  • Python integrates with distributed computing frameworks for scalable analyses.

What is HTML parsing?

  • HTML parsing in Python refers to the process of extracting information or data from HTML documents. HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) is the standard language used to create and design web pages.
  • When working with web scraping or data extraction from web pages, HTML parsing is essential to navigate the HTML structure and retrieve the desired content.
  1. Beautiful Soup:
  • Beautiful Soup is a Python library for pulling data out of HTML and XML files.

  • It provides Pythonic idioms for iterating, searching, and modifying the parse tree.

  • Beautiful Soup transforms a complex HTML document into a tree of Python objects, such as tags, navigable strings, or comments.

Differentiate: C and Python.

ParadigmProceduralMulti-paradigm (Procedural, OOP, Functional)
SyntaxRigidClean and Concise
Compilation/InterpretationCompiledInterpreted (Bytecode compiled)
Memory ManagementManualAutomatic (Garbage Collection)
TypingStatically TypedDynamically Typed
Development SpeedSlower due to manual memory managementFaster due to high-level abstractions
PortabilityMay require modifications for different platformsGenerally platform-independent
Use CasesSystem-level programming, Embedded systemsWeb development, Scripting, Data Analysis
Community and EcosystemLarge community, but less extensive ecosystem compared to PythonLarge and active community with a rich ecosystem
Learning CurveSteeper learning curveEasier for beginners

Have Or

List various types of graph/chart available in the pyplot of matplotlib library for data visualization. Explain any two of them in brief.(summer-3)

List the type of plots that can be drawn using matplotlib.

  1. Line Plot

  2. Scatter Plot

  3. Bar Plot

  4. Histogram

  5. Pie Chart

  6. Box Plot

  7. Violin Plot

  8. Heatmap

  9. Area Plot

  10. Error Bar Plot

  11. Bubble Plot

  12. 3D Plot

  13. Contour Plot

  14. Hexbin Plot

  15. Polar Plot

  16. Bar Chart:

  • Use: Compares categorical data using rectangular bars.
  • Example: Visualizing sales figures of different products.
  • Implementation:, y_values)
  • Purpose: Easily compares values among different categories or groups.
  1. Histogram:
  • Use: Represents the frequency distribution of numerical data.
  • Example: Displaying age distribution in a population.
  • Implementation: plt.hist(data, bins)
  • Purpose: Shows the distribution and frequency of data within specified intervals (bins).

List and explain interfaces of SciKit-learn.

  1. Estimator Interface:
  • Core functionality for building and training ML models.
  • Methods:
    • fit(X, y): Trains the model.
    • get_params() and set_params(params): Accesses and sets model parameters.
  1. Predictor Interface:
  • Extends Estimator for making predictions.
  • Methods:
    • predict(X): Generates predictions.
    • score(X, y): Computes performance metrics. Additional model-specific methods.
  1. Transformer Interface:
  • Defines methods for data transformation.
  • Methods:
    • fit(X, y=None) and transform(X): Computes and applies transformations.
    • fit_transform(X, y=None): Combines fit and transform. Additional transformer-specific methods.

Define EDA. List the tasks need to be carried out in EDA?

Explain EDA in detail.

Exploratory data analysis (EDA) is used by data scientists to analyze and investigate data sets and summarize their main characteristics, often employing data visualization methods.

  1. Observe your dataset
  2. Find any missing values
  3. Categorize your values
  4. Find the shape of your dataset
  5. Identify relationships in your dataset
  6. Locate any outliers in your dataset

What is Scikit-learn?

  • Scikit-learn, often abbreviated as sklearn, is an open-source machine learning library for the Python programming language.
  • It provides simple and efficient tools for data analysis and modeling, including various machine learning algorithms for classification, regression, clustering, and dimensionality reduction.


  1. Consistency:
  • Uniform interface for various models.
  1. Simplicity and Efficiency:
  • Easy-to-use tools for data analysis.
  • Suitable for both beginners and experts.
  1. Open Source:
  • Released under a permissive license.
  1. Extensibility:
  • Supports additional functionalities via third-party libraries.
  1. Integration:
  • Well-integrated with NumPy, SciPy, and Matplotlib.
  1. Algorithms:
  • Offers a range of machine learning algorithms.
  • Covers supervised, unsupervised learning, and model evaluation.
  1. Data Handling:
  • Tools for data preprocessing and feature engineering.

Define covariance and correlation


  1. Definition:
  • Measures the joint variability of two random variables.
  1. Significance:
  • Positive covariance: Variables tend to increase or decrease together.
  • Negative covariance: One variable tends to increase when the other decreases.
  1. Formula:


  1. Definition:
  • Standardized measure of the linear relationship between two variables.
  1. Range:
  • Correlation values between -1 and 1.
    • 1: Perfect positive linear relationship,
    • -1: Perfect negative,
    • 0: No linear relationship.
  1. Formula:

What are the magic functions in Jupyter? Explain with example.

  • Magic functions in Jupyter Notebooks are special commands prefixed with % (for line magics) or %% (for cell magics).
  • They provide additional functionality and control over the notebook environment.

In Jupyter Notebooks, magic functions are special commands that begin with % (for line magics) or %% (for cell magics). These functions provide additional functionality and are not part of the Python language itself. Here are some commonly used magic functions in Jupyter:

  1. Line Magics:

    • %run: Run a Python script as a program.
    • %load: Load code into a cell.
    • %time and %timeit: Measure the execution time of a statement or expression.
    • %matplotlib: Enable inline plotting of graphs.


  2. Cell Magics:

    • %%time and %%timeit: Measure the execution time of a cell.
    • %%html: Render the cell contents as HTML.
    • %%writefile: Write the contents of the cell to a file.


  3. Other Magics:

    • %pwd: Print the current working directory.
    • %ls: List the contents of the current directory.
    • %who and %whos: Display variables in the global scope.
    • %history: Show command history.


Explain any three functions from Scikit learn.

1. LogisticRegression:


  • Implements logistic regression, a classification algorithm suitable for binary and multiclass problems.


2. fit:


  • Trains a machine learning model on the provided training data.


3. predict:


  • Generates predictions using a trained machine learning model.


What is the core competencies needed to become a data scientist? Explain in brief.

  1. Programming Skills:
  • Proficient in languages like Python, R, or SQL for data manipulation and analysis.
  1. Statistical Knowledge:
  • Understand statistical concepts for data interpretation and validation.
  1. Data Manipulation and Cleaning:
  • Ability to clean and preprocess data, handling missing values and outliers.
  1. Machine Learning and Modeling:
  • Knowledge of ML algorithms, model development, and optimization.
  1. Data Visualization:
  • Skill in creating visualizations using tools like Matplotlib, Seaborn, or Tableau.
  1. Domain Knowledge:
  • Understand specific industry domains to contextualize data analysis.
  1. Big Data Technologies:
  • Familiarity with big data tools like Hadoop, Spark, or Hive.
  1. Database and Data Handling:
  • Proficient in database systems (SQL, NoSQL) and data handling techniques.
  1. Problem-Solving Skills:
  • Identify and solve problems using data-driven methodologies.
  1. Communication and Storytelling:
  • Strong communication skills for presenting insights to diverse audiences.
  1. Continuous Learning and Adaptability:
  • Willingness to learn and adapt to evolving data science technologies.

List Advantages of Python.

  1. Readability and Simplicity
  2. Vast Ecosystem of Libraries
  3. Versatility and Flexibility
  4. Ease of Learning and Accessibility
  5. Open Source and Community Support
  6. High-Level Language
  7. Cross-Platform Compatibility
  8. Strong Standard Library
  9. Scalability and Performance
  10. Support for Multiple Paradigms
  11. Deployment and Integration

Write a single line code to get the value of "type" from the given dictionary in such a way that it does not produce any error or exception even if any key from the dictionary is misspelled. e.g. batters is misspelled as bateers. Still, your code must traverse the dictionary and fetch the value “Regular” of the key “type”. { "batters": { "batter": [ { "batter": [ { "batter": [{ "type": "Regular" }] }] }] } }

How XPath is useful for analysis of html data? Explain in brief.

  1. Element Selection:
  • XPath allows precise selection of specific elements or nodes within an HTML document.
  1. Traversal and Navigation:
  • It provides a clear path to traverse the HTML document's structure, moving through parent, child, and sibling nodes.
  1. Data Extraction:
  • XPath facilitates the extraction of specific data elements or content from HTML documents.
  • It can target elements by their attributes (like IDs, classes) or their position within the document.
  1. Attribute and Text Retrieval:
  • XPath allows the extraction of attribute values or text content within HTML elements.
  • It can target attributes like href, src, class, etc.
  1. Pattern Matching and Filtering:
  • XPath enables the creation of complex queries and patterns for selecting elements that meet specific criteria or conditions.
  1. Automation and Web Scraping:
  • XPath is widely used in web scraping tools and libraries (e.g., BeautifulSoup in Python) for automated extraction of data from web pages.

Compare bar graph, box-plot and histogram with respect to their applicability in data visualization.

AspectBar GraphsBox PlotsHistograms
Data TypeCategorical dataNumerical dataContinuous numerical data
Use CasesComparing categories or discrete groupsDisplaying data distribution, variability, outliersShowing frequency distribution within intervals (bins)
RepresentationBars representing categories/groupsQuartiles, median, outliers, data spreadDistribution of data within continuous intervals
Insight FocusComparisons among categories/groupsData spread, outliers, quartilesUnderstanding data distribution, skewness, central tendency
Visual PurposeClear visual comparisons among discrete groupsSummary of data distribution and variabilityDisplaying frequency distribution of continuous data
Handling OutliersLess emphasis on identifying outliersClearly identifies outliers and variabilityIdentification of data skewness, potential outliers
Data SpreadLimited information on spread or variabilityEmphasizes spread, variabilityShows data spread, central tendency, and distribution
Data RangeShows discrete categories/groupsCaptures quartiles, outliers, overall spreadDepicts data spread across continuous intervals
SkewnessLess emphasis on skewness identificationHighlights potential skewness in the dataShows potential skewness and shape of distribution
Usage FlexibilityCommonly used for categorical comparisonsVersatile for summarizing numerical dataSuitable for understanding continuous data distribution

Define the term Data wrangling. Explain the steps needed to perform data wrangling.

Data wrangling, also known as data munging, is the process of cleaning, structuring, and transforming raw data into a suitable format for analysis. It involves various steps to ensure that the data is accurate, consistent, and ready for further processing or analysis.

Steps involved in performing data wrangling:

  1. Data Collection:
  • Gather raw data from various sources such as databases, files, APIs, or other data repositories.
  1. Data Inspection:
  • Explore the dataset to understand its structure, size, and quality.
  1. Data Cleaning:
  • Handle missing or null values by imputing or removing them based on the context.
  • Address inconsistencies, such as correcting data formats, standardizing text, or fixing errors.
  1. Data Transformation:
  • Convert data into a consistent format, normalize numerical data, and perform feature engineering for analysis.
  1. Handling Duplicates:
  • Identify and handle duplicate entries in the dataset to ensure data integrity.
  1. Data Integration:
  • Combine data from multiple sources or datasets to create a unified dataset.
  1. Handling Outliers:
  • Detect and address outliers that might significantly impact analysis results.
  1. Data Formatting:
  • Format data in a way that suits the intended analysis.
  • Convert data types, reshape data, or pivot tables if required.
  1. Validation and Quality Assurance:
  • Validate the processed data to ensure accuracy and consistency.
  • Perform quality checks to verify if the data meets predefined standards.

What do you mean by Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA)? How t-test is useful for EDA?

  • Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) is a critical step in data analysis that involves examining and visualizing data sets to summarize their main characteristics, often with the help of statistical graphics and other data visualization methods.
  • The primary goals of EDA include identifying patterns, trends, anomalies, and relationships within the data, as well as formulating hypotheses and insights that can guide further analysis.

How T-Test is Useful in EDA:

  1. Hypothesis Testing: Test hypotheses about means, providing statistical evidence for or against a specific claim.
  2. Identifying Differences: Determine if observed differences between groups are statistically significant.
  3. Quantifying Uncertainty: Provide a p-value indicating the likelihood of observing the data if there is no true difference.
  4. Decision-Making: Guide decisions based on statistical evidence, distinguishing real effects from random variability.

Differentiate rand and randn function in Numpy.

Distribution TypeUniform distribution between 0 (inclusive) and 1 (exclusive).Standard normal distribution (mean=0, standard deviation=1).
Syntaxnumpy.random.rand(d0, d1, ..., dn)numpy.random.randn(d0, d1, ..., dn)
Output Range[0, 1)Infinite range with higher probability around 0.
Default Distribution ShapeFlat, values equally likely across the range.Peak at 0, with decreasing probability as values move away.
Mean and Standard DeviationNot applicable as it's a uniform distribution.Mean (μ) is 0, Standard Deviation (σ) is 1.
Use CasesWhen a random sample with uniform distribution is needed.When a random sample from a normal distribution is needed.
Examplepython np.random.rand(2, 3)python np.random.randn(2, 3)

Explain Groupby function in pandas with example.

  • The groupby() function in pandas is used to group data in a DataFrame based on specified columns.
  • It allows you to split the data into groups based on a criteria and then perform operations on these groups.

Let's consider a DataFrame containing information about sales transactions:

The output will be a new DataFrame where the data is grouped by the 'Category' column, and for each category, the sum of 'Price' and 'Quantity' is calculated:

Explain Trick in python with example.

  • The term "hashing trick" is often used in machine learning when dealing with high-dimensional categorical data.

  • However, scikit-learn doesn't have a specific function labeled as a "hashing trick," but it does provide tools for feature extraction and preprocessing that can be used to simulate hashing techniques.

Write a program to print Current date and time.

Depict steps to create a scatter plot with example.

  1. Gather Data: Collect data on hours studied and exam scores for each student.

  2. Choose the Axes: Decide which variable goes on each axis.

  3. Scale the Axes: Determine the scale and range for each axis.

  4. Plot the Points: Plot each data point on the graph according to the values in your dataset.

  5. Add Labels and Title: Label the x and y-axes with the variable names ("Hours Studied" and "Exam Score"), and give the plot a title, like "Relationship between Hours Studied and Exam Scores."

  6. Interpretation: Analyze the plot to observe any trends or patterns.

Define correlation and explain its importance in Data Science.

Correlation measures the strength and direction of the relationship between two variables. It indicates how changes in one variable correspond to changes in another. A correlation value ranges from -1 to 1.

  1. Feature Selection: Correlation helps identify influential features for predictive modeling.

  2. Multicollinearity Detection: It spots highly correlated predictors, aiding in model improvement by removing redundant features.

  3. Insight Generation: Reveals how variables interact, aiding in decision-making.

  4. Model Building: Selects uncorrelated features for better model performance.

  5. Identifying Relationships: Uncovers hidden patterns or connections between variables.

  6. Risk Assessment: Assists in assessing risks and making informed decisions, particularly in finance.

Differentiate: Bar graph vs. Histogram

AspectBar GraphHistogram
Data TypeCategoricalContinuous
RepresentationBars represent categories/groupsBars represent continuous intervals
SpacingSpace between barsBars touch, forming continuous range
X-AxisCategories or groupsIntervals or bins for continuous data
Y-AxisValues or frequencies per categoryFrequency or count within intervals
Use CasesComparing discrete categories/groupsShowing distribution of continuous data

Why data visualization is important in Data Science?

  1. Communicating Insights: Visualizations make complex data easily understandable, aiding in conveying findings to non-technical audiences.

  2. Pattern Identification: Visual representations uncover hidden patterns, trends, and outliers within the data.

  3. Decision-Making Support: Visualizations facilitate quick comparisons and aid decision-making processes.

  4. Storytelling with Data: They help in creating engaging narratives around data-driven insights.

  5. Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA): Visuals assist in initial data exploration and hypothesis generation.

  6. Quality Assurance: Visualizations highlight data inconsistencies for better data refinement.

  7. Identifying Relationships: They show how variables relate, indicating cause-and-effect scenarios.

Provide your views on Data wrangling with suitable example.

Data Wrangling with Views:

  • Data wrangling is akin to preparing raw data for a performance on the analytical stage.

  • It involves cleaning, shaping, and organizing data to make it suitable for analysis.

  • Imagine it as the backstage preparation before a musical concert, where instruments are tuned, arrangements are made, and everything is set for a seamless performance.

  • Let's take an example of a dataset containing information about online shopping orders.

1. Data Collection:

  • Raw data includes order details, customer information, and transaction records.

2. Data Inspection:

  • Explore the dataset to understand its structure and identify issues like missing addresses or inconsistent product codes.

3. Data Cleaning:

  • Handle missing values by imputing them based on similar orders.
  • Correct inconsistent product names and ensure uniformity.

4. Data Transformation:

  • Convert date formats into a standardized form for easy analysis.
  • Create a new column calculating the total order value.

5. Handling Duplicates:

  • Identify and remove duplicate entries, ensuring accurate order counts.

6. Data Integration:

  • Merge customer data with order data to create a comprehensive dataset.

7. Handling Outliers:

  • Detect and address outliers in the total order value, preventing skewed analysis.

8. Data Formatting:

  • Format numerical values to a consistent decimal place for uniformity.

9. Validation and Quality Assurance:

  • Validate the processed data to ensure correctness, cross-verify with original sources.

Four marks

Compare and summarize four different coding styles supported by Python language. ( SUMMER )

List and Explain different programming styles in python. ( SUMMER )

List and explain different coding styles supported by python.

1. Procedural Programming:

  • Principles:

    • Emphasizes step-by-step instructions to solve a problem.
    • Focuses on functions or procedures performing specific tasks.
  • Characteristics:

    • Divides the program into smaller, reusable functions.
    • Uses control structures like loops and conditionals extensively.
  • Example:

2. Object-Oriented Programming (OOP):

  • Principles:

    • Focuses on creating objects that encapsulate data and behavior.
    • Encourages concepts like inheritance, encapsulation, and polymorphism.
  • Characteristics:

    • Classes represent objects with attributes (data) and methods (functions).
    • Promotes reusability, modularity, and extensibility.
  • Example:

3. Functional Programming:

  • Principles:

    • Focuses on functions as first-class citizens, supporting higher-order functions.
    • Emphasizes immutable data and avoiding side effects.
  • Characteristics:

    • Uses pure functions that produce predictable outputs with no side effects.
    • Leverages concepts like map, filter, reduce for data transformation.
  • Example:

4. Declarative Programming:

  • Principles:
    • Focuses on describing the desired result without explicitly stating the step-by-step process.
    • Relies on expressions, queries, or specifications.
  • Characteristics:
    • Emphasizes what needs to be achieved rather than how it should be done.
    • Often used in SQL queries, regular expressions, and declarative libraries.
  • Example:

Explain categorical variables in detail.

  • Categorical variables are a type of qualitative data that represent categories or groups. They contain a limited number of distinct categories or levels and are often represented by words, symbols, or codes.

Characteristics of Categorical Variables:

  1. Limited Categories: Categorical variables have a finite number of possible values or levels.
  2. No Inherent Ordering: The categories lack inherent ordering or ranking (e.g., colors, types of cars).
  3. Textual or Numeric Representation: They can be represented textually (e.g., "Red," "Green," "Blue") or numerically (e.g., 1 for "Small," 2 for "Medium," 3 for "Large").
  4. Qualitative Information: These variables convey qualitative rather than quantitative information.

Types of Categorical Variables:

  1. Nominal Variables: Categories without any inherent order or ranking (e.g., colors, types of fruits).
  2. Ordinal Variables: Categories with a clear ordering but without a consistent difference between them (e.g., ratings like low, medium, high).

Importance in Data Analysis:

  • Grouping and Segmentation: Categorical variables are used to group or segment data based on common characteristics or attributes.
  • Statistical Analysis: They are vital in statistical analysis, especially in descriptive statistics, where frequencies and proportions of different categories are examined.
  • Model Building: Often used as input features in machine learning models after encoding into numerical form.


Differentiate List and Tuple in Python

MutabilityMutable: Can be modified (add, remove elements) after creation.Immutable: Once created, cannot be modified.
SyntaxDefined using square brackets [ ].Defined using parentheses ( ).
PerformanceSlightly slower compared to tuples.Generally faster than lists for iteration and indexing.
Memory UsageConsumes more memory.Consumes less memory compared to lists.
Use CaseSuitable for situations where elements may need to be changed or modified.Preferred for read-only data or situations where the content should remain constant.
MethodsProvides more built-in methods, such as append(), extend(), remove().Limited methods due to immutability, includes basic methods like count() and index().
Examplemy_list = [1, 2, 3, 'apple']my_tuple = (1, 2, 3, 'apple')

Have Or

List the multiprocessing tasks that can be done using SciKit-learn?

  1. Cross-validation Enhancement: SciKit-learn's GridSearchCV and cross_val_score functions facilitate parallelization by splitting cross-validation folds across multiple jobs when n_jobs is set. This speeds up the evaluation of different parameter combinations.

  2. Ensemble Methods Optimization: Certain ensemble methods such as RandomForest and GradientBoosting benefit from parallel processing. They construct individual estimators concurrently when the n_jobs parameter is defined, enhancing the efficiency of these ensemble techniques.

  3. Hyperparameter Tuning Advancement: The GridSearchCV and RandomizedSearchCV functions exploit parallel processing to explore diverse hyperparameter combinations simultaneously, expediting the search for the best model configuration.

  4. Model Training Acceleration: Specific algorithms within SciKit-learn, like LinearSVC and KMeans, support the n_jobs parameter for parallel computation during model training. This enables faster model fitting by leveraging available computational resources.

While SciKit-learn offers some parallel processing options, it's essential to note that not all functionalities or algorithms support multiprocessing.

How hash functions can be useful to solve data science problems?

Key Utilities of Hash Functions in Data Science:

  1. Data Indexing and Retrieval:
  • Hash functions can efficiently index and retrieve data in data structures like hash tables or dictionaries. This makes data retrieval faster, especially when dealing with large datasets.
  1. Data Integrity and Verification:
  • Hash functions generate a fixed-size "digest" or "hash value" unique to the input data. This value can be used to verify the integrity of data. Even a tiny change in the input data results in a significantly different hash value.
  1. Data Security and Encryption:
  • In cryptography, hash functions are fundamental. They are used to store passwords securely, create digital signatures, and ensure data integrity.
  1. Feature Engineering in Machine Learning:
  • Hash functions can be applied in feature engineering to convert categorical variables into numerical form. This technique, known as hashing trick or feature hashing, is beneficial when dealing with high-dimensional categorical data.
  1. Dimensionality Reduction:
  • Feature hashing using hash functions helps reduce the dimensionality of data. This is useful when dealing with high-dimensional data, as it can decrease memory usage and computational complexity.
  1. Load Balancing and Data Distribution:
  • Hash functions are used in distributed systems to evenly distribute data across multiple nodes or partitions, aiding load balancing and efficient data distribution.
  1. Probabilistic Data Structures:
  • Hash functions are essential in constructing probabilistic data structures like Bloom filters and MinHash, which are used in approximate set membership queries and similarity estimation in large datasets.

Explain Slicing rows and columns with example.

  • Slicing in Python allows you to extract specific portions or subsets of data from lists, arrays, or data structures like Pandas DataFrames or NumPy arrays.
  • Slicing rows and columns in a DataFrame or array involves specifying the range or criteria to select the desired rows and columns.

Pandas DataFrame - Slicing Rows and Columns:

Output - Pandas DataFrame:

NumPy Array - Slicing Rows and Columns:

Output - NumPy Array:

These outputs demonstrate the selected rows and columns for both Pandas DataFrame and NumPy Array.

Explain Box plot with example.

  • A box plot, also known as a box-and-whisker plot, is a graphical representation used to depict the distribution of a dataset and display the summary statistics, including median, quartiles, and potential outliers. It provides a visual summary of the central tendency, spread, and skewness of the data.

  • Components of a Box Plot:

  • Median (Q2): The middle value of the dataset.

  • Quartiles (Q1, Q3): Values that divide the dataset into four equal parts.

  • Interquartile Range (IQR): Range between the first and third quartiles (Q3 - Q1).

  • Whiskers: Lines extending from the box, representing the minimum and maximum values within a certain range.

  • Outliers: Data points lying outside the whiskers, indicating potential extreme values.

  • Example of a Box Plot using Python (with Matplotlib):

Explain stemming and stop words removal operation in python.

Stemming (Python - NLTK): It's the process of reducing words to their root form. For example, "running" becomes "run." You can use NLTK (Natural Language Toolkit) in Python for stemming.

Stop Words Removal (Python - NLTK): Stop words like "the," "and," or "is" don't add much meaning. NLTK in Python helps remove these to focus on the important words.

Explain HTML parsing using Beautiful soup. ( SUMMER )

Explain with example how to parse XML and HTML.

  • Parsing XML with xml.etree.ElementTree:
  • Parsing HTML with BeautifulSoup:

Write a python code to access data from web.

How to Obtain online graphics and multimedia. Explain with example.

Obtaining online graphics and multimedia typically involves fetching images, videos, or other media files from online sources using Python libraries like requests. Here's an example focusing on retrieving images from online URLs:

  • Fetching Images from Online URLs:

Explain range() function with suitable examples.

The range() function in Python generates a sequence of numbers within a specified range. It's commonly used in loops to iterate a specific number of times or to create lists of numbers.

  • Syntax:

  • range(stop)

  • range(start, stop,[ step])

  • Examples:

  • Example 1: Using range() for Looping

How to format Date and Time in python. Explain it with example.

  • In Python, you can format date and time using the datetime module, which provides the strftime() method (string format time) to format date and time objects into strings.

  • Formatting Date and Time Example:

  • Output:

Explain the input function of python that demonstrates type casting.

  • The input() function in Python is used to take user input from the console. It reads a line of text entered by the user and returns it as a string.


Example with Type Casting:

Output (Example):

  • The input() function captures the user input as a string (str type).
  • Type casting is performed using int() to convert the string input to an integer (int type) in this example.
  • Before type casting, the value of age is a string, and after type casting, age_int becomes an integer.

Write a python program to read data from CSV files using pandas.

Write a python program to read data from a text file using pandas library.

Suppose you have a text file named data.txt with the following content:

  • Python Code Using Pandas:

This code uses pd.read_csv() from the Pandas library to read the data from the data.txt file. By default, read_csv() assumes that the data is comma-separated.

  • Output:

How to read data from relational database? Briefly explain it.

To read data from a SQLite database using Python and the pandas library, follow these steps:

  1. Install Required Libraries: Make sure you have pandas installed.

  2. Import Libraries: In your Python script or Jupyter Notebook, import the necessary libraries.

  3. Establish a Connection: Create a connection to your SQLite database.

  4. Read Data into DataFrame: Use pandas to read data from a database table into a DataFrame.

  5. Close the Connection: Always close the database connection after you've finished reading the data.

Write a program using Numpy to count number of “C” element wise in a given array.

What are the different ways to remove duplicate values from dataset?

  1. Using Sets:
  • Unique Elements: Convert the dataset into a set to automatically remove duplicates, then convert it back to the desired data structure if needed.
  1. Using dict.fromkeys() (Preserving Order):
  • Preserving Order: Utilize the dict.fromkeys() method to create a dictionary and extract keys (which are unique) to retain the order of elements.
  1. Using collections.OrderedDict() (Preserving Order in Python 3.7+):
  • Preserving Order: In Python 3.7 and later, an OrderedDict can maintain order while removing duplicates.
  1. Using pandas (For DataFrames):
  • DataFrames: In pandas, use the drop_duplicates() method to remove duplicate rows from a DataFrame.
  1. Using numpy:
  • Unique Elements: NumPy's np.unique() function can extract unique elements from an array.

What do you mean by slicing operation in string of python? Write an example of slicing to fetch first name and last name from full name of person and display it.

Explain String Slicing in python with Example.

In Python, slicing is a technique used to extract a portion of a string, list, or any sequence type by specifying a start and end index. For strings, slicing is performed using square brackets [start:end].

  • Example - Fetching First and Last Name from Full Name: Suppose we have a full name string like "John Doe".

  • Python Code for Slicing:

Differentiate Numpy and Pandas.

Data StructureArrays (ndarray)DataFrame, Series
Primary PurposeNumerical computations, mathematical opsData manipulation, analysis, time series
Main DependencyCore library for numeric computing in PythonBuilt on top of NumPy, extends functionality
Core ObjectndarrayDataFrame (2D), Series (1D)
Data HandlingHomogeneous data (one data type)Heterogeneous data (multiple data types)
IndexingInteger-basedLabel-based (row/column labels)
Missing ValuesNot directly supportedHandles missing values (NaN) efficiently
PerformanceFast for numerical operationsSlower for numerical ops, optimized for data manipulation
UsageLow-level array manipulationHigh-level data manipulation, analysis

Differentiate: Dictionary and List

Differentiate the list and dictionary data types of python by their characteristics along with example in brief.(summer-3)

OrderOrdered sequence of elementsUnordered collection of key-value pairs
IndexingAccessed by index (integer position)Accessed by keys
MutabilityMutable (modifiable after creation)Mutable
ElementsContains homogeneous or mixed dataContains values of any data type with keys
DuplicatesAllows duplicate elementsKeys are unique; overwrites if repeated
StorageStores elements in a linear fashionUses hash table for efficient retrieval
SyntaxCreated using square brackets []Created using curly braces
IterationIterates over elements sequentiallyIterates over keys or values
Use CaseUse when sequence/order mattersUse when accessing data by unique keys

What is chi-square test? why it is necessary in data analysis?

The chi-square test is a statistical method used to determine if there is a significant association between categorical variables. It evaluates whether the observed frequency distribution of categorical data differs significantly from the expected frequency distribution.

Key Aspects of Chi-Square Test:

  1. Purpose: It assesses the relationship between categorical variables in a contingency table (a table that displays the frequency distribution of variables).

  2. Null Hypothesis: The test assumes that there is no association between the categorical variables.

  3. Calculation: It computes a test statistic (chi-square statistic) based on the differences between observed and expected frequencies.

  4. Degrees of Freedom: The degrees of freedom depend on the dimensions of the contingency table and help determine the critical chi-square value from the distribution.

  5. Interpretation: By comparing the computed chi-square statistic to the critical value from a chi-square distribution, the test determines if the observed frequencies deviate significantly from the expected frequencies. A lower p-value indicates a stronger deviation, leading to the rejection of the null hypothesis.

Importance in Data Analysis:

  • Identifying Relationships: It helps in understanding whether there's an association between categorical variables. For instance, in survey data, it might reveal if there's a relationship between gender and preferences.

  • Model Validation: In predictive modeling, chi-square tests can be used for feature selection by identifying significant variables that affect the target variable.

  • Quality Control: In manufacturing or quality control processes, it can determine if the occurrence of defects is related to specific factors or variables.

Chi-square tests provide a statistical framework to assess the independence or association between categorical variables, enabling researchers, analysts, and data scientists to draw meaningful conclusions from categorical data. Its significance lies in validating hypotheses and revealing associations crucial for decision-making in various fields.

Define term n-gram. Explain the TF-IDF techniques.

Explain TF-IDF transformations.(Winter 3)


  • N-grams are contiguous sequences of n items (words, characters, or tokens) extracted from a text or sentence. They are used in natural language processing (NLP) and text analysis to capture the context and relationships between words.

  • Types of N-grams:

    • Unigrams (1-grams): Single words in the text.
    • Bigrams (2-grams): Two-word sequences (e.g., "natural language").
    • Trigrams (3-grams): Three-word sequences (e.g., "machine learning algorithm").
    • N-grams: Sequences of 'n' contiguous items in the text.

N-grams are helpful in tasks like language modeling, text generation, and feature extraction for machine learning models, providing context-based information about the text.

TF-IDF (Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency):

  • TF-IDF is a numerical statistic used in information retrieval and text mining to evaluate the importance of a term in a document relative to a collection of documents.

  • Term Frequency (TF):

    • Measures the frequency of a term (word) in a document.
    • Helps in understanding the significance of a term within an individual document.
  • Inverse Document Frequency (IDF):

    • Measures the importance of a term across multiple documents.
    • Emphasizes rare terms that are more informative by giving them higher weights.
  • TF-IDF Calculation:

    • TF-IDF(t,d,D) = TF(t,d) × IDF(t,D)
    • High TF-IDF values are assigned to terms that are frequent within a document but rare across the entire corpus, indicating their significance in describing the document's content.

Use of TF-IDF:

  • Document Retrieval: Helps in ranking and retrieving documents relevant to a query by assessing the importance of terms.
  • Text Mining: Identifies significant terms or keywords in a document collection.
  • Information Retrieval: Used in search engines to rank the relevance of documents to a user query.

Explain DataFrame in Pandas with example.

  • In Pandas, a DataFrame is a two-dimensional, size-mutable, and potentially heterogeneous tabular data structure with labeled axes (rows and columns). It's like a table or spreadsheet with rows and columns where each column can have a different data type.

DataFrame Features:

  • Flexibility: Allows various data types and different lengths of data in columns.
  • Manipulation: Enables easy data manipulation, indexing, and slicing.
  • Operations: Supports various operations like merging, joining, grouping, and statistical computations.
  • Visualization: Allows visualization of data using built-in plotting functions.

Creating a DataFrame:


Write a brief note on NetworkX library.

NetworkX is a Python library for working with networks or graphs. It helps you create, study, and visualize how things are connected.

Here are the key points:

  • Graphs Made Easy: It helps you build graphs where you can show how things are linked to each other.
  • Graph Analysis: You can study these graphs using different tools to find the shortest path, see important points, or even find groups within the network.
  • Visualize Connections: It lets you draw and see these networks visually to understand them better.
  • Many Uses: People use it for studying social networks, finding the best routes in maps, or even understanding connections in biology.

In simple terms, NetworkX is like a toolkit for understanding and visualizing how things are connected to each other in different areas like friendships in social media or roads on a map.

Differentiate join and merge functions in pandas.

Aspectjoin() Methodmerge() Function
Function TypeDataFrame methodPandas function
Default Join TypeLeft join based on indices by defaultInner join by default
UsageConvenient for index-based joinsOffers more flexibility in specifying columns/indices
Join Types SupportedLimited to certain join types (mainly left join)Supports various join types (inner, outer, left, right)
Column HandlingRequires non-overlapping column namesHandles overlapping columns; allows suffix specification
FlexibilityLimited flexibility in join configurationsOffers more options and configurations for joining
Multi-column JoinLimited support for multi-column joinsSupports multi-column joins

Differentiate Supervised and Unsupervised learning.

AspectSupervised LearningUnsupervised Learning
DefinitionUses labeled data to train models, predicting outcomes or labels.Utilizes unlabeled data to discover patterns, structures, or groups.
Training DataRequires labeled training data (input-output pairs).Operates on unlabeled or unstructured data.
ObjectivePredicts or classifies outcomes based on input features.Identifies patterns, clusters, or structures in data.
GuidanceReceives explicit feedback during training (correct labels).Lacks explicit feedback; no correct answers provided.
Performance EvaluationCan measure accuracy, precision, recall, etc., using labeled data.Evaluation is often subjective or based on internal metrics.
ExamplesRegression, classification, object detection, sentiment analysis.Clustering, dimensionality reduction, anomaly detection.
SupervisionSupervised by labeled data; model learns from labeled examples.No explicit supervision; model finds hidden patterns independently.

For what purpose sampling is used. Demonstrate random sampling with example.

Sampling is used in statistics and data analysis to gather insights or draw conclusions about a larger population based on a subset of that population. It involves selecting a smaller representative sample from a larger population, as it's often impractical or impossible to analyze the entire population directly.

Purposes of Sampling:

  1. Cost-Efficiency: Collecting data from an entire population might be time-consuming or expensive. Sampling reduces costs and resources required for analysis.

  2. Feasibility: When dealing with large populations, sampling makes data collection and analysis more manageable.

  3. Accuracy: Well-selected samples can accurately represent the characteristics of the larger population.

Random Sampling Example:

Let's demonstrate random sampling using Python:

Suppose we have a population of numbers from 1 to 100, and we want to select a random sample of 10 numbers from this population.



  • The random.sample() function selects a specified number of unique elements from the population without replacement.
  • In this example, it randomly selects 10 numbers from the population without repetition, creating a representative sample.

Why we need to perform Z-score standardization in EDA? Justify it with example.

  • Z-score standardization, also known as standard scaling, is a technique used in Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) to standardize numerical features by transforming them to a standard normal distribution. This process ensures that the variables have a mean of 0 and a standard deviation of 1.

Importance of Z-score Standardization in EDA:

  1. Comparison Across Variables: It allows for fair comparison and analysis of variables with different scales and units. Standardizing variables brings them to a common scale, making their magnitudes comparable.

  2. Outlier Detection: Z-scores help identify outliers. Observations with z-scores beyond a certain threshold (typically ±3) might be considered outliers and warrant further investigation.

  3. Preparation for Modeling: Many machine learning algorithms perform better when features are on the same scale. Z-score standardization helps improve the performance and convergence of models by providing consistent scaling.


Suppose we have two variables: "Income" (measured in dollars) and "Age" (measured in years). These variables have different scales.



  • After applying Z-score standardization, both "Income" and "Age" columns have been transformed. Their means are approximately 0, and standard deviations are approximately 1.
  • This transformation brings the variables onto the same scale, allowing for easier interpretation and comparison during EDA or model building.

Define covariance and explain its importance with appropriate example.

What do you mean by covariance? What is the importance of covariance in data analysis? Explain it with example.

Covariance measures how two variables change or vary together. It indicates the direction of the linear relationship between two variables: whether they move in the same direction (positive covariance), opposite directions (negative covariance), or have no relationship (zero covariance).

Importance of Covariance in Data Analysis:

  1. Relationship between Variables: Covariance helps identify the direction of the relationship between two variables. A positive covariance indicates that the variables tend to increase or decrease together, while a negative covariance indicates an inverse relationship.

  2. Strength of Relationship: The magnitude of the covariance indicates the strength of the relationship between variables. Larger covariance values signify a stronger relationship.

  3. Model Building: Covariance is used in some statistical models and calculations, such as the calculation of the coefficients in linear regression.

Calculation of Covariance:

For two variables X and Y, the covariance formula is:


  • xix_i and yiy_i are individual data points.
  • Xˉ\bar{X} and Yˉ\bar{Y} are the means of variables X and Y, respectively.
  • nn is the number of data points.


Let's calculate the covariance between two variables "X" and "Y":



  • The calculated covariance between variables X and Y is 3.0.
  • A positive covariance suggests that as the values of X increase, the values of Y also tend to increase, indicating a positive relationship between X and Y.

Explain how to deal with missing data in Pandas.

Handling missing data in Pandas involves various methods to identify, handle, and manage missing or NaN (Not a Number) values within a DataFrame.

Dealing with Missing Data in Pandas:

  1. Identifying Missing Values:

    • isnull() or isna(): These functions identify missing values in the DataFrame, returning True for NaN values.
    • notnull() or notna(): Returns True for non-missing values.
  2. Handling Missing Values:

    • Removing Missing Values:

      • dropna(): Drops rows or columns with missing values based on specified axis and thresholds.
      • Example: df.dropna(axis=0, thresh=2) drops rows with at least 2 NaN values.
    • Filling Missing Values:

      • fillna(): Fills missing values with specified values like mean, median, or custom values.
      • Example: df.fillna(value=0) fills NaN values with 0.
  3. Interpolation:

    • interpolate(): Fills missing values using interpolation methods like linear or polynomial.
    • Example: df.interpolate(method='linear') fills NaN values using linear interpolation.


Consider a DataFrame df with missing values:


Write a program to interchange the List elements on two positions entered by a user

Establish relationship between AI, data science and big data.

AI (Artificial Intelligence), data science, and big data are interconnected domains that often collaborate to drive technological advancements and solutions:

  1. Big Data and Data Science:

    • Connection: Big data refers to large volumes of structured or unstructured data that traditional processing methods struggle to handle. Data science involves extracting insights, patterns, and knowledge from data.
    • Relationship: Big data acts as the fuel for data science. Data scientists use big data tools and techniques to explore, clean, analyze, and derive valuable insights from massive datasets.
  2. Data Science and AI:

    • Connection: Data science encompasses a range of methods, algorithms, and practices to extract insights from data. AI involves the development of systems capable of human-like decision-making, learning, and problem-solving.
    • Relationship: Data science techniques, especially machine learning and deep learning, form the core of AI development. These methods enable AI systems to learn from data, recognize patterns, and make predictions or decisions.
  3. AI and Big Data:

    • Connection: AI applications, particularly machine learning models, generate significant amounts of data through interactions, predictions, and feedback loops.
    • Relationship: Big data supports AI systems by providing the necessary data for training and continuous learning. AI systems leverage big data to improve accuracy, learn from patterns, and adapt to changing scenarios.

Interdependency Summary:

  • Big Data provides the raw material for Data Science to extract insights and make data-driven decisions.
  • Data Science serves as the foundation for AI algorithms, enabling machines to learn, reason, and make predictions.
  • AI, in turn, generates and consumes data, contributing to the expansion of Big Data while utilizing it to improve its own capabilities.

Provide duties performed by a Data Scientist with suitable example

Data scientists perform various responsibilities that involve extracting insights, solving complex problems, and leveraging data-driven approaches to drive decision-making. Some typical duties of a data scientist include:

  1. Data Collection and Cleaning:

    • Duty: Gathering, extracting, and processing data from various sources. This involves data cleaning to handle missing values, outliers, and inconsistencies.
    • Example: Collecting customer behavior data from an e-commerce website and cleaning the dataset by removing duplicate entries and handling missing values.
  2. Data Analysis and Exploration:

    • Duty: Analyzing and exploring data to identify patterns, correlations, and trends using statistical methods and visualization techniques.
    • Example: Analyzing sales data to identify seasonal trends or customer preferences using histograms, scatter plots, or time series analysis.
  3. Model Development and Machine Learning:

    • Duty: Building predictive models, applying machine learning algorithms, and developing AI solutions to solve business problems.
    • Example: Developing a recommendation system for a streaming platform to suggest personalized content to users based on their viewing history using collaborative filtering algorithms.
  4. Model Evaluation and Optimization:

    • Duty: Evaluating model performance, fine-tuning parameters, and optimizing algorithms for better accuracy and efficiency.
    • Example: Assessing the accuracy of a fraud detection model and fine-tuning it to reduce false positives and negatives.
  5. Insights and Reporting:

    • Duty: Communicating findings and actionable insights to stakeholders through reports, visualizations, and presentations.
    • Example: Presenting insights from customer segmentation analysis to the marketing team to optimize targeted advertising campaigns.
  6. Continuous Learning and Improvement:

    • Duty: Staying updated with the latest tools, techniques, and advancements in the field of data science.
    • Example: Learning new machine learning algorithms or attending workshops to enhance skills in natural language processing (NLP) for sentiment analysis.

Explain Training and Testing with suitable example.

Training and testing are crucial steps in machine learning for building and evaluating models. Here's an explanation with an example:

Training and Testing in Machine Learning:

  1. Training:

    • Objective: Using a subset of available data to teach a machine learning model to recognize patterns and relationships within the data.
    • Process: The model is exposed to labeled data (features and corresponding targets), and it adjusts its parameters iteratively to minimize the difference between predicted and actual outputs.
    • Example: Consider a dataset of housing prices with features like square footage, number of bedrooms, etc. The model learns patterns between these features and house prices during the training phase.
  2. Testing:

    • Objective: Assessing the model's performance on new, unseen data to evaluate how well it generalizes to make predictions.
    • Process: Using a separate portion of the dataset (not seen during training) to test the trained model's predictive abilities.
    • Example: After training on historical housing data, the model is tested on a new set of houses with features but without known prices. The model's predictions are compared to actual prices to evaluate its accuracy.

Explain importance of Legends, Labels and Annotations in Graphs.

Explain Labels, Annotation and Legends in MatPlotLib.(3)

Explain labels, annotations and legends.(3)

Legends, labels, and annotations play crucial roles in enhancing the clarity and understanding of graphs:

  1. Legends:

    • Importance: Legends help in identifying multiple elements or categories represented in the graph, especially when multiple data series or categories are plotted.
    • Usage: They label each element or category, allowing viewers to distinguish between different lines, bars, or points in the plot.
    • Example: In a line chart showing temperature trends for different cities, a legend clarifies which line corresponds to each city, aiding comprehension.
  2. Labels:

    • Importance: Labels provide context and information about the axes, data points, or specific features in the graph.
    • Usage: Axis labels clarify what each axis represents (e.g., units, variables), while data point labels display values directly on the plot.
    • Example: Axis labels indicating time or quantity units help interpret the graph, while data point labels on a scatter plot show precise values for each point.
  3. Annotations:

    • Importance: Annotations add additional descriptive information or highlight specific data points or events in the graph.
    • Usage: They provide context, explanations, or call attention to noteworthy details, such as peaks, anomalies, or significant observations.
    • Example: Adding annotations to a line chart to mark specific events (e.g., product launches, economic crises) helps viewers understand their impact on trends.


seven marks

Discuss why python is a first choice for data scientists?

  1. Ease of Learning:
  • Python's simple syntax makes it easy to learn and use, allowing data scientists to focus on problem-solving.
  1. Rich Libraries:
  • Python offers powerful libraries like NumPy, pandas, and Scikit-learn, streamlining various data science tasks.
  1. Active Community:
  • A large community ensures ample support, resources, and solutions for data science challenges.
  1. Versatility:
  • Python's general-purpose nature allows seamless integration into different applications and workflows.
  1. Integration Capabilities:
  • Python easily integrates with other languages, databases, big data tools, and cloud services.
  1. Data Visualization:
  • Robust libraries like Matplotlib and Seaborn facilitate effective data visualization for insights communication.
  1. Big Data Compatibility:
  • Python smoothly collaborates with big data tools like Apache Spark, enabling scalable analyses.
  1. High Job Demand:
  • Python's high demand in the job market, particularly in data science roles, enhances career opportunities.

Explain imputation in detail with example.

  • Imputation is the process of replacing missing or incomplete data with substituted values.
  • This is a crucial step in data preprocessing to ensure that missing values do not adversely affect the analysis.
  • There are various imputation techniques, and the choice depends on the nature of the data and the analysis.

Common Imputation Techniques:

  1. Mean/Median Imputation:
  • Replace missing values with the mean or median of the observed values for that variable.
  • Example:
  1. Mode Imputation:
  • Replace missing categorical values with the mode (most frequent value) of the variable.
  • Example:
  1. Forward/Backward Fill:
  • Fill missing values using the previous or subsequent non-missing value.
  • Example:
  1. Linear Regression Imputation:
  • Predict missing values based on the relationship with other variables using linear regression.
  • Example:


Consider a dataset with a column 'Age' containing missing values:

We can perform mean imputation to fill the missing 'Age' values:

After imputation:

Which are the basic activities we performed as a part of data science pipeline? Summarize and explain in brief.(summer 7)

  • A data science pipeline refers to the end-to-end process of collecting, processing, analyzing, and visualizing data to derive meaningful insights and make informed decisions.
  • It involves a series of interconnected steps that data scientists follow to extract value from raw data.
  • Here is a detailed explanation of the data science pipeline:
  1. Data Collection:
  • Gather relevant data from various sources to address the problem at hand.
  • Methods:
    • Web Scraping: Extracting data from websites.
    • APIs: Accessing data through application programming interfaces.
    • Databases: Retrieving information from databases.
    • Sensor Data: Collecting data from sensors or IoT devices.
  1. Data Cleaning:
  • Address missing values, handle outliers, and ensure data quality.
  • Methods:
    • Imputation: Filling in missing values using statistical methods.
    • Outlier Detection: Identifying and handling data points significantly different from the norm.
    • Normalization/Scaling: Ensuring data is on a similar scale for accurate comparisons.
  1. Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA):
  • Understand the characteristics of the data and identify patterns or trends.
  • Methods:
    • Descriptive Statistics: Summarizing key features of the data.
    • Data Visualization: Creating charts, graphs, and plots.
    • Correlation Analysis: Examining relationships between variables.
  1. Feature Engineering:
  • Create new features or transform existing ones to improve model performance.
  • Methods:
    • Creating Dummy Variables: Converting categorical variables into numerical representations.
    • Binning: Grouping continuous variables into bins.
    • Scaling: Standardizing or normalizing features.
  1. Model Development:
  • Build machine learning or statistical models to make predictions or classifications.
  • Methods:
    • Selecting Models: Choosing appropriate algorithms based on the problem (regression, classification, clustering).
    • Training Models: Teaching the model to make predictions using historical data.
    • Hyperparameter Tuning: Optimizing model parameters for better performance.
  1. Model Evaluation:
  • Assess the model's performance and identify areas for improvement.
  • Methods:
    • Metrics: Using appropriate evaluation metrics (accuracy, precision, recall, F1 score).
    • Cross-Validation: Testing the model on different subsets of the data to ensure generalization.
  1. Model Deployment:
  • Implement the model into production for real-world use.
  • Methods:
    • Integration: Embedding the model into existing systems.
    • Scalability: Ensuring the model can handle increased loads.
    • Monitoring: Regularly checking the model's performance in real-world scenarios.
  1. Communication of Results:
  • Convey insights and findings to stakeholders in a clear and understandable manner.
  • Methods:
    • Visualization: Creating informative charts and graphs.
    • Reporting: Generating comprehensive reports.
    • Presentations: Communicating findings through presentations.
  1. Iterative Refinement:
  • Continuously refine and improve the model and processes based on feedback and changing requirements.
  • Methods:
    • Feedback Loops: Incorporating user feedback into model updates.
    • Adaptation: Adjusting strategies based on evolving business needs.

Explain data science pipeline in details.

Explain how to create data science pipeline.(4 winter)

The data science pipeline is a systematic approach to handling data in the field of data science, combining both artistic and engineering aspects. The pipeline involves several key steps:

  1. Preparing the Data:

    • Data collected from various sources may not be initially in a structured format.
    • Transformation is required to convert data into a structured format, involving changes in data types, order, and handling missing data.
  2. Performing Data Analysis:

    • Data science offers access to a wide range of statistical methods and algorithms.
    • Multiple algorithms may be needed to achieve the desired output, and a trial-and-error approach is often employed.
  3. Learning from Data:

    • Iterative application of various statistical analysis methods and algorithms helps in learning from the data.
    • Results from algorithms may differ as insights are gained, leading to refined predictions.
  4. Visualizing:

    • Visualization is crucial for recognizing patterns in the data and reacting to those patterns.
    • It enables the identification of data that deviates from the established patterns.
  5. Obtaining Insights and Data Products:

    • Insights gained from data manipulation and analysis are used to perform real-world tasks.
    • The results of the analysis can inform business decisions or other practical applications.

Explain following data structures of python with suitable example. 1. String 2. List 3. Tuple 4. Dictionary

1. String:

  • A string is a sequence of characters enclosed within single (' '), double (" "), or triple (''' ''' or """ """) quotes in Python.
  • Example:

2. List:

  • A list is an ordered, mutable collection of elements.
  • It can contain elements of different data types and supports various operations like indexing, slicing, appending, and more.
  • Example:

3. Tuple:

  • A tuple is an ordered, immutable collection of elements. Once created, its elements cannot be modified.
  • Tuples are defined using parentheses.
  • Example:

4. Dictionary:

  • A dictionary is an unordered collection of key-value pairs. Each key must be unique, and it is associated with a corresponding value.
  • Dictionaries are defined using curly braces () and a colon (:).
  • Example:

Explain Dictionary in Python with example

  • A dictionary is an unordered collection of key-value pairs.
  • Each key must be unique within the dictionary, and it is associated with a corresponding value.
  • Dictionaries are defined using curly braces and a colon : to separate keys and values.


  • In the example above, a dictionary named person is created with keys ("name", "age", "city", "is_student") and their corresponding values. You can access values using square brackets and the key (person["name"]), modify values by assigning new values to keys, and add new key-value pairs.

Have Or

What do you mean by time series data? How can we plot it? Explain it with example to plot trend over time.

Explain time series plot with appropriate examples.

Time Series Data:

  • Time series data is a sequence of observations recorded or measured at successive points in time.
  • It is commonly used in various fields, including finance, economics, environmental science, and engineering.
  • Time series data typically exhibits a temporal ordering, where observations are indexed by time.

Plotting Time Series Data:

  • Plotting time series data is crucial for visualizing trends, patterns, and anomalies over time.
  • Matplotlib and other specialized libraries like Seaborn and Plotly can be used to create time series plots.


  • In this example, the x-axis represents dates, and the y-axis represents the temperature values.
  • Each point on the plot corresponds to a specific date and its recorded temperature.
  • The line connects these points, providing a visual representation of how the temperature changes over time.
Time Series Plot
Time Series Plot
  • Time series plots are valuable for identifying trends, patterns, or seasonality in the data.
  • They help in understanding the behavior of a variable over a continuous time period.

Explain pie chart plot with appropriate examples.

  • A pie chart is a circular statistical graphic that is divided into slices to illustrate numerical proportions.
  • Each slice represents a proportionate part of the whole data set.
  • Pie charts are effective for showing the relative sizes of different categories or components in a dataset.

Example: Let's consider an example of expenses distribution for a monthly budget.

  • In this example, each slice of the pie represents a different expense category, and the size of each slice corresponds to the proportion of the total monthly expenses.

  • The autopct parameter displays the percentage of each category, and the startangle parameter rotates the pie chart to start from a specific angle.

  • Pie charts are useful when you want to emphasize the contribution of each category to the whole.

  • They provide a quick and visually appealing way to convey the distribution of parts within a whole dataset.

Define the classification problem. How can it be solved using SciKit-learn?

  • In machine learning, a classification problem involves assigning a label or category to input data based on its features.
  • The goal is to learn a mapping from input features to a discrete output class.
  • Classification is a supervised learning task where the algorithm is trained on a labeled dataset to make predictions on new, unseen data.

Solving Classification Problem using SciKit-learn:

  • SciKit-learn is a popular machine learning library in Python that provides a wide range of tools for building and evaluating machine learning models, including classifiers for solving classification problems.
  • Here's a general outline of how to solve a classification problem using SciKit-learn:
  1. Import Necessary Libraries:

  2. Load and Preprocess Data:

  3. Choose a Classifier and Train the Model:

  4. Make Predictions:

  5. Evaluate the Model:

  6. Cross-Validation (Optional but recommended):

  7. Fine-Tuning (Optional):

  • Depending on the model used, you may want to fine-tune hyperparameters to optimize performance.
  1. Use the Model for Predictions:
  • Once the model is trained and evaluated, you can use it to make predictions on new, unseen data.

Define the regression problem. How can it be solved using SciKit- learn?

Regression Problem:

  • In machine learning, a regression problem involves predicting a continuous numerical value based on input features.
  • The goal is to learn a mapping from input features to a continuous output. Regression is a supervised learning task where the algorithm is trained on a labeled dataset to make predictions on new, unseen data.

Solving Regression Problem using SciKit-learn:

  • SciKit-learn, a popular machine learning library in Python, provides tools for building and evaluating regression models.
  • Here's a general outline of how to solve a regression problem using SciKit-learn:
  1. Import Necessary Libraries:

  2. Load and Preprocess Data:

  3. Choose a Regressor and Train the Model:

  4. Make Predictions:

  5. Evaluate the Model:

  6. Fine-Tuning (Optional):

  • Depending on the model used, you may want to fine-tune hyperparameters to optimize performance.
  1. Use the Model for Predictions:
  • Once the model is trained and evaluated, you can use it to make predictions on new, unseen data.

Is String a mutable data type? Also explain the string operations length, indexing and slicing in detail with an appropriate example

  • In Python, strings are immutable, meaning their values cannot be changed after they are created.
  • Once a string is assigned, you cannot modify individual characters in-place.
  • Any operation that appears to modify a string actually creates a new string.

String Operations:

  1. Length of a String:
  • The length of a string can be obtained using the len() function. It returns the number of characters in the string.

  1. Indexing:
  • Strings in Python are zero-indexed, meaning the first character is at index 0, the second at index 1, and so on. Negative indexing is also supported, where -1 refers to the last character, -2 to the second-to-last, and so forth.

  1. Slicing:
  • Slicing allows you to extract a portion of a string. The syntax is start:stop:step, where start is the index to start, stop is the index to stop (exclusive), and step is the step size.

  • Keep in mind that strings are immutable, so any modification results in a new string. For example:

What do you mean by missing values? Explain the different ways to handle the missing value with example.

  • In data analysis, missing values refer to the absence of data for a particular variable or feature in some or all records.
  • Handling missing values is crucial for accurate and meaningful analysis, as they can impact statistical measures, machine learning models, and overall insights drawn from the data.

Ways to Handle Missing Values:

  1. Deletion:
  • Listwise Deletion (Row Deletion): Removing entire rows with missing values.

  • Pairwise Deletion (Column Deletion): Removing specific columns with missing values.

  1. Imputation:
  • Mean/Median/Mode Imputation: Replacing missing values with the mean, median, or mode of the variable.

  • Constant Value Imputation: Replacing missing values with a specific constant.

  1. Forward and Backward Filling:
  • Forward Fill (ffill): Replacing missing values with the previous non-missing value.

  • Backward Fill (bfill): Replacing missing values with the next non-missing value.

  1. Interpolation:
  • Linear Interpolation: Filling missing values using linear interpolation between non-missing values.

  1. Using Machine Learning Models:
  • Regression Imputation: Predicting missing values based on other variables using a regression model.

What is the use of following operations on Panda’s Data Frames? Explain with a small example of each. 1. shape 2. tail() 3. describe()

Operations on Panda’s DataFrames:

  1. **shape:**
  • Use: Returns the dimensions (number of rows and columns) of the DataFrame.

  • Example:


    DataFrame Shape: (4, 3)
  1. **tail():**
  • Use: Returns the last n rows of the DataFrame (default n=5).

  • Example:


  1. **describe():**
  • Use: Generates descriptive statistics of the DataFrame, including count, mean, std (standard deviation), min, 25th percentile, 50th percentile (median), 75th percentile, and max.

  • Example:


What do you understand by Data visualization? Discuss some Python’s data visualization techniques.

  • Data visualization is the representation of data in a graphical or visual format.
  • It aims to provide insights into complex datasets by presenting information in a more understandable and interpretable manner.
  • Effective data visualization facilitates better understanding of patterns, trends, and relationships within the data.

Python’s Data Visualization Techniques:

  1. Matplotlib:
  • Matplotlib is a comprehensive library for creating static, interactive, and animated visualizations in Python. It provides a wide range of plotting options, including line plots, scatter plots, bar charts, histograms, and more.

  • Example:

  1. Seaborn:
  • Seaborn is built on top of Matplotlib and provides a high-level interface for creating statistical graphics. It simplifies the creation of complex visualizations and offers stylish default themes.

  • Example:

  1. Plotly:
  • Plotly is a versatile library that supports interactive and dynamic visualizations. It is well-suited for creating dashboards and web-based visualizations.

  • Example:

  1. Pandas Plotting:
  • Pandas, a data manipulation library, provides a simple interface for basic plotting directly from DataFrames. It is convenient for quick exploratory visualizations.

  • Example:

  1. Plotnine (Grammar of Graphics):
  • Plotnine is a Python implementation of the Grammar of Graphics, inspired by R’s ggplot2. It follows a declarative approach to create complex visualizations.

  • Example:

Write a code to draw pie chart using python’s library.

Write a Python programming to create a pie chart with a title of the popularity of programming Languages. Sample data: Programming languages: Java, Python, PHP, JavaScript, C#, C++ Popularity: 22.2, 17.6, 8.8, 8, 7.7, 6.7

Explain pie chart plot with appropriate examples.

  • A pie chart is a circular statistical graphic that is divided into slices to illustrate numerical proportions.
  • Each slice represents a proportionate part of the whole data set.
  • Pie charts are effective for showing the relative sizes of different categories or components in a dataset.

Example: Let's consider an example of expenses distribution for a monthly budget.

  • In this example, each slice of the pie represents a different expense category, and the size of each slice corresponds to the proportion of the total monthly expenses.

  • The autopct parameter displays the percentage of each category, and the startangle parameter rotates the pie chart to start from a specific angle.

  • Pie charts are useful when you want to emphasize the contribution of each category to the whole.

  • They provide a quick and visually appealing way to convey the distribution of parts within a whole dataset.

What is Data Wrangling process? Define data exploratory data analysis? Why EDA is required in data analysis?

Data Wrangling:

  • Data wrangling, also known as data munging, is the process of cleaning, structuring, and enriching raw data into a desired format for better decision-making in less time.
  • It involves transforming and mapping data from its raw form into another format with the intent of making it more appropriate and valuable for a variety of downstream purposes, such as analytics.

Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA):

  • Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) is an approach to analyzing data sets to summarize their main characteristics, often with the help of statistical graphics and other data visualization methods.
  • EDA allows analysts to get insights into the data, understand its underlying patterns, and identify potential relationships between variables.
  • It is an essential step before formal modeling or hypothesis testing, helping to uncover trends, patterns, and anomalies in the data.

Why EDA is required in data analysis:

  1. Understand Data Structure:
  • EDA helps analysts understand the structure of the data, including the types of variables, their distributions, and potential relationships.
  1. Identify Patterns and Trends:
  • EDA reveals patterns and trends within the data, providing insights that may inform subsequent analysis or modeling.
  1. Outlier Detection:
  • EDA helps in identifying outliers or anomalies in the data that may require special attention or cleaning.
  1. Variable Relationships:
  • EDA explores relationships between variables, aiding in the identification of potential predictors or correlated features.
  1. Assumption Checking:
  • Before applying complex statistical models, EDA allows analysts to check assumptions and ensure that the data meets the required criteria.
  1. Data Quality Check:
  • EDA helps in assessing data quality by revealing missing values, inconsistencies, or errors that may need to be addressed.

Compare the numpy and pandas on the basis of their characteristics and usage. (3 marks)

Give comparison between Numpy and Pandas.

Primary PurposeNumerical computing and array operationsData manipulation, analysis, and handling
Data StructureMultidimensional arrays (ndarray)DataFrame (tabular, spreadsheet-like structure)
Core FunctionalityArray operations, mathematical functionsData manipulation, handling missing data
IndexingInteger-based indexingLabel-based indexing and row/column alignment
UsageLow-level array manipulation and calculationsHigh-level data manipulation and analysis
Data TypesHomogeneous data types in arraysHeterogeneous data handling in DataFrames
PerformanceFast and efficient for array operationsSlower for certain operations due to complexity
Common OperationsElement-wise operations, linear algebraData cleaning, filtering, grouping, aggregation
IntegrationFoundation for many libraries (e.g., SciPy)Built on top of NumPy for data handling
Specialized ToolsLimited specialized tools for data analysisProvides extensive tools for data manipulation
DependenciesFundamental library in the scientific Python stackBuilt on top of NumPy, using its array objects
ScalabilityEfficient for large arrays and numerical tasksEfficient for data manipulation and analysis
Community SupportWidely used and well-supported in scientific fieldsExtensive community support for data analysis

Key Points:

  • NumPy is focused on numerical operations and is ideal for mathematical and scientific computing.
  • Pandas introduces higher-level data structures like DataFrame and Series, making it more suitable for data manipulation and analysis.
  • NumPy arrays are more efficient for numerical operations, while Pandas excels in handling tabular data.
  • Pandas provides convenient tools for handling missing data, which NumPy does not handle directly.
  • NumPy is often used in combination with Pandas for comprehensive data analysis in Python.

Write a python code to read data from text file.

  • Replace 'your_file.txt' with the actual path of your text file.
  • This code reads the entire content of the file into the file_content variable.
  • Depending on the size of your file, you might want to read it line by line or in chunks for efficiency.

Write a python code that demonstrate hashing trick.

  • The hashing trick is often used to convert categorical variables into numerical features using hash functions.
  • Here's a simple Python code snippet that demonstrates the hashing trick:
  • In this example, the apply_hashing_trick function takes a categorical category and the desired number of num_buckets.

  • It uses the MD5 hash function from the hashlib library to convert the category into a hash digest, and then takes the integer value of that digest modulo the number of buckets to get a hashed result.

  • Remember to adjust the category_value and number_of_buckets according to your specific use case.

Write a small code to perform following operations on data: Slicing, Dicing, Concatenation, Transformation.

  • Below is a small Python code snippet that demonstrates slicing, dicing, concatenation, and transformation operations on data using pandas:

Write a python program that finds the factorial of a natural number n.

Write a python program to find the factorial of a given number using recursion.

Write a python code to find factorial of number using function.(Winter 4)

Write a python program to read the data from XML file using pandas library.

  • To read data from an XML file using the pandas library, you can use the read_xml function.

  • Now, you can use the following Python code:

Write a simple python program that draws a line graph where x = [1,2,3,4] and y = [1,4,9,16] and gives both axis label as “X- axis”and “Y-axis”.

  • You can use the matplotlib library to draw a simple line graph in Python. Here's a code snippet for your request:

  • This code uses the matplotlib.pyplot.plot function to plot the line graph. The xlabel and ylabel functions are then used to add labels to the X-axis and Y-axis, respectively.

  • Finally, the title function is used to add a title to the graph.

Write a program to print Fibonacci series up to number given by user.

Write a python program to implement Fibonacci sequence for given input.

Write a python program to demonstrate the concept of skewness and kurtosis.

You can use the scipy.stats module in Python to calculate skewness and kurtosis. Make sure to install the scipy library if you haven't already:

Here's a simple Python program to demonstrate the concept of skewness and kurtosis:

Write a program to check whether the given number is prime or not.

Write a program to print following patterns.

Pattern 1:

Pattern 2:

Pattern 3:

Write a program which takes 2 digits, X,Y as input and generates a 2- dimensional array of size X * Y. The element value in the i-th row and j-th column of the array should be i*j.

Explain Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA).

The provided content gives a concise yet insightful overview of Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA). Let's break down the key points:

  1. Definition of EDA:
  • EDA is the process of conducting initial investigations on data.
  • It aims to discover patterns, identify anomalies, test hypotheses, and check assumptions.
  • Involves the use of summary statistics and graphical representations.
  1. Origin and Purpose:
  • EDA was developed at Bell Labs by John Tukey, a mathematician and statistician.
  • Tukey emphasized promoting questions and actions on data based on the data itself.
  1. Role of Data Scientists:
  • The role of data scientists extends beyond automatic learning algorithms.
  • Manual and creative exploratory tasks are essential for discovery.
  • Humans have the advantage of taking unexpected routes and trying effective solutions.
  1. Comparison with Computers:
  • Tukey's statement suggests that while computers excel at optimization, humans are superior in discovery.
  • Humans are capable of taking risks and exploring unconventional paths.
  1. EDA Objectives:
  • Describe data characteristics.
  • Closely explore data distributions.
  • Understand relationships between variables.
  • Detect unusual or unexpected situations.
  • Group data and observe patterns within each group.
  • Note differences between groups.

Explain following string functions with suitable example. len, count, title, lower, upper, find, rfine, replace

Certainly! Let's go through each of the string functions you've mentioned with suitable examples

  1. len:
  • The len function returns the length (number of characters) of a string.
  1. count:
  • The count function returns the number of occurrences of a substring in a string.
  1. title:
  • The title function capitalizes the first letter of each word in a string.
  1. lower:
  • The lower function converts all characters in a string to lowercase.
  1. upper:
  • The upper function converts all characters in a string to uppercase.
  1. find:
  • The find function returns the index of the first occurrence of a substring in a string. If not found, it returns -1.
  1. rfind:
  • The rfind function returns the index of the last occurrence of a substring in a string. If not found, it returns -1.
  1. replace:
  • The replace function replaces occurrences of a substring with another substring in a string.

Certainly! Here's an example that includes all the mentioned string functions and removes the individual examples from the descriptions:


Have Or

Summarize the characteristics of NumPy, Pandas, Scikit-Learn and matplotlib libraries along with their usage in brief.

Certainly! Here's a brief summary of the characteristics and usage of NumPy, Pandas, Scikit-Learn, and Matplotlib:

  1. NumPy:


    • NumPy is a powerful numerical computing library for Python.
    • It provides support for large, multi-dimensional arrays and matrices, along with mathematical functions to operate on them.
    • Efficient and optimized for numerical operations, making it a fundamental library for scientific computing.


    • Used for numerical operations, linear algebra, and statistical analysis.
    • Essential for working with arrays and matrices in machine learning and data analysis.
    • Provides a foundation for other libraries, such as Pandas and Scikit-Learn.
  2. Pandas:


    • Pandas is a data manipulation and analysis library for Python.
    • Offers data structures like DataFrame for efficient data handling and manipulation.
    • Supports operations for cleaning, transforming, aggregating, and visualizing data.


    • Ideal for data cleaning, exploration, and preprocessing.
    • Enables data indexing, slicing, and grouping.
    • Used for reading and writing data in various formats, including CSV, Excel, and SQL.
  3. Scikit-Learn: Characteristics:

    • Scikit-Learn is a machine learning library for Python.
    • Provides simple and efficient tools for data mining and data analysis.
    • Includes a wide range of machine learning algorithms and utilities.


    • Used for building and implementing machine learning models.
    • Offers tools for model selection, evaluation, and preprocessing.
    • Supports various supervised and unsupervised learning algorithms.
  4. Matplotlib:


    • Matplotlib is a 2D plotting library for Python.
    • Enables the creation of static, animated, and interactive visualizations in Python.
    • Provides a MATLAB-like interface for plotting.


    • Used for creating various types of plots, charts, and graphs.
    • Essential for data visualization in data analysis and machine learning.
    • Works well with Pandas DataFrames for visualizing data.

What is the need of streaming the data? Explain data uploading and streaming data with example.

Need for Streaming Data:

Streaming data refers to continuous, real-time data that is generated and processed without delay. The need for streaming data arises in scenarios where timely and immediate insights are crucial. Here are some key reasons for streaming data:

  1. Real-time Decision-Making:
  • Certain applications, such as financial trading platforms or monitoring systems, require instant decision-making based on the most recent data.
  1. Immediate Alerts and Notifications:
  • Systems that rely on detecting anomalies or events need to provide alerts as soon as these events occur, which is facilitated by streaming data.
  1. Continuous Monitoring:
  • Monitoring applications, like those in IoT or network monitoring, benefit from continuous, real-time updates to identify issues promptly.
  1. Reduced Latency:
  • Streaming data reduces the latency between data generation and analysis, allowing organizations to respond quickly to changing conditions.
  1. Dynamic Systems:
  • Systems that operate in dynamic environments, such as social media or online retail, benefit from real-time data to adapt quickly to user behavior and market trends.

Data Uploading:

Data uploading typically refers to the process of transferring data from a local source or a client to a centralized storage or server. This process is common in batch processing scenarios where data is collected over a period and then uploaded for analysis. It is suitable when immediate analysis is not a critical requirement.

Streaming Data:

Streaming data involves a continuous flow of data that is processed and analyzed in real-time as it is generated. This is especially useful when you need to analyze data as it arrives, enabling quick insights and actions.

Example of Streaming Data in Python:

Consider a simple example of streaming data using Python and the requests library to simulate a continuous stream of data from an API:

Explain scatter plots with example. (4 marks)

What is the use of scatter-plot in data visualization? Can we draw trendline in scatter-plot? Explain it with example.

Use of Scatter Plot in Data Visualization:

  • A scatter plot is a type of data visualization that displays individual data points on a two-dimensional graph.
  • Each point represents the values of two variables, making it useful for identifying relationships, patterns, or trends between them.
  • Scatter plots are particularly effective for visualizing the distribution of data, detecting outliers, and assessing the correlation between variables.

Drawing Trendline in Scatter Plot:

  • Yes, you can draw a trendline in a scatter plot to visualize the overall trend or pattern in the data. This is commonly done by fitting a regression line to the scatter plot.
  • A regression line represents the best-fit relationship between the variables, allowing you to see the general direction and strength of the correlation.

Example of Drawing Trendline in Scatter Plot:

  • Let's consider an example where we have data on the relationship between hours of study and exam scores.

In this example:

  1. We create a DataFrame with columns 'Hours_of_Study' and 'Exam_Score'.
  2. We use sns.regplot from the seaborn library to create a scatter plot with a red trendline.
  3. The resulting plot shows individual data points and the trendline indicating the relationship between hours of study and exam scores.
Scatter Plot with Trendline
Scatter Plot with Trendline

Explain Hashing Tricks and its importance with suitable example. (3 marks)

What is the use of hash function in EDA? Express various hashing trick along with example.

  • In Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA), a hash function can be employed for various purposes, such as encoding categorical variables, creating hash-based features, or ensuring data integrity.
  • Hashing is a technique that maps data of arbitrary size to a fixed-size hash value.
  • In EDA, this can be particularly useful for transforming categorical data into a numerical representation.

Hashing Tricks in EDA:

  1. Simple Hashing Trick:
  • Apply a basic hash function to encode categorical variables into numerical values. This is particularly useful when the number of unique categories is large.


  1. Feature Hashing (Dimensionality Reduction):
  • Feature hashing is a technique to reduce dimensionality when dealing with high cardinality categorical features.


  1. Frequency-Based Hashing:
  • Generate hash values based on the frequency of categories. This can be useful in capturing the importance or popularity of each category.


List different way for defining descriptive statistics for Numeric Data. Explain them in brief.

Descriptive statistics are used to summarize and describe the main features of a dataset, providing insights into its central tendencies, variability, and distribution. For numeric data, various descriptive statistics can be employed. Here are different ways to define descriptive statistics for numeric data:

  1. Measures of Central Tendency:
  • Mean (Average): The sum of all values divided by the number of values. It represents the central value of the dataset.
  • Median (Midpoint): The middle value of a sorted dataset. It is less sensitive to extreme values (outliers) than the mean.
  • Mode (Most Frequent Value): The value that occurs most frequently in the dataset.
  1. Measures of Variability or Dispersion:
  • Range: The difference between the maximum and minimum values in the dataset.
  • Variance: The average of the squared differences from the mean. It quantifies the overall spread of the data.
  • Standard Deviation: The square root of the variance. It provides a more interpretable measure of the spread.
  1. Measures of Shape and Distribution:
  • Skewness: A measure of the asymmetry of the distribution. Positive skewness indicates a longer right tail, while negative skewness indicates a longer left tail.
  • Kurtosis: A measure of the "tailedness" of the distribution. High kurtosis indicates heavy tails, while low kurtosis indicates light tails.
  1. Quantiles and Percentiles:
  • Percentiles: Values that divide a dataset into 100 equal parts. The 50th percentile is the median.
  • Quartiles: Values that divide a dataset into four equal parts. The first quartile (Q1) is the 25th percentile, and the third quartile (Q3) is the 75th percentile.
  1. Summary Statistics:
  • Summary statistics: Concise summaries of key characteristics, including the count, mean, standard deviation, minimum, 25th percentile (Q1), median (50th percentile), 75th percentile (Q3), and maximum.
  1. Interquartile Range (IQR):
  • The range between the first quartile (Q1) and the third quartile (Q3). It provides a measure of the spread of the central part of the distribution, excluding outliers.
  1. Coefficient of Variation (CV):
  • A relative measure of variability calculated as the standard deviation divided by the mean, expressed as a percentage. It helps compare the variability of datasets with different scales.

Explain Web Scrapping with Example using Beautiful Soup library.

  • Web scraping is the process of extracting data from websites. It involves making HTTP requests to a website, downloading the HTML content, and then parsing and extracting the required information.
  • Beautiful Soup is a Python library commonly used for web scraping.
  • It provides tools for pulling data out of HTML and XML files.

Here's a simple example of web scraping using Beautiful Soup to extract information from a fictional website:

Example: Scraping Quotes from

In this example:

  1. We use the requests library to send an HTTP GET request to the URL.
  2. If the request is successful (status code 200), we use Beautiful Soup to parse the HTML content of the page.
  3. We find all elements with the class 'quote' using soup.find_all().
  4. For each quote element, we extract the text and author using find(class='text') and find(class='author').
  5. The extracted information is stored in a list of dictionaries (quotes).
  6. Finally, we display the quotes along with their authors.

Elaborate Graphs along with its types.

List and Explain different graphs in MatPlotLib.

Matplotlib is a popular data visualization library in Python that provides a variety of chart types for creating informative and visually appealing graphs. Here are some common types of graphs in Matplotlib along with brief explanations:

  1. Line Plot:
  • Use: Display the relationship between two continuous variables over a continuous interval or time.

  • Example Code:

  1. Bar Plot:
  • Use: Compare different categories or show the distribution of a single categorical variable.

  • Example Code:

  1. Histogram:
  • Use: Show the distribution of a continuous variable by dividing it into bins.

  • Example Code:

  1. Scatter Plot:
  • Use: Display the relationship between two continuous variables to identify patterns or trends.

  • Example Code:

  1. Pie Chart:
  • Use: Represent the proportions of different categories as slices of a circular pie.

  • Example Code:

  1. Box Plot (Box-and-Whisker Plot):
  • Use: Show the distribution of a dataset and identify outliers.

  • Example Code:

  1. Heatmap:
  • Use: Display the intensity of values in a 2D dataset using color.

  • Example Code:

Explain Regression with example.

  • Regression analysis is a statistical technique used to model and analyze the relationships between a dependent variable (also known as the response or outcome variable) and one or more independent variables (predictors or features). The primary goal of regression is to understand and quantify the influence of independent variables on the dependent variable. It helps in making predictions and identifying patterns in the data.


Let's consider a real-world example of simple linear regression. Suppose we want to understand the relationship between the number of hours students spend studying (independent variable) and their exam scores (dependent variable).

  1. Data Collection:
  • We collect data on the number of hours each student spends studying and their corresponding exam scores.
  1. Data Representation:
  • Let X represent the hours of study.
  • Let Y represent the exam scores.
  1. Data Visualization:
  • Plot a scatter plot with hours of study on the x-axis and exam scores on the y-axis.

The scatter plot helps visualize the trend and relationship between study hours and exam scores.

  1. Model Fitting:
  • We apply linear regression to fit a line to the data, seeking the best-fitting line that minimizes the difference between the predicted and actual exam scores.

The model finds the line (regression equation) that best fits the data, represented as Y = slope * X + intercept.

  1. Predictions:
  • Now, we can use the trained model to predict exam scores for new hours of study.

The model can predict exam scores for students who study 9 and 10 hours based on the learned relationship.

  1. Evaluation:
  • Assess the goodness of fit, such as using metrics like R-squared, to understand how well the model explains the variability in exam scores.

Explain Classification with example.

Classification Explanation:

  • Classification is a supervised machine learning technique that involves categorizing input data into predefined classes or labels. The goal is to learn a mapping from input features to the corresponding output classes based on a set of training data. In other words, the algorithm aims to find a decision boundary that separates different classes in the feature space.


Let's consider a classic example of binary classification – predicting whether an email is spam or not spam (ham).

  1. Data Collection:
  • Gather a dataset of emails, each labeled as either spam or ham. The features could include various attributes of the email, such as the sender, subject, and content.
  1. Data Representation:
  • Represent each email by a set of features (sender, subject, etc.) and the corresponding label (spam or ham).
  1. Data Splitting:
  • Split the dataset into training and testing sets. The training set is used to train the classification model, while the testing set is used to evaluate its performance.
  1. Data Preprocessing:
  • Perform any necessary preprocessing steps, such as cleaning the text, handling missing values, and converting categorical features into numerical representations.
  1. Model Selection:
  • Choose a classification algorithm. For this example, let's use a commonly used algorithm called Logistic Regression.

    In this example, we use the Logistic Regression algorithm and represent the text data using the CountVectorizer, which converts the text into a bag-of-words representation.

  1. Model Training:
  • Train the selected model on the training data, using features (X_train_vec) and corresponding labels (y_train).
  1. Model Prediction:
  • Use the trained model to make predictions on the testing data (X_test_vec).
  1. Model Evaluation:
  • Evaluate the model's performance using metrics such as accuracy, confusion matrix, and classification report.
    • Accuracy: The proportion of correctly classified instances.
    • Confusion Matrix: A table showing the number of true positive, true negative, false positive, and false negative predictions.
    • Classification Report: Provides precision, recall, and F1-score for each class.

What do you mean by Exploratory Data Analysis? List and explain the task which needs to be performed in EDA.

Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA):

Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) is a crucial step in the data analysis process that involves examining and understanding the characteristics of a dataset. The primary goal of EDA is to uncover patterns, relationships, and insights from the data, often using statistical and graphical methods. EDA helps in forming hypotheses, identifying trends, and guiding further analysis. Here are some key tasks performed during Exploratory Data Analysis:

  1. Summary Statistics:
  • Task: Calculate and analyze summary statistics to get an overview of the central tendency, dispersion, and shape of the data.
  • Methods: Mean, median, mode, standard deviation, range, percentiles, etc.
  1. Handling Missing Data:
  • Task: Identify and handle missing values appropriately to prevent biased analysis.
  • Methods: Imputation, removal, interpolation, etc.
  1. Data Visualization:
  • Task: Create visualizations to explore the distribution, relationships, and patterns in the data.
  • Methods: Histograms, box plots, scatter plots, bar charts, heatmaps, etc.
  1. Univariate Analysis:
  • Task: Examine the distribution and characteristics of individual variables.
  • Methods: Histograms, kernel density plots, bar charts, descriptive statistics.
  1. Bivariate Analysis:
  • Task: Explore relationships between pairs of variables to understand correlations and dependencies.
  • Methods: Scatter plots, line charts, correlation matrices.
  1. Multivariate Analysis:
  • Task: Analyze interactions among multiple variables simultaneously.
  • Methods: Multivariate scatter plots, parallel coordinates, 3D plots.
  1. Outlier Detection:
  • Task: Identify and handle outliers that may significantly impact analysis.
  • Methods: Box plots, scatter plots, Z-score, IQR method.
  1. Feature Engineering:
  • Task: Create new variables or modify existing ones to enhance the predictive power of the data.
  • Methods: Binning, scaling, one-hot encoding, creating interaction terms.
  1. Pattern Recognition:
  • Task: Detect and explore patterns, trends, and anomalies in the data.
  • Methods: Time series analysis, cluster analysis, anomaly detection.
  1. Statistical Testing:
  • Task: Use statistical tests to validate hypotheses and assess the significance of observations.
  • Methods: T-tests, chi-square tests, ANOVA, correlation tests.
  1. Data Transformation:
  • Task: Transform data to meet the assumptions of statistical models.
  • Methods: Log transformation, normalization, standardization.

Define Standardization. Explain Z-score standardization with suitable example.

Explain Z-score standardization.(Winter 3)


Standardization, also known as z-score normalization or zero-mean normalization, is a preprocessing technique used in data analysis and machine learning. It involves transforming the data into a standard scale where the mean is 0 and the standard deviation is 1. This ensures that all features contribute equally to the analysis and helps algorithms converge faster.

Z-Score Standardization:

The Z-score is calculated for each data point by subtracting the mean of the dataset and then dividing by the standard deviation. The formula for Z-score (Z) is:


  • XX is an individual data point,
  • μ\mu is the mean of the dataset,
  • σ\sigma is the standard deviation of the dataset.

Example in Python:

Let's standardize a sample dataset in Python using the Z-score standardization. We'll use the scikit-learn library for this purpose.

In this example, we have a small dataset data. We create a StandardScaler object, which is used to standardize the data. The fit_transform method fits the scaler on the data and transforms the data simultaneously.

The resulting standardized_data will have a mean of 0 and a standard deviation of 1. Each element in standardized_data is a Z-score calculated based on the original values in the corresponding position in the original dataset.

Remember that standardization is particularly useful when dealing with algorithms that rely on distances between data points, such as k-nearest neighbors or clustering algorithms.

Provide explanations on the importance of Graphs in Data Science.

Graphs play a crucial role in data science and analytics, providing a visual representation of relationships, patterns, and trends within datasets. The importance of graphs in data science stems from their ability to convey complex information in a more accessible and interpretable form. Here are some key aspects highlighting the importance of graphs in data science:

  1. Data Exploration and Understanding:
  • Visualizing Data Distribution: Graphs, such as histograms or box plots, help in understanding the distribution of data, identifying outliers, and gaining insights into the central tendency and spread of the data.
  • Pair Plots and Scatter Plots: These plots visualize relationships between pairs of variables, aiding in the identification of patterns, correlations, and potential dependencies.
  1. Pattern Recognition and Anomaly Detection:
  • Time Series Plots: For temporal data, time series plots reveal trends, seasonality, and potential anomalies, enabling effective forecasting and anomaly detection.
  • Cluster Analysis: Graph-based visualizations assist in clustering analysis, revealing natural groupings or structures within the data.
  1. Correlation and Relationship Analysis:
  • Correlation Matrix and Heatmaps: Visualizing correlation matrices using heatmaps helps identify strong correlations between variables, assisting in feature selection and understanding variable relationships.
  1. Network Analysis:
  • Graphs for Relationship Mapping: In social network analysis, customer interaction analysis, or any scenario with interconnected entities, graphs provide a visual representation of relationships and connections.
  1. Dimensionality Reduction:
  • PCA and t-SNE Plots: Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and t-Distributed Stochastic Neighbor Embedding (t-SNE) plots help visualize high-dimensional data in lower-dimensional space, aiding in feature selection and dimensionality reduction.
  1. Model Evaluation and Interpretability:
  • ROC Curves and Precision-Recall Curves: Graphical representations of model performance metrics help in evaluating the performance of classifiers and understanding the trade-offs between precision and recall.
  • Partial Dependence Plots (PDP): PDP plots visualize the relationship between a feature and the predicted outcome, aiding in the interpretation of machine learning models.
  1. Communication and Reporting:
  • Dashboards and Reports: Graphical representations simplify the communication of insights to stakeholders, making it easier for non-technical audiences to understand complex data findings.
  • Interactive Visualizations: Tools like Plotly or D3.js enable the creation of interactive graphs that enhance engagement and facilitate deeper exploration of data.
  1. Geospatial Analysis:
  • Maps and Spatial Plots: Geospatial graphs help visualize patterns, clusters, or trends in data related to geographic locations, supporting applications like location-based recommendation systems or spatial analysis.

What kind data is analyzed with Bag of word model? Explain it with example. (4 marks) (SUMMER)

Explain a bag of words model in detail. (4 marks)

With example explain the concept of bags of words model. (4 marks)

Explain Bag of Word model. (3 marks)

Elaborate a bag of word concept in detail.

  • The "Bag of Words" (BoW) model is a fundamental concept in natural language processing (NLP) and information retrieval. It is a way of representing text data as a set of words, disregarding grammar, word order, and structure but keeping track of word frequency. The name "Bag of Words" indicates that the model is concerned only with the presence or absence of words in a document, not with their sequence or structure.
  • Here's a detailed explanation of the Bag of Words concept:

Key Steps in Creating a Bag of Words Model:

  1. Tokenization:

    • The first step is to break down a text document into individual words or tokens. This process is called tokenization.
  2. Vocabulary Construction:

    • After tokenization, a vocabulary is created, which is essentially a list of unique words present in the entire corpus. Each unique word is assigned a unique index or identifier.
  3. Word Frequency Count:

    • For each document in the corpus, the frequency of each word in the vocabulary is counted. This results in a numerical representation of the document based on the count of each word.
  4. Sparse Matrix Representation:

    • The collection of word frequencies for all documents forms a matrix, often referred to as the Document-Term Matrix (DTM). The DTM is typically a sparse matrix because most documents use only a small subset of the entire vocabulary.


Consider a simple corpus with two documents:

  • Document 1: "The cat in the hat."
  • Document 2: "The quick brown fox."


  • Document 1 tokens: ["The", "cat", "in", "the", "hat"]
  • Document 2 tokens: ["The", "quick", "brown", "fox"]

Vocabulary Construction:

  • Vocabulary: ["The", "cat", "in", "hat", "quick", "brown", "fox"]

Word Frequency Count:

  • Document 1: [2, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0]
  • Document 2: [1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1]

Document-Term Matrix (DTM):

Characteristics of Bag of Words:

  • Orderless Representation: The model discards the order of words in a document, focusing only on their presence and frequency.
  • Loss of Context: The model does not capture the semantic meaning or context of words. Homonyms and polysemous words are treated the same way.
  • High-Dimensional Sparse Data: The DTM is often a high-dimensional sparse matrix, especially for large vocabularies.

Use Cases:

  • Text Classification: BoW is widely used in applications like spam detection, sentiment analysis, and topic categorization.
  • Information Retrieval: BoW is the basis for many search engines, where documents are represented as vectors for similarity comparison.
  • Document Clustering: BoW facilitates clustering similar documents together based on their word frequencies.

Explain stemming in detail with relatable example.

Define stemming. Explain the concept of stemming with example. (summer-4)

  • Stemming is a text normalization process used in natural language processing (NLP) to reduce words to their root or base form, called the "stem." The goal of stemming is to map related words to the same stem, which helps in consolidating and simplifying the vocabulary of a text. Stemming involves removing prefixes, suffixes, and other affixes from words, leaving behind the core meaning.

Key Points about Stemming:

  1. Word Reduction:

    • Stemming reduces words to their linguistic root or base form. For example, "running" and "ran" would both be reduced to the stem "run."
  2. Heuristic Approach:

    • Stemming algorithms use heuristic rules rather than linguistic rules. These rules are often based on common prefixes and suffixes found in English words.
  3. Over-Stemming and Under-Stemming:

    • Over-stemming occurs when the stem is too aggressive, and different words are reduced to the same stem. Under-stemming occurs when the stem is too lenient, and words with similar meanings have different stems.
  4. Stemming vs. Lemmatization:

    • Stemming is different from lemmatization, which aims to reduce words to their base or dictionary form (lemma). While stemming may result in non-words, lemmatization produces valid words.

Example using NLTK:

NLTK (Natural Language Toolkit) is a popular library for NLP in Python. It provides a module for stemming. Here's a simple Python example using NLTK:



  • The stems produced by Porter and Snowball stemming for these words are the same.
  • It's important to note that stemming does not always result in valid words, and context should be considered for accurate language processing.

Elaborate XPath in detail with relatable example.

  • XPath (XML Path Language) is a query language used for selecting nodes from an XML document.
  • It provides a way to navigate through elements and attributes in XML and is widely used in web scraping and parsing XML documents.
  • XPath expressions are used to locate and process data within an XML document.

XPath Basics:

XPath expressions can be used to navigate the hierarchical structure of XML documents. Here are some fundamental XPath concepts:

  1. Node Selection:
  • In XPath, everything is considered a node. Nodes can be elements, attributes, text, etc. XPath expressions are used to select nodes from the XML document.
  1. Path Expression:
  • XPath uses a path expression to define the location of nodes in the XML document. Paths are specified similar to file paths, using slashes ("/"). For example, /root/element represents an element inside the root element.
  1. Attributes:
  • Attributes in XML can be selected using the @ symbol. For example, /root/element/@attribute selects the value of the "attribute" attribute within the "element."
  1. Predicates:
  • Predicates are conditions used to filter nodes. They are specified in square brackets. For example, /root/element[position()=1] selects the first "element" within the "root."
  1. Wildcards:
  • Asterisk () is used as a wildcard to select any element. For example, __/root/__ selects all child elements of "root."

Example XPath Expressions:

Python provides libraries like lxml and xml.etree.ElementTree for working with XML and XPath. Here's an example using lxml:


Describe sampling along with its types in detail with suitable example.

Explain sampling in terms of data science?(3 winter)

  • Sampling is the process of selecting a subset of elements from a larger population to make inferences about the entire population.
  • In many cases, studying an entire population is impractical or impossible, so researchers use sampling methods to draw conclusions based on a representative subset.
  • The goal is to ensure that the subset, known as the sample, accurately reflects the characteristics of the larger population.

Types of Sampling:

  1. Simple Random Sampling:
  • In simple random sampling, every individual in the population has an equal chance of being selected.

  • This is typically achieved using random number generators or randomization techniques.


  1. Stratified Sampling:
  • In stratified sampling, the population is divided into subgroups or strata based on certain characteristics, and samples are randomly selected from each stratum.

  • This ensures representation from all relevant subgroups.

  1. Systematic Sampling:
  • Systematic sampling involves selecting every kth individual from a list after randomly choosing a starting point.

  • The value of k is determined by dividing the population size by the desired sample size.


  1. Cluster Sampling:
  • In cluster sampling, the population is divided into clusters, and entire clusters are randomly selected.

  • The researcher then collects data from all members within the selected clusters.

  1. Convenience Sampling:
  • Convenience sampling involves selecting individuals who are easiest to reach or readily available.
  • While convenient, this method may not result in a representative sample.
  1. Snowball Sampling:
  • Snowball sampling is a method where existing study participants recruit future participants.

  • This is often used in studies where the population is difficult to identify or access directly.


What do you mean by prototyping? List the phases of prototyping and experimentation process and explain in brief.

  • Prototyping is an iterative and interactive development approach in which a basic version of a system or product is quickly created to test ideas, demonstrate functionalities, and gather feedback.
  • It involves the creation of a preliminary model that helps visualize and experiment with the design, features, and interactions of the final product. The primary goal is to refine and improve the prototype based on user feedback before proceeding to the full-scale development.

Phases of Prototyping and Experimentation Process:

  1. Identification of Requirements:
  • Brief Explanation: Define the high-level requirements and objectives for the system or product.
  • Prototyping Role: Understand the key features and functionalities that the prototype should showcase.
  1. Quick Design:
  • Brief Explanation: Develop a rapid design or mockup of the system based on identified requirements.
  • Prototyping Role: Create a preliminary visual representation of the user interface and interactions.
  1. Build Prototype:
  • Brief Explanation: Develop a functional prototype of the system using the quick design.
  • Prototyping Role: Implement a basic version of the software that demonstrates key features and user pathways.
  1. User Evaluation:
  • Brief Explanation: Allow users to interact with the prototype and provide feedback on its usability and features.
  • Prototyping Role: Collect user opinions, preferences, and suggestions for improvements.
  1. Refinement:
  • Brief Explanation: Based on user feedback, refine and improve the prototype's design and functionality.
  • Prototyping Role: Modify the prototype to address identified issues and enhance features.
  1. Iteration:
  • Brief Explanation: Repeat the prototyping process iteratively, incorporating user feedback and making continuous improvements.
  • Prototyping Role: Continuously refine and enhance the prototype through multiple cycles of evaluation and refinement.
  1. Final Implementation:
  • Brief Explanation: Once the prototype meets user expectations and requirements, proceed to the final implementation.
  • Prototyping Role: Utilize insights gained from the prototyping process to guide the development of the complete system.
  1. Experimentation:
  • Brief Explanation: Conduct experiments to validate the functionality, performance, and user satisfaction of the final implementation.
  • Prototyping Role: Monitor the results of experimentation and use them to inform future development or updates.