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Object Oriented Programming-I

Three marks

Explain JRE, JDK and JIT.

  1. JRE (Java Runtime Environment):

    • It allows you to run Java applications on your computer.
    • Includes the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) to execute Java bytecode.
    • Contains the Java class libraries, providing core functionality.
  2. JDK (Java Development Kit):

    • Provided by Oracle (previously by Sun Microsystems).
    • Includes JRE and additional development tools.
    • Used by developers for writing, compiling, and testing Java applications.
  3. JIT (Just-In-Time Compiler):

    • Part of the JVM to improve Java application performance.
    • Identifies frequently executed code and compiles it into native machine code.
    • Enhances execution speed by dynamically compiling bytecode.

Compare object-oriented programming with sequential programming.

AspectObject-Oriented Programming (OOP)Sequential Programming
FocusFocuses on objects and their interactions.Focuses on a sequence of instructions executed in order.
Data HandlingData and behavior are encapsulated in objects.Data is processed sequentially using variables and arrays.
Code OrganizationCode is organized into classes and objects.Code is organized into functions or procedures.
InheritanceSupports inheritance, allowing classes to inherit from others.Typically does not support inheritance.
PolymorphismSupports polymorphism, allowing objects to take multiple forms.Does not inherently support polymorphism.
EncapsulationEncapsulation restricts access to data and methods.Limited or no encapsulation of data and functions.
ModularityProvides better modularity due to the use of classes and objects.Modularity depends on how functions are organized.
Code ReusabilityPromotes code reusability through inheritance and polymorphism.Code reusability depends on functions and procedures.
Complexity ManagementHelps manage complex systems through abstraction and modularity.May lead to procedural spaghetti code in complex programs.
Real-world ModelingWell-suited for real-world modeling and problem-solving.May lack modeling capabilities for complex systems.
ExamplesJava, C++, Python, C#.C, Fortran, Basic, Pascal, Assembly.

Define object oriented concepts.

  1. Objects
  • Objects are the basic run-time entities in an object-oriented system.
  • An object is an instance of class.
  • They may represent a person, a place, a bank account, a table of data or any item.
  • Programming problem is analyzed in terms of objects.
  • Each object contains data, and code to manipulate the data.
  1. Classes
  • The entire set of data and code of an object can be made a user-defined data type is called a class.
  • Objects are actually variable of the type class.
  • Once a class has been defined, we can create any number of objects of that class. Thus a class is collection of objects of similar type.
  1. Data Abstraction
  • Just represent essential features without including the background details.
  • They encapsulate all the essential properties of the objects that are to be created.
  • The attributes are sometimes called ‘Data members’ because they hold information.
  • The functions that operate on these data are sometimes called ‘methods’ or ‘member functions’.
  • It is used to implement in class to provide data security.
  1. Encapsulation
  • The wrapping up of data and functions into a single unit (called class) is known as encapsulation.
  • The data is not accessible by the outside world, and only those functions which are wrapped in the class can access it.
  • These functions provide the interface between the objects data and the program.
  1. Inheritance
  • Inheritance is the process by which object of one class acquire the properties and methods of another class.
  • The mechanism of deriving new class from old class is known as inheritance.
  • We can add additional features to an existing class to derive a new class.
  • The new class will have combined features of both the classes.
  • The concept of inheritance provides the idea of reusability.
  1. Polymorphism
  • Polymorphism means ability to take more than one form.
  • In polymorphism, an operator and function may shows different behavior in different instances.
  • It means single name can be used for different purpose.
  • For Ex- Operation of addition for two numbers, will generate a sum. If the operands are strings, then the operation would produce a third string by concatenation.
  1. Data Binding
  • Binding refers to the linking of a procedure call to the code at runtime when procedure is called.
  1. Message Passing
  • Object oriented Program consists of set of objects that communicate with each other using concept of message passing.

Explain about arrays, Type of arrays and arrays methods.

Arrays in Java:

  • Arrays allow storing multiple elements of the same data type in a contiguous memory location.
  • Types: Single-Dimensional, Multi-Dimensional, and Jagged Arrays.
  • Example: int[] numbers = 3;

Array Methods in Java:

  1. Arrays.toString(array):
  • Converts array elements into a human-readable string representation.
  1. Arrays.sort(array):
  • Sorts array elements in ascending order.
  1. Arrays.copyOf(array, length):
  • Creates a new array with specified length and copies elements from the original array.
  1. Arrays.equals(array1, array2):
  • Compares two arrays for equality.
  1. Arrays.fill(array, value):
  • Fills the entire array with the specified value.

List out features of Java. Explain any two features.

  1. Simple and Easy to Learn: Java has a concise and straightforward syntax, making it easy for developers to learn and use.

  2. Platform-Independent: Java programs can run on any platform with the help of Java Virtual Machine (JVM), ensuring platform independence.

  3. Object-Oriented: Java follows an object-oriented programming paradigm, emphasizing code reusability and modularity.

  4. Robust: Java's strong memory management, exception handling, and type-checking make it robust and reliable.

  5. Secure: Java's security features include a bytecode verifier and a security manager to prevent unauthorized access to resources.

  6. Multithreaded: Java supports multithreading, allowing concurrent execution of tasks for improved performance.

  7. Architecture-Neutral: Java's bytecodes are independent of the underlying architecture, making it easy to move Java programs across platforms.

  8. High Performance: With Just-In-Time (JIT) compilation, Java achieves high performance by converting bytecode into native machine code.

  9. Distributed: Java supports networking capabilities, enabling seamless development of distributed applications.

  10. Dynamic: Java supports dynamic loading of classes and dynamic memory allocation, enhancing flexibility during runtime.

Explain following Java keywords using appropriate examples: i) static, ii) final, iii) super

  1. static:
    • static is used to create class-level members (variables and methods) that are shared among all objects of the class.
    • They belong to the class itself, not to individual instances (objects).


  1. final:
    • final is used to make a variable, method, or class constant, meaning its value or implementation cannot be changed after it's set.


  1. super:
    • super is used to refer to the superclass (parent class) of the current class.
    • It allows you to access or call members of the superclass that are hidden or overridden in the current class.


Differentiate String class and StringBuffer class. (winter-3)

Write difference between String class and StringBuffer class.

FeatureString ClassStringBuffer Class
MutabilityImmutable. Value cannot be changed after creation.Mutable. Can be modified after creation.
PerformanceConcatenation and modification can be less efficient due to new object creation.Designed for efficient string manipulation. Provides methods like **append, **insert, and __delete`.
Thread SafetyThread-safe. Can be shared between threads safely.Thread-safe. Designed for multi-threaded environments.
Comparison OperationsProvides various methods for comparing strings.Does not directly support comparison operations.
Memory UsageConsumes more memory due to new object creation.More memory-efficient for frequent modifications.
Usage ScenariosSuitable for immutability requirements.Suitable for frequent string manipulations and modifications.

How can we protect sub class to override the method of super class? Explain with example.

To prevent a subclass from overriding a method of its superclass in Java, you can use the final keyword. When you mark a method as final in the superclass, it becomes a "final method," and subclasses are not allowed to override it. This is useful when you want to ensure that a particular method's implementation remains unchanged in all subclasses.

Here's an example to illustrate how to use the final keyword to protect a method from being overridden:

Differentiate Text I/O and Binary I/O. (winter-3)

Differentiate Text I/O and Binary I/O. (winter-3)

Differentiate between Text I/O and Binary I/O.

FeatureText I/OBinary I/O
Human-ReadableYes. Data is stored as plain text.No. Data is stored in binary format.
File SizeLarger. Text files tend to be larger.Smaller. Binary files are more compact.
PerformanceSlower. Converting data to text and back.Faster. Directly reads and writes binary values.
EncodingUses character encoding (e.g., UTF-8).No specific encoding, raw binary data.
ExamplesReading/Writing text files (e.g., .txt).Reading/Writing images, audio, or video files.

How do you declare a generic type in a class? Explain.

  • To declare a generic type in a class, you use angle brackets (<>) with a type parameter as a placeholder for a specific type.
  • This allows you to create a class that can work with different data types without making separate versions for each type.
  • The syntax for declaring a generic class is: ** public class ClassName < T > **
  • The T represents the generic type parameter.
  • You can use the generic class with different types when creating objects.



Integer value: 10
String value: Hello, Generics!

Using generics allows you to create versatile and type-safe classes that can handle different data types effectively.

Explain in brief: Color class and its methods.

The Color class in Java is part of the java.awt package and is used to represent and manipulate colors in graphical applications. It allows you to work with RGB (Red, Green, Blue) values to specify different colors.

Here's a brief explanation of the Color class and some of its commonly used methods:

  1. Creating a Color Object:

    • You can create a Color object by specifying the RGB values or using predefined colors from the Color class.


  2. Getting RGB Values:

    • You can get the RGB values of a Color object using the **getRed(), **getGreen(), and getBlue() methods.


  3. Comparing Colors:

    • You can compare two Color objects for equality using the equals() method.


Compare List and Set. (winter-3)

Compare Set and List interfaces.

Duplicate ElementsDoes not allow duplicate elementsAllows duplicate elements
Accessing ElementsNo specific index-based accessAccess elements by index
ImplementationImplemented by HashSet, TreeSet, etc.Implemented by ArrayList, LinkedList, etc.
PerformanceGenerally faster for basic operationsSlower for searching and inserting elements in the middle
ExampleSet< String > set = new HashSet < > ( );List< String > list = new ArrayList < > ( );

Explain about different types of string methods.

  1. length():
  • Returns the length of the string (the number of characters in the string).
  1. charAt(int index):
  • Returns the character at the specified index in the string.
  1. concat(String str):
  • Concatenates the specified string str to the end of the original string.
  1. substring(int beginIndex):
  • Returns a new string that is a substring of the original string, starting from beginIndex to the end of the string.
  1. substring(int beginIndex, int endIndex):
  • Returns a new string that is a substring of the original string, starting from beginIndex and ending at endIndex-1.
  1. toUpperCase():
  • Returns a new string with all the characters converted to uppercase.
  1. toLowerCase():
  • Returns a new string with all the characters converted to lowercase.
  1. trim():
  • Returns a new string with leading and trailing whitespace removed.
  1. replace(char oldChar, char newChar):
  • Returns a new string with all occurrences of oldChar replaced by newChar.
  1. startsWith(String prefix):
  • Checks if the string starts with the specified prefix.
  1. endsWith(String suffix):
  • Checks if the string ends with the specified suffix.
  1. indexOf(String str):
  • Returns the index of the first occurrence of the specified substring str.
  1. lastIndexOf(String str):
  • Returns the index of the last occurrence of the specified substring str.
  1. contains(CharSequence sequence):
  • Checks if the string contains the specified sequence.
  1. isEmpty():
  • Returns true if the string is empty (contains no characters), otherwise false.
  1. split(String regex):
  • Splits the string into an array of substrings based on the given regular expression regex.
  1. join(CharSequence delimiter, CharSequence... elements):
  • Concatenates a list of elements with the specified delimiter.

Explain about Final class, Fields, Methods.

In Java, the final keyword is used to indicate that a class, field, or method cannot be further modified once it has been defined. Let's look at each of these uses of the final keyword:

  1. Final Class:

    • A final class is a class that cannot be subclassed or extended. It means that you cannot create a subclass of a final class.
    • This is often used to prevent the class from being overridden or to ensure that the class remains unchanged for security or stability reasons.
  2. Final Fields (Variables):

    • A final field, also known as a constant, is a variable whose value cannot be changed after it is assigned.
    • It must be initialized at the time of declaration or in the constructor, and once initialized, its value remains constant throughout the program.
  3. Final Methods:

    • A final method is a method that cannot be overridden or modified by a subclass.
    • When a method is declared final in the superclass, it means that the method's implementation in the superclass is the final and definitive version, and it cannot be changed in any subclass.

What is Dynamic binding? Show with an example how dynamic binding works.

Dynamic binding, also known as late binding or runtime polymorphism, is a mechanism in object-oriented programming where the actual method implementation to be called is determined at runtime rather than at compile time. It allows you to treat objects of different classes in a unified way, and the appropriate method is resolved based on the actual object type during runtime.

In Java, dynamic binding is achieved through method overriding. When a subclass provides a specific implementation for a method that is already defined in its superclass, the method to be executed is decided based on the actual object type during runtime.

Example of Dynamic Binding:

Explain the concept of finalization.

The concept of finalization in Java is related to the process of cleaning up resources before an object is garbage collected. When an object is no longer reachable in the program (i.e., it is eligible for garbage collection), the Java Garbage Collector is responsible for reclaiming the memory used by that object. Before the object is actually removed from memory, the finalize() method, if defined, is called to perform any necessary cleanup actions.

Key points about finalization:

  1. `finalize() Execution:__
  • The finalize() method is called by the garbage collector when it determines that an object is ready for garbage collection.
  • It is not guaranteed that the finalize() method will be executed before the object is garbage collected. It depends on when the garbage collector decides to reclaim the object.
  1. Custom Cleanup:
  • The finalize() method allows you to release resources such as closing files, sockets, database connections, etc., before the object is destroyed.
  • It can be used for cleanup operations that are not handled by Java's automatic resource management (e.g., __try-with-resources`).
  1. Overhead and Deprecation:
  • The usage of finalize() is discouraged in modern Java applications because it can lead to unpredictable behavior and performance issues.
  • In Java 9, the finalize() method has been deprecated and might be removed in future versions.
  1. Better Alternatives:
  • For resource management and cleanup, it's recommended to use try-with-resources for handling AutoCloseable resources or use the java.lang.ref.Cleaner API for more explicit and controlled cleanup.

Explain about callback

In Java, a callback is a mechanism that allows a method to pass behavior (i.e., a block of code) as an argument to another method. This allows the receiving method to execute the provided code at a later time or in response to a specific event. Callbacks are often used for event handling, asynchronous programming, and customization of behavior in frameworks.

In Java, callbacks are commonly implemented using interfaces. The interface defines the contract for the callback method, and the class that needs the callback implements that interface and provides its custom implementation of the callback method.

Example of Callback in Java:

Explain about Proxy class, Interface and Methods.

  1. Proxy Class:
  • In Java, a Proxy class acts as an intermediary or placeholder for another class (real subject).
  • It allows you to control access to the real subject and add additional functionality around its method calls.
  • Proxy classes are useful for implementing various cross-cutting concerns, such as logging, security, and caching.
  1. Interface:
  • An Interface in Java is a blueprint for a class, defining a set of abstract methods that must be implemented by any class that implements the interface.
  • It provides a contract for classes, ensuring they have certain behaviors or methods.
  • Interfaces enable multiple inheritance in Java, allowing a class to implement multiple interfaces.
  1. Methods:
  • Methods in Java are blocks of code that define behavior for a class.
  • They represent actions that objects of the class can perform.
  • Methods are declared within classes and can have parameters and return values.
  • Access modifiers like **public, **private, and protected determine the method's visibility and accessibility.

Defines types of inheritance.

Types of Inheritance:

  1. Single Inheritance:
  • A class can inherit from only one superclass.
  • It ensures a simple and straightforward class hierarchy.
  1. Multiple Inheritance (through Interfaces):
  • A class can implement multiple interfaces, allowing it to inherit behavior from multiple sources.
  • Java supports multiple inheritance through interfaces to avoid the complexities of multiple inheritance in classes.
  1. Multilevel Inheritance:
  • A class can inherit from another class, which in turn inherits from another class.
  • It forms a chain of inheritance, creating a hierarchy of classes.
  1. Hierarchical Inheritance:
  • Multiple classes inherit from a single superclass.
  • It results in a tree-like inheritance structure.
  1. Hybrid Inheritance (Combination of Multiple and Hierarchical):
  • It combines multiple inheritance (through interfaces) and hierarchical inheritance in a single class hierarchy.
  • Java supports hybrid inheritance through implementing multiple interfaces and single class inheritance.

Inheritance allows classes to acquire properties and behaviors from other classes, promoting code reusability and creating relationships between classes.

Define types of polymorphism

Types of Polymorphism:

  1. Compile-time Polymorphism (Static Polymorphism):
  • Occurs during compile-time (before the program runs).
  • Achieved through method overloading and operator overloading.
  • The decision on which method/operator to invoke is made at compile-time based on method/operator signatures.
  1. Runtime Polymorphism (Dynamic Polymorphism):
  • Occurs during runtime (while the program is executing).
  • Achieved through method overriding in inheritance.
  • The decision on which method to call is made at runtime based on the actual object's type.

Polymorphism allows objects of different classes to be treated uniformly, promoting flexibility, and simplifying code maintenance.

Define Encapsulation and access specifier

  1. Encapsulation:
  • The wrapping up of data and functions into a single unit (called class) is known as encapsulation.
  • The data is not accessible by the outside world, and only those functions which are wrapped in the class can access it.
  • These functions provide the interface between the objects data and the program.
  1. Access Specifier:
  • An access specifier in Java defines the visibility or accessibility of a class, method, or variable to other parts of the program.
  • There are four access specifiers in Java: public, private, protected, and default (no specifier).
  • The choice of access specifier determines which parts of the program can access or modify the class, method, or variable.

Differentiate between Abstract class and Interfaces

Sure! Here's a properly formatted comparison between Abstract class and Interfaces in Java:

FeatureAbstract ClassInterface
ConstructorCan have a constructorCannot have a constructor
Method ImplementationCan have abstract and concrete methodsCan only have abstract methods
FieldsCan have instance variablesCan only have constants (public static final fields)
InheritanceCan extend only one class (single inheritance)Can implement multiple interfaces (multiple inheritance)
AccessibilityCan have various access modifiersAll methods are public by default
PurposeUsed for common functionality among related classesUsed to define a contract for unrelated classes
ImplementationCan contain method bodies and fieldsCan only declare method signatures
KeywordUses the keyword abstractUses the keyword interface

What is the keyword “throw” used for? What is the keyword “throws” used for?

Explain following Java keywords using appropriate examples: i) throw, ii) throws, iii) finally

  1. throw:
  • throw is used to manually throw an exception in Java.
  • Example: __throw new Exception("An error occurred.");`
  1. throws:
  • throws is used in a method signature to declare that the method may throw one or more exceptions.
  • Example: __public void doSomething() throws IOException, InterruptedException `
  1. finally:
  • finally is a block that follows a try-catch block and contains code that will be executed regardless of whether an exception is thrown or not.

Example :

What is the difference between oop and procedural oriented language?

Procedure Oriented Programming (POP)Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)
1Program is divided into small parts called functionsProgram is divided into classes and objects
2Main focus is on the function not on dataMain focus is on the data rather than function
3POP follows Top Down approachOOP follows Bottom Up approach
4Data moves openly around the system from function to functionData is hidden and can only be accessed via objects
5POP does not have any proper way for hiding data so it is less secureOOP provides Data Hiding so provides more security
6To add new data and function in POP is not so easyOOP provides an easy way to add new data and function
7Examples: C, VB, FORTRAN, PascalExamples: C++, Java, VB.NET

Difference between Nested if and multi-way if statements.

FeatureNested ifMulti-way if
SyntaxUses multiple if statements nested inside each otherUses a single if statement with multiple conditions
StructureConsists of multiple levels of indentationHas a more straightforward and cleaner structure
Number of TestsExecutes multiple tests in a hierarchical mannerExecutes only one test with multiple conditions
ReadabilityCan become complex and difficult to readMore readable and easier to understand
EfficiencyMay evaluate more conditions than necessaryEvaluates conditions in a single pass, potentially faster
ApplicabilitySuitable for handling complex conditions and scenariosSuitable for handling simple multiple conditional checks

Explain visibility modifiers.

Explain access modifiers with Example.

  1. public: Allows access from anywhere in the program, including other classes and packages.

  2. private: Restricts access to within the same class only. It is not accessible from other classes, even subclasses.

  3. protected: Allows access within the same package or subclasses in different packages.

  4. Default (Package-private): Allows access within the same package but not outside the package. (No access modifier specified)

Example :

Explain abstract class with example.

  • An abstract class in Java is a class that cannot be instantiated on its own and may contain abstract methods, which are declared without an implementation.
  • we cannot create objects of abstract classes.
  • We use the abstract keyword to declare an abstract class.

Explain mouse and key event handler in JavaFX.

  1. Mouse Event Handler:

    • Mouse event handlers handle mouse-related actions such as clicks, movements, and dragging.
    • You can attach mouse event handlers to JavaFX nodes using methods like **setOnMouseClicked, **setOnMousePressed, etc.
    • When the user interacts with the GUI, the specified mouse event handler code is executed.
  2. Key Event Handler:

    • Key event handlers handle keyboard-related actions such as key presses and releases.
    • You can attach key event handlers to JavaFX nodes using methods like **setOnKeyPressed, **setOnKeyReleased, etc.
    • When the user interacts with the keyboard while the GUI has focus, the specified key event handler code is executed.

What are syntax errors (compile errors), runtime errors, and logic errors?

  1. Syntax Errors (Compile Errors):
  • Syntax errors occur during the compilation phase of a program when the code violates the rules of the programming language.
  • These errors prevent the program from being compiled and result in error messages displayed by the compiler.
  • Common examples include missing semicolons, mismatched parentheses, and misspelled keywords.
  1. Runtime Errors:
  • Runtime errors occur while the program is running and are caused by unexpected conditions or events that violate the program's logic.
  • These errors lead to abnormal termination of the program and are often referred to as exceptions.
  • Common examples include division by zero, accessing an invalid array index, or attempting to open a non-existent file.
  1. Logic Errors:
  • Logic errors, also known as semantic errors, occur when the program runs without any error messages, but the output is incorrect or unexpected.
  • These errors are the result of mistakes in the program's logic or algorithm, leading to incorrect calculations or decisions.
  • Logic errors are challenging to identify as the code itself is syntactically correct, but it produces inaccurate results.

What is an interface? Explain with example.

  • An interface in Java is a blueprint or a set of rules that a class must follow.
  • It defines a list of methods that a class must have, but it doesn't provide the implementation of those methods.
  • Interfaces promote code reusability, as multiple classes can implement the same interface to share common behavior.
  • It allows Java to achieve "multiple inheritance" by allowing a class to implement multiple interfaces.
  • Interfaces are declared using the interface keyword and contain method signatures (method names and parameters) without the method bodies (implementation).

Discuss significance of byte code.

  • Bytecode is an intermediate representation of Java source code that is generated during the compilation process.
  • It is a platform-independent binary format that can be executed on any platform with a Java Virtual Machine (JVM).
  • Bytecode allows "write once, run anywhere" (WORA) capability, enabling Java programs to be executed on different operating systems without recompilation.
  • Bytecode is compact and efficient, allowing faster loading and execution compared to interpreted languages.
  • Java bytecode is designed to be easily interpreted by the JVM, making Java programs highly portable and versatile.
  • JVM translates bytecode into machine code specific to the underlying platform during runtime, optimizing performance while maintaining portability.
  • Bytecode enables secure execution, as it allows the JVM to apply security checks before executing the code, protecting against potential security threats.
  • It facilitates dynamic loading of classes, enabling applications to load new classes at runtime, enhancing flexibility and modularity.
  • Bytecode has been a fundamental element of Java's success, making Java one of the most popular programming languages for building cross-platform applications.

Explain constructor with the help of an example.

  • A constructor is a special method in a Java class that is used to initialize objects when they are created.
  • It has the same name as the class and does not have a return type, not even __void`.
  • Constructors are automatically called when you use the new keyword to create an object of a class.
  • They are used to set initial values for the object's attributes or perform any necessary setup operations.

Q.6 (a) Explain following classes in JavaFX. 1) Color class 2) font class 3) Image and image view class

  1. Color Class:
  • Represents colors for UI elements in JavaFX.
  • Allows defining colors using RGB, RGBA, or HSB values.
  • Provides predefined constant colors like Color.RED, Color.BLUE, etc.
  • You can access and manipulate color components (red, green, blue, opacity) using this class.
  1. Font Class:
  • Used to set and customize fonts for text in the GUI.
  • Allows specifying font family, size, style (bold, italic), and weight.
  • Provides various constructors and methods to create and manipulate fonts.
  1. Image and ImageView Class:
  • Image class represents an image that can be displayed in JavaFX applications.
  • ImageView class is used to display the Image on the screen.
  • Images can be loaded from files, URLs, or input streams using the Image class.
  • ImageView acts as a container for the Image and provides properties to control its position, size, and display aspects.

What is Java Collection?

Q.8 (a) What is Collection? Explain list, stack, queue classes.

  1. Collection:
  • In Java, a Collection is a framework that provides classes and interfaces to store and manipulate groups of objects.
  • It allows you to perform various operations on data collections, such as adding, removing, searching, and iterating over elements.
  1. List:
  • List is a type of collection that represents an ordered sequence of elements.
  • It allows duplicate elements, and each element has an index that defines its position in the list.
  • Common implementations of List in Java include ArrayList and LinkedList.
  1. Stack:
  • Stack is a type of collection that follows the Last In First Out (LIFO) principle.
  • It allows elements to be added and removed from the top of the stack.
  • The push() method is used to add elements, and the pop() method is used to remove elements.
  1. Queue:
  • Queue is a type of collection that follows the First In First Out (FIFO) principle.
  • It allows elements to be added at the end (enqueue) and removed from the front (dequeue) of the queue.
  • The add() method is used to add elements, and the remove() method is used to remove elements.

What is the final class? Why they are used?

A final class in Java is a class that cannot be subclassed or extended. Once a class is declared as final, it cannot have any subclasses.

Reasons for using final classes:

  1. Security: By declaring a class as final, you prevent other classes from extending it and potentially modifying its behavior or introducing security vulnerabilities.

  2. Performance: Final classes allow the compiler to optimize the code more effectively as it knows that the class structure cannot be changed.

  3. Design: Final classes are used to create immutable classes that guarantee that their state cannot be changed after creation.

  4. API stability: In libraries or frameworks, final classes can ensure that certain core functionalities or design patterns remain unchanged in future versions.

List out various layout panes in JavaFX.

  1. StackPane
  2. GridPane
  3. BorderPane
  4. AnchorPane
  5. FlowPane
  6. TilePane
  7. HBox
  8. VBox

List out JavaFX UI controls and explain any one in detail.

  1. Button
  2. TextField
  3. PasswordField
  4. TextArea
  5. CheckBox
  6. RadioButton
  7. ChoiceBox
  8. ComboBox
  9. ListView
  10. TableView
  11. Label
  12. MenuBar
  13. ToolBar
  14. ScrollPane
  15. Slider
  16. ProgressBar
  17. ProgressIndicator
  18. DatePicker
  19. ImageView
  20. WebView

What is Vector class?

The Vector class is an implementation of the List interface that allows us to create resizable-arrays similar to the ArrayList class.

  1. Resizable Array: Vector is a dynamic array that can change its size (grow or shrink) based on the number of elements it holds.

  2. Indexed Collection: Elements in a Vector are stored in an indexed manner, similar to arrays, and can be accessed using their index positions.

  3. Synchronized: Vector is synchronized, meaning it is thread-safe. Multiple threads can safely access and modify a Vector concurrently without causing data corruption.

  4. Legacy Class: Vector is one of the original collection classes in Java and is part of the Java Collections Framework.

How can you create packages in Java?

Creating a Package in Java:

  1. To create a package in Java, add a package command as the first statement in a Java source file.
  2. Each source file can have only one package statement, and any classes declared within that file will belong to the specified package.
  3. The package statement defines a namespace in which classes are stored.
  4. If a package statement is not used in a class, the class names are put into the default package.
  5. The syntax for defining a package is: package pkg;, where pkg is the package name. For example, package mypack;.
  6. You can create a hierarchy of packages by separating each package name from the one above it using a period. For example, package java.awt.image;.

Compile and Run Package Program:

  1. First, create a directory with the same name as the package name. For example, create a directory named myPack.
  2. Save the Java file inside the myPack directory since it is part of the package.
  3. In the file, include package myPack; as the first statement to indicate that it belongs to the myPack package.


To compile the Java package program:

> javac -d directory javafilename

For example:

> javac -d .

Refactor the information provided above in point-wise format for clarity and conciseness.

Four marks

Explain static variable and static method with example.

Explain static keyword with example.

Static Variables (Class Variables) and Static Methods:

  1. Static Variables (Class Variables):

    • When a variable is declared as static within a class, it becomes a class variable, meaning it is shared among all instances (objects) of that class.
    • There will be only one copy of the static variable, regardless of how many objects of the class are created.
    • Static variables are initialized only once when the class is loaded into memory.
  2. Static Methods:

    • When a method is declared as static within a class, it becomes a class method, which means it belongs to the class rather than to any particular instance of the class.
    • Static methods can only access other static members (variables or methods) of the class; they cannot access instance-specific members directly.


Method main is a public static method. Justify

  1. Entry Point: The main method serves as the entry point of a Java program. When you execute a Java program, the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) starts by invoking the main method. It's the first method to be executed, and from there, the program's execution flows into other parts of the code.

  2. Static Accessibility: The main method must be static because it needs to be accessed without creating an instance of the class. When Java starts running a program, it does not create an object of the class containing the main method. Instead, it directly calls the main method on the class itself.

  3. Public Access Modifier: The main method is declared as public to make it accessible from outside the class and across different packages. This allows the JVM to access and execute the main method when the Java program is launched.

  4. Simplicity and Readability: By making the main method public static, it becomes easy to locate and identify the starting point of the program. Having a clear and standardized entry point simplifies the process of understanding and maintaining code, especially in larger projects.

  5. Consistency with Java Conventions: The Java language designers chose this specific signature for the main method (i.e., public static void main(String[] args) ) to ensure consistency across all Java applications. Adopting a standardized approach makes it easier for developers to remember and write the main method when starting new projects.


What is the difference between the StringBuffer and StringBuilder classes?

SynchronizationSynchronized (thread-safe). It uses synchronized methods, which means multiple threads can safely modify the same StringBuffer object concurrently.Not synchronized (not thread-safe). It does not use synchronization, making it more efficient for single-threaded environments, but it should be used with caution in multithreaded scenarios.
PerformanceSlightly slower due to synchronization overhead when multiple threads access the same StringBuffer concurrently.Faster performance compared to StringBuffer because it lacks synchronization overhead.
Introduced inIntroduced in JDK 1.0.Introduced in JDK 1.5 as part of Java's performance improvements.
Use CaseSuitable when thread safety is required, such as in multi-threaded applications where multiple threads need to modify the same string simultaneously.Preferred in single-threaded environments or when no concurrent access is required. It is commonly used for faster string manipulation in non-threaded applications.
AvailabilityAvailable in both Java SE and Java EE environments.Available in both Java SE and Java EE environments.
InheritanceExtends the AbstractStringBuilder class.Also extends the AbstractStringBuilder class.
ConstructorsProvides multiple constructors to create StringBuffer objects with different initial capacities.Provides multiple constructors similar to StringBuffer for creating StringBuilder objects.
ConversionCan be converted to an immutable String using the toString() method.Can be converted to an immutable String using the toString() method.
Common MethodsOffers various methods for string manipulation, such as append(), insert(), delete(), reverse(), etc.Offers the same methods for string manipulation as StringBuffer, such as append(), insert(), delete(), reverse(), etc.

Explain about Encapsulation, Abstraction.


  • Definition: Encapsulation is a concept in object-oriented programming that combines data and the methods (functions) that operate on that data within a single unit, called a class.
  • Purpose: The main purpose of encapsulation is to hide the internal details of how data is stored and processed, providing a clean interface for interacting with the object.
  • Benefits: Encapsulation helps in achieving data security by preventing direct access to the internal data from outside the class. It also allows the class to have control over its own data, making it easier to maintain and modify the implementation without affecting the external code.


  • Definition: Abstraction is a process of simplifying complex real-world entities by defining essential characteristics and hiding unnecessary details.
  • Purpose: The main purpose of abstraction is to focus on the relevant aspects of an object or system while ignoring irrelevant complexities.
  • Benefits: Abstraction provides a high-level view of an object, making it easier to understand and work with. It allows you to create models that represent real-world entities in a more manageable and intuitive way.

Key Points:

  • Encapsulation combines data and methods within a class, providing data hiding and controlled access to data and behaviors.
  • Abstraction simplifies complex real-world entities by focusing on essential characteristics and hiding irrelevant details.
  • Both concepts contribute to building clean, maintainable, and understandable code in object-oriented programming.

Write a single program which demonstrates the usage of following keywords: i) import, ii) new, iii) this, iv) break, v) continue Show how to compile and run the program in java.

Explanation of Keywords:

  • import: Used to import a specific class or package into the current Java file. In this program, we import the Scanner class from the java.util package to read user input.

  • new: Used to create an instance (object) of a class. In the program, we use new to create an object of the KeywordDemo class.

  • this: Refers to the current instance of the class. In the program, we use this to distinguish between the instance variable number and the method parameter number.

  • break: Used to exit a loop prematurely. In the program, we use break to exit the loop when the value of i becomes 5.

  • continue: Used to skip the current iteration of a loop and proceed to the next iteration. In the program, we use continue to skip even numbers and print only odd numbers.

Consider class A as the parent of class B. Explain among the following which statement will show the compilation error. i) A a = new A(); ii) A a = new B(); iii) B b = new A(); iv) B b = new B();

Among the given statements, the one that will show a compilation error is:

iii) B b = new A();


  • Statement i) A a = new A(); is valid. It creates an object of class A and assigns it to a reference variable of type A.

  • Statement ii) A a = new B(); is also valid. It uses polymorphism where the reference variable of type A is pointing to an object of the subclass B. This is allowed because B is a subclass of A.

  • Statement iii) B b = new A(); will result in a compilation error. It's an invalid assignment because class A is the parent of class B. In Java, you cannot assign a parent class reference to a child class object directly.

  • Statement iv) B b = new B(); is valid. It creates an object of class B and assigns it to a reference variable of type B. This is a straightforward object instantiation of class B.

To summarize, statement iii) B b = new A(); will lead to a compilation error due to the incorrect assignment of a parent class reference to a child class object.

Explain following keywords 1) Static 2) Super

Explain super keyword with example.

Sure! Here's a simple explanation of the super keyword with an example:

Super Keyword:

  • The super keyword in Java is used to refer to the parent class (superclass) from within the child class (subclass).
  • It is mainly used to access members (fields and methods) of the superclass that may be overridden or hidden in the subclass.



Animal makes a sound.
Dog barks!

Define Interface and explain how it differs from the class.

Explain the interface with an example program.


  • An interface in Java is a blueprint of a class that defines a set of abstract methods that must be implemented by any class that implements the interface.
  • It also allows the declaration of constant fields (static final variables) and default methods with method implementations (introduced in Java 8).
InstantiationCannot be directly instantiated.Can be directly instantiated using the new keyword.
InheritanceSupports multiple inheritance by extending multiple interfaces using extends.Supports single inheritance by extending only one superclass using extends.
AbstractnessContains only abstract methods (methods without a body) and constant fields (static final variables).Can have both abstract and concrete (implemented) methods.
FieldsCan have constant fields (static final variables) that must be initialized when declared and cannot be modified.Can have instance variables (fields) with various access modifiers and can have different values for each object.
Access ModifiersAll methods are implicitly public and abstract.Methods and fields can have different access modifiers (public, private, protected, or package-private) to control visibility and accessibility.
ImplementationImplemented using the implements keyword. A class must provide implementations for all the abstract methods of the interface.Implemented directly by creating objects from the class. It may also implement one or more interfaces.
PurposeSpecifies a contract of methods that implementing classes must provide. Supports abstraction and multiple inheritance.Provides a blueprint for objects and allows code reuse through inheritance and polymorphism. Supports abstraction and single inheritance.

Example Program:

Explain ArrayList class.


  • ArrayList is a class in Java that implements the List interface, allowing dynamic resizable arrays to store elements of any data type.

Key Points:

  1. Dynamic Resizing: Unlike regular arrays, an ArrayList can grow or shrink in size automatically as elements are added or removed.

  2. Declaration and Initialization:

    • To use an ArrayList, you need to import it first using: import java.util.ArrayList;.
    • Then, you can declare and initialize an ArrayList with: ArrayList < DataType > list = new ArrayList < > ( ) ;
  3. Adding Elements:

    • You can add elements using add() method: list.add(element);.
  4. Accessing Elements:

    • Elements can be accessed using index starting from 0: DataType element = list.get(index);.
  5. Size:

    • The number of elements in the ArrayList can be obtained using size() method: int size = list.size();.
  6. Removing Elements:

    • You can remove elements by index: list.remove(index);, or by object: list.remove(element);.



Fruits List: [Apple, Banana, Orange]
Size of the List: 3
Second fruit: Banana
Fruits List after removing Banana: [Apple, Orange]


  • In the example, we create an ArrayList of strings named fruits.
  • We add three fruits to the list using the add() method.
  • We then print the list, its size, and the second fruit using the get() method.
  • Finally, we remove "Banana" from the list using the remove() method and print the updated list.

Write a JAVA program to read student.txt file and display the content.

What method do you use to obtain an element in the collection from an iterator? Explain with example.

To obtain an element from a collection using an iterator, you use the next() method of the iterator. The next() method retrieves the next element in the collection and advances the iterator to the next position.


Let's say we have an ArrayList containing some names, and we want to retrieve each name using an iterator:



Write importance of JAVAFX compare to AWT and Swing.

Importance of JavaFX compared to AWT and Swing:

  1. Modern and Rich User Interfaces:

    • JavaFX provides a modern and visually appealing user interface with support for rich graphics, animations, and multimedia elements.
    • AWT and Swing have more limited capabilities and a less visually appealing appearance.
  2. Separation of UI and Logic:

    • JavaFX promotes a clear separation of user interface (UI) and application logic using FXML, which allows designers and developers to work independently on UI design and functionality.
    • In AWT and Swing, UI components are tightly coupled with application logic, leading to more complex code.
  3. Scene Graph Architecture:

    • JavaFX uses a scene graph architecture, where UI elements are represented as nodes in a tree-like structure, allowing efficient rendering and easier manipulation of UI components.
    • AWT and Swing use a different rendering model, which may lead to performance limitations for complex UIs.
  4. CSS Styling:

    • JavaFX allows styling UI components using CSS, making it easier to customize the appearance of the application without changing the underlying code.
    • AWT and Swing have more limited styling options and may require more code modifications for customization.
  5. Multithreading and Concurrency:

    • JavaFX provides better support for multithreading and concurrency, allowing UI updates without freezing the application.
    • AWT and Swing require careful handling of threading to avoid UI freezing and potential synchronization issues.
  6. Media and 3D Support:

    • JavaFX has built-in support for multimedia elements (audio, video) and includes 3D graphics capabilities.
    • AWT and Swing lack native support for media and 3D, requiring additional libraries or custom implementations.
  7. Integration with Web Technologies:

    • JavaFX has better integration with web technologies, allowing web content to be embedded using WebView, making it easier to create hybrid applications.
    • AWT and Swing have limited support for web integration.

Write short notes on access specifiers and modifiers in java.

Access Specifiers in Java:

  1. Public: Accessible from any class or package. No restrictions on access.

  2. Protected: Accessible within the same package or subclasses in different packages.

  3. Default (Package-private): Accessible within the same package only. No access outside the package.

  4. Private: Accessible only within the same class. Not accessible from subclasses or other classes.

Access Modifiers in Java:

  1. Final: Used with variables, methods, or classes to make them unchangeable or unextendable.

  2. Static: Used with variables and methods to belong to the class rather than individual instances.

  3. Abstract: Used with classes and methods to define incomplete or abstract elements that must be implemented by subclasses.

  4. Synchronized: Used with methods or blocks to enable thread-safe access, ensuring only one thread can access them at a time.

  5. Transient: Used with variables to exclude them from serialization.

  6. Volatile: Used with variables to ensure that their value is always read from main memory, not from CPU cache.

  7. Strictfp: Used with classes and methods to ensure consistent floating-point calculations across different platforms.

What is a Package? What are the benefits of using packages? Write down the steps in creating a package and using it in a java program with an example.


  • A package in Java is a mechanism to organize classes, interfaces, and other resources in a hierarchical structure.
  • It helps to avoid naming conflicts, improve code maintainability, and create a logical grouping of related classes.

Benefits of Using Packages:

  1. Namespace Management: Packages prevent naming conflicts by providing a unique namespace for classes and resources.

  2. Code Organization: Packages allow logical grouping of related classes, making it easier to locate and manage code files.

  3. Access Control: Packages provide access control through package-private (default) access, restricting access to classes within the same package.

  4. Encapsulation: Packages support encapsulation by allowing classes to be grouped together based on their functionality.

Steps to Create and Use a Package in Java:

  1. Create a Directory Structure: Create a directory with the package name, and place your Java file inside it.

  2. Add the Package Declaration: In the Java file, add the package declaration as the first line: package package_name;.

  3. Compile the Java File: Compile the Java file using the javac command. The compiled .class file will be placed inside the package directory.

  4. Import and Use the Package: In another Java file, import the package using import package_name.ClassName;, and use the classes inside the package.


Step 1: Create a directory structure:

- mypackage

Step 2: Inside, add the package declaration:

Step 3: Compile the Java file:

javac mypackage/

Step 4: In another Java file, import and use the package:


This is a message from MyPackageClass.

What is reflection and how does it help to manipulate java code.

Reflection in Java:

  • Reflection is a feature in Java that allows a program to inspect and modify its own structure and behavior at runtime.
  • It provides the ability to examine classes, methods, fields, and constructors dynamically, without knowing them at compile time.

How Reflection Helps Manipulate Java Code:

  • With reflection, you can:
    1. Create Objects: Instantiate classes and call constructors dynamically.
    2. Access Fields: Read and modify fields (even private ones) of a class.
    3. Invoke Methods: Call methods dynamically by name.
    4. Inspect Annotations: Access and modify annotations applied to classes, methods, or fields.

Smallest Example:

Here's a simple example demonstrating how reflection can create an object, access a private field, and invoke a method dynamically:


Private field value: Hello, Reflection!
Hello, Reflection!

Explain about adapter classes and mouse events with an example.

Adapter Classes in Java:

  • An adapter class in Java is a class that provides default empty implementations for all methods of an interface.
  • It allows you to create objects that implement the interface but only override the methods they need, making it easier to work with interfaces.

Mouse Events in Java:

  • Mouse events in Java are events related to mouse actions, such as clicking, moving, or pressing/releasing mouse buttons.
  • They are used to handle user interactions with graphical user interfaces (GUIs).

Example Program - Mouse Events with Adapter Class:


  • In this example, we create a simple Swing-based GUI using JFrame and JPanel.
  • We add a MouseListener to the JPanel using an anonymous inner class of MouseAdapter.
  • The MouseAdapter provides default empty implementations for all mouse events, but we only override mouseClicked, mouseEntered, and mouseExited methods.
  • When we run the program and interact with the GUI using the mouse, the appropriate messages will be printed based on the mouse events.

Explain the following constructors using appropriate example: i) Default constructor and Parameterised constructor ii) Shallow copy and Deep copy constructor


  1. Default Constructor:

    • A default constructor is a constructor with no parameters.
    • It is automatically provided by Java if no constructor is explicitly defined in the class.
    • It initializes instance variables with default values (e.g., 0 for int, null for objects).
  2. Parameterized Constructor:

    • A parameterized constructor is a constructor with one or more parameters.
    • It allows you to initialize instance variables with specific values passed as arguments during object creation.

Shallow Copy and Deep Copy Constructors:

  1. Shallow Copy Constructor:

    • A shallow copy constructor creates a new object by copying the references of the original object's fields.
    • It does not create new copies of the objects referred to by the fields (only references are copied).
    • Modifications to the objects in the new copy will affect the original object and vice versa.
  2. Deep Copy Constructor:

    • A deep copy constructor creates a new object and creates new copies of the objects referred to by the original object's fields.
    • It ensures that the new copy is independent of the original object and modifications to one do not affect the other.

Example Program


Default Employee - Name: Unknown, City: Unknown
Original Employee - Name: John, City: New York
Shallow Copy - Name: John, City: New York
Deep Copy - Name: John, City: New York
Shallow Copy - Modified City: Los Angeles
Deep Copy - Unmodified City: New York

Explain “Passing argument by values” with example.

Explain the following: i) Arguments and Parameters of a function ii) Pass by Value and Pass by reference

Arguments and Parameters of a Function:

  • Parameters: Parameters are variables defined in the function's declaration to receive values when the function is called. They act as placeholders for the actual values that will be passed to the function.

  • Arguments: Arguments are the actual values passed to a function when it is called. They are the real data that will be processed by the function, and they correspond to the parameters defined in the function declaration.

Pass by Value and Pass by Reference:

  • Pass by Value: In pass by value, a copy of the actual value of the arguments is passed to the function. Changes made to the function parameters do not affect the original values of the arguments outside the function.

  • Pass by Reference: In pass by reference, a reference (memory address) to the original arguments is passed to the function. Changes made to the function parameters directly affect the original values of the arguments outside the function.

Combined Example:

Explain multithreading using Thread class

Multithreading using Thread Class:

  1. Thread Class in Java: The Thread class in Java is a built-in class that allows you to create and manage threads in a Java program.

  2. Concurrency: Multithreading enables concurrent execution of multiple tasks, improving performance by utilizing multiple CPU cores.

  3. Extending Thread Class: To create a thread, you can extend the Thread class and override its run() method with the code you want to run in the thread.

  4. Starting Threads: Use the start() method to start the thread's execution. It calls the run() method, running it in a separate thread.

  5. Thread Execution: When a thread is started, it runs concurrently with the main thread, allowing multiple tasks to be performed simultaneously.

  6. Interleaved Output: Threads may produce interleaved output as their execution order depends on the operating system's thread scheduler.

  7. Synchronization: In multithreading, synchronization mechanisms like synchronized keyword are used to prevent data race and ensure thread safety.


Output (Sample):

Main Thread: 1
Main Thread: 2
Thread: 1
Main Thread: 3
Thread: 2
Main Thread: 4
Main Thread: 5
Thread: 3
Thread: 4
Thread: 5

Explain multithreading using Runnable interface

Multithreading using Runnable Interface:

  1. Runnable Interface in Java: The Runnable interface is another way to create and manage threads in Java. It represents a task that can be executed by a thread.

  2. Advantage of Runnable Interface: Using Runnable is preferred over extending the Thread class because Java supports single inheritance, and implementing an interface allows multiple inheritance of behavior.

  3. Implementing Runnable: To use the Runnable interface, you need to implement its run() method in your class, which will contain the code to be executed by the thread.

  4. Creating Threads: After implementing the Runnable interface, you can create thread objects and pass the instance of your class implementing Runnable to the thread constructor.

  5. Starting Threads: Use the start() method to start the thread's execution, just like with the Thread class.

  6. Thread Execution: When started, the thread executes the code in the run() method concurrently with other threads.

  7. Interleaved Output: Threads may produce interleaved output as their execution order depends on the operating system's thread scheduler.


Output (Sample):

Thread: 1
Main Thread: 1
Main Thread: 2
Thread: 2
Main Thread: 3
Main Thread: 4
Thread: 3
Main Thread: 5
Thread: 4
Thread: 5

In multi-threading using Thread class, explain with an example how a start() method call invokes the run method of the class extending Thread class.

Multithreading using Thread Class - Invoking run() method via start():

When you create a thread by extending the Thread class, the start() method is used to initiate the execution of the thread. The start() method internally calls the run() method of the class that extends Thread. It is important to note that you should not directly call the run() method. Instead, you must call the start() method, which ensures that the thread is executed in a separate context.


Output (Sample):

Thread: 1
Thread: 2
Thread: 3
Thread: 4
Thread: 5
Main Thread: 1
Main Thread: 2
Main Thread: 3
Main Thread: 4
Main Thread: 5

In multi-threads using the Runnable interface, explain with an example how a start() method calls the run() method of a class implementing a runnable interface.

Multithreading using Runnable Interface - Invoking run() method via start():

When you create a thread by implementing the Runnable interface, the start() method is used to initiate the execution of the thread. The start() method internally calls the run() method of the class that implements Runnable. It is important to note that you should not directly call the run() method. Instead, you must call the start() method, which ensures that the thread is executed in a separate context.


Output (Sample):

Thread: 1
Thread: 2
Main Thread: 1
Thread: 3
Main Thread: 2
Thread: 4
Main Thread: 3
Thread: 5
Main Thread: 4
Main Thread: 5

Write short notes about I/O stream classes.

Java I/O (Input/Output) is used to process data input and produce data output in Java programs. This is achieved through streams, which are linked to physical devices by the Java I/O system to perform input and output operations in Java.

I/O stream classes
I/O stream classes

There are two types of streams in Java:

  1. Byte Stream: Used for handling input and output of bytes, typically used when dealing with binary data.

  2. Character Stream: Used for handling input and output of characters, supporting Unicode and internationalization.

Byte Stream I/O Classes Hierarchy:

  • Byte streams are defined by using two abstract classes: InputStream (for reading data from a source) and OutputStream (for writing data to a destination).
  • These abstract classes have several subclasses, including BufferedInputStream, BufferedOutputStream, DataInputStream, DataOutputStream, FileInputStream, FileOutputStream, InputStream, OutputStream, and PrintStream.
  • Important methods in these classes include read() (for reading a byte of data) and write() (for writing a byte of data).

Character Stream I/O Classes Hierarchy:

  • Character streams are defined by using two abstract classes: Reader (for reading data from a source) and Writer (for writing data to a destination).
  • Subclasses include BufferedReader, BufferedWriter, FileReader, FileWriter, InputStreamReader, OutputStreamReader, PrintWriter, Reader, and Writer.
  • Key methods in these classes include read() (for reading a character of data) and write() (for writing a character of data).

What is Type Casting? Explain widening and narrowing type casting.

Type Casting:

  1. Definition: Type casting, also known as type conversion, is the process of converting a value from one data type to another in Java.

  2. Purpose: Type casting is used to ensure compatibility between different data types and to perform operations that involve different data types.

  3. Implicit (Widening) Type Casting:

    • Occurs when a value of a smaller data type is converted to a larger data type.
    • No data loss occurs during widening, as the destination type can hold a wider range of values.
    • It is automatically done by the Java compiler.
    • Example: int to long, float to double.
  4. Explicit (Narrowing) Type Casting:

    • Occurs when a value of a larger data type is converted to a smaller data type.
    • There may be potential data loss during narrowing, as the destination type may not be able to represent the full range of the source type.
    • Explicitly done using parentheses and the target type before the value.
    • Example: double to int, long to short.
  5. Example:

Usage: Type casting is helpful when you need to perform operations on different data types or when you want to ensure data compatibility while working with variables or expressions. However, caution should be exercised during narrowing to prevent data loss.

Explain type-conversion in java.

Type Conversion in Java:

  1. Definition: Type conversion, also known as type casting, is the process of converting one data type into another in Java.

  2. Implicit Type Conversion (Widening): It occurs when the destination data type can hold a larger range of values than the source type, and no data loss is possible. Java automatically performs implicit type conversion.

  3. Example of Implicit Type Conversion:

  4. Explicit Type Conversion (Narrowing): It occurs when the destination data type has a smaller range than the source type, and there may be potential data loss. It needs to be done explicitly using casting.

  5. Example of Explicit Type Conversion:

  6. Casting Syntax: To perform explicit type conversion, use parentheses with the target type before the variable to be converted.

  7. Caution: When narrowing, be cautious about potential data loss, as values outside the range of the destination type will be truncated.

  8. Usage: Type conversion is useful when you need to work with different data types or when you need to pass data between methods or classes with varying parameter types.

What is constructor overloading?

Constructor Overloading:

  1. Definition: Constructor overloading is the ability to have multiple constructors in a class with different parameter lists.

  2. Purpose: It allows a class to create objects with different initial states or configurations.

  3. Parameter Variation: Constructor overloading is achieved by using different parameter types, different numbers of parameters, or both.

  4. Example:

  1. Usage: Constructor overloading is helpful when you want to create objects with different initializations without the need for separate factory methods. It provides flexibility and convenience when instantiating objects of a class with various initial states.

Explain Primitive data type and wrapper class data types.

Primitive Data Type:

  1. Definition: Primitive data types in Java are the basic building blocks used to store simple values directly in memory.

  2. Types: Java has eight primitive data types: byte, short, int, long, float, double, char, and boolean.

  3. Storage: Primitive types are stored directly in memory and have a fixed size, making them more memory-efficient.

  4. No Methods: Primitive types do not have methods or additional functionalities like objects.

  5. Example:

Wrapper Class Data Types:

  1. Definition: Wrapper classes are used to wrap primitive data types into objects, allowing them to be used in Java collections and providing additional methods and functionalities.

  2. Types: There is a wrapper class for each primitive data type: Byte, Short, Integer, Long, Float, Double, Character, and Boolean.

  3. Conversion: Autoboxing and unboxing automatically convert between primitive data types and their corresponding wrapper classes.

  4. Methods: Wrapper classes provide useful methods for working with primitive values, such as converting strings to primitive types and vice versa.

  5. Example:

Usage: Wrapper classes are useful when working with collections, APIs that expect objects, or when you need additional functionalities provided by these classes for manipulating primitive values.

Explain Java garbage collection mechanism.

Java Garbage Collection Mechanism:

  1. Definition: Garbage collection in Java is an automatic process of reclaiming memory occupied by objects that are no longer in use, freeing up memory for future allocations.

  2. Purpose: It helps manage memory efficiently, preventing memory leaks and reducing the burden of manual memory management.

  3. How it Works: Garbage collection identifies objects that are no longer reachable or referenced by any part of the program.

  4. Mark and Sweep Algorithm: The garbage collector marks all reachable objects from the root (e.g., main method) and then sweeps the memory to reclaim memory occupied by unreachable objects.

  5. Generational Garbage Collection: Java divides objects into different generations (Young, Old, PermGen), each with different collection algorithms for optimized performance.

  6. Automatic Process: Garbage collection is performed automatically by the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) at runtime, based on factors like available memory and object allocation.

  7. System.gc() and finalize(): Though not recommended, developers can request garbage collection using System.gc() and use finalize() method (deprecated since Java 9) to perform cleanup before an object is garbage collected.

  8. Tuning Garbage Collection: JVM allows tuning garbage collection settings to optimize performance based on specific application requirements.

Usage: Garbage collection in Java simplifies memory management by handling memory deallocation automatically, allowing developers to focus on writing code without worrying about manual memory cleanup.

List out different methods available for String class in java and explain any two with proper example.

Methods available for String class in Java:

  1. length(): Returns the length of the string (number of characters).

  2. charAt(int index): Returns the character at the specified index.

  3. concat(String str): Concatenates the specified string to the end of the original string.

  4. equals(Object obj): Compares the content of the strings for equality.

  5. equalsIgnoreCase(String str): Compares the content of the strings for equality, ignoring case.

  6. indexOf(String str): Returns the index of the first occurrence of the specified string.

  7. substring(int beginIndex): Returns a new string that is a substring of the original string, starting from the specified index.

  8. toUpperCase(): Converts all characters of the string to uppercase.

  9. toLowerCase(): Converts all characters of the string to lowercase.

  10. replace(char oldChar, char newChar): Replaces all occurrences of the specified character with a new character.

Two methods explained with examples:

  1. **length()`:
  • The length() method returns the length of the string, which is the number of characters in the string.
  1. **substring(int beginIndex)`:
  • The substring() method returns a new string that is a substring of the original string, starting from the specified beginIndex.

  • In the example, we call substring(7), which extracts the characters from index 7 to the end of the string, resulting in "World!" being assigned to subStr.

Explain following controls 1) text-Area 2) scrollbar 3) checkbox 4) combo-box

Controls in Java:

  1. Text-Area:

    • Definition: A text area is a multi-line text input control that allows users to enter and edit multiple lines of text.
    • Usage: Text areas are used when input requires more than one line, such as in chat applications or when users need to provide lengthy comments.
  2. Scrollbar:

    • Definition: A scrollbar is a user interface control that allows users to scroll through content that does not fit within the visible area of a component, such as a text area or a list.
    • Usage: Scrollbars are essential when the content exceeds the available space, providing users with a way to access the hidden content.
  3. Checkbox:

    • Definition: A checkbox is a GUI component that represents a binary choice, enabling users to select or deselect an option.
    • Usage: Checkboxes are used when users need to make a simple yes/no or true/false selection, like agreeing to terms or choosing preferences.
  4. Combo-Box:

    • Definition: A combo-box is a combination of a text field and a drop-down list, allowing users to select an item from the list or enter custom text.
    • Usage: Combo-boxes are used when users need to choose from a predefined list of options or provide input different from the list options.

Example of Text-Area:

Example of Scrollbar:

Example of Checkbox:

Example of Combo-Box:

Explain following controls (1) Checkbox (2) Radio Button (3) Textfield (4) Label

Controls in Java:

  1. Radio Button:

    • Definition: A radio button is a GUI component that allows users to select one option from a group of mutually exclusive options.
    • Usage: Radio buttons are used when users need to choose a single option from a set of related choices, such as selecting a gender or a preference.
  2. Textfield:

    • Definition: A text field is a single-line text input control that allows users to enter and edit a single line of text.
    • Usage: Text fields are used when input requires a single line, such as entering a username, password, or any other short text.
  3. Label:

    • Definition: A label is a non-editable text component used to display text or provide descriptions for other GUI components.
    • Usage: Labels are used to provide information, instructions, or context to users and are often paired with other controls to enhance their understanding.

Example of Radio Button:

Example of Textfield:

Example of Label:

What is Exception? Demonstrate how you can handle different types of exception separately.

Exception in Java:

  1. Definition: An exception is an event that disrupts the normal flow of a program's execution due to unexpected conditions or errors.

  2. Types: Exceptions in Java are categorized into two types: Checked Exceptions (compile-time) and Unchecked Exceptions (runtime).

  3. Checked Exceptions: These exceptions must be either caught or declared using the throws keyword in the method signature.

  4. Unchecked Exceptions: These exceptions need not be explicitly caught or declared, but they can still be handled if desired.

Handling Different Types of Exceptions:

Output (Sample):

ArithmeticException occurred: Cannot divide by zero.
Finally block executed.

Explain usage of class FileInputStream and FileOutputStream by giving an example.

Usage of FileInputStream and FileOutputStream:

  1. FileInputStream:
    • FileInputStream is used to read data from a file in Java.
    • It reads data as bytes from a file and is suitable for reading binary or non-text files.

Example of FileInputStream:

  • In this example, we use FileInputStream to read data from a file named "input.txt".
  • We read the data from the file one byte at a time using the read() method until the end of the file is reached ( read() returns -1).
  • The read byte is converted to a character and printed on the console.
  1. FileOutputStream:
    • FileOutputStream is used to write data to a file in Java.
    • It writes data as bytes to a file and is suitable for writing binary or non-text files.

Example of FileOutputStream:

  • In this example, we use FileOutputStream to write the content to a file named "output.txt".
  • We convert the content into bytes using the getBytes() method of the String class and write it to the file using the write() method.

Usage: FileInputStream and FileOutputStream are commonly used for reading and writing files in Java, providing access to the file as a stream of bytes. These classes are essential when dealing with files for various I/O operations.

How to access object via reference variable? Explain with example.

Accessing Object via Reference Variable:

  1. Reference Variable: In Java, a reference variable is a variable that holds the memory address of an object rather than the actual object itself.

  2. Object Access: By using the reference variable, we can access the members (fields and methods) of the object it points to.


Explain Method Overloading and Overriding.

Method Overloading:

  1. Definition: Method overloading is the process of defining multiple methods in a class with the same name but different parameter lists.

  2. Parameter Variation: Overloaded methods must have different types or numbers of parameters, allowing different ways to call the same method.

  3. Return Type: The return type of the method does not play a role in method overloading.

  4. Example:

  • In the example, the MathUtils class has two add methods with different parameter types (int and double), enabling the addition of both integer and double values.

Method Overriding:

  1. Definition: Method overriding is the process of providing a specific implementation for a method in a subclass that is already defined in its superclass.

  2. Inheritance Relationship: The method in the subclass must have the same name, return type, and parameter list as the method in the superclass.

  3. Example:

  • In the example, the Animal class has a method called makeSound(). The Dog class extends Animal and provides its own implementation of makeSound() method, overriding the superclass method.


  • Method overloading allows developers to create methods with similar functionalities but different parameter types or counts, enhancing code readability and reusability.
  • Method overriding is used to customize the behavior of inherited methods in subclasses, enabling polymorphism and dynamic method dispatch. It allows a subclass to provide its unique implementation of a method from the superclass, making the code more flexible and extensible.

Explain following keywords (1) super (2) this

**Keyword: **this`**

  1. Definition: this is a keyword in Java that refers to the current instance of the class in which it is used.

  2. Usage: It is primarily used to differentiate between instance variables and local variables that have the same name.

  3. Referencing Current Object: this is used to access instance variables and invoke instance methods of the current object.

  4. Constructor Chaining: In constructors, this can be used to call other constructors within the same class (constructor chaining).


Usage: The this keyword helps in distinguishing between instance variables and method parameters in the class and is especially helpful in constructors and methods with similar names for instance variables and parameters. It enhances code readability and avoids naming conflicts.

What is constructor? Explain constructor overloading.


  1. Definition: A constructor is a special method in Java that is automatically called when an object of a class is created.

  2. Purpose: The constructor initializes the object's state and ensures that the object is in a valid state when it is created.

  3. Characteristics:

    • Constructors have the same name as the class.
    • They have no return type, not even void.
    • Multiple constructors can be defined in a class.
  4. Default Constructor: If a class does not have any explicitly defined constructor, Java automatically provides a default constructor with no parameters.

  5. Usage: Constructors are useful for setting initial values, allocating resources, and preparing an object for use.

Constructor Overloading:

  1. Definition: Constructor overloading is the process of defining multiple constructors in a class with different parameter lists.

  2. Purpose: It allows objects to be created with different initial states and provides flexibility in object instantiation.

Example of Constructor Overloading:

Usage of Constructor Overloading: Constructor overloading allows creating objects with various initial states without having to define separate static factory methods for each combination of initial parameters. It provides more flexibility in object creation and simplifies object instantiation with different attributes.

Explain Inner class with example.

Inner Class in Java:

An inner class is a class defined inside another class. It is a way to logically group classes together and improve encapsulation by allowing the inner class to access the private members of the outer class.

Types of Inner Classes:

  1. Static Inner Class: It is a nested class declared with the static keyword. It is associated with the outer class but does not have access to the instance members of the outer class.

  2. Non-Static Inner Class (Member Inner Class): It is associated with an instance of the outer class and can access both instance and static members of the outer class.

Example of Inner Class:

Usage of Inner Class: Inner classes help organize code logically, improve encapsulation, and provide an elegant way to use multiple classes together for implementation purposes. They are commonly used for event handling, callback functions, and creating custom data structures.

Write exception handling mechanisms in JAVA.

In Java, exception handling mechanisms allow developers to handle errors and unexpected situations gracefully. It helps prevent the program from crashing and provides a way to recover from errors. Java provides the following exception handling mechanisms:

  1. try-catch: The try block is used to enclose the code that may cause an exception, and the catch block is used to handle the exception if it occurs.
  1. Multiple catch blocks: Java allows using multiple catch blocks to handle different types of exceptions separately.
  1. finally block: The finally block is used to execute code that should always be executed, regardless of whether an exception occurred or not. It is often used for cleanup tasks, like closing resources.
  1. throw keyword: The throw keyword is used to manually throw an exception from the code. It is used in cases where custom exceptions need to be created or where a certain condition warrants an exception.
  1. try-with-resources: It is used to automatically close resources that implement the AutoCloseable interface (e.g., streams, connections) after the try block execution, reducing the need for explicit finally blocks.


What is Inheritance? List out the different forms of Inheritance and explain any one with example.

Inheritance in Java:

Inheritance is a fundamental object-oriented programming concept in Java, where a class (subclass or derived class) inherits the properties (fields and methods) of another class (superclass or base class). The subclass can reuse and extend the functionality of the superclass, promoting code reusability and hierarchical relationships.

Forms of Inheritance:

  1. Single Inheritance: A subclass can inherit from only one superclass.

  2. Multiple Inheritance: A subclass can inherit from multiple superclasses. Java does not support multiple inheritance of classes to avoid the "Diamond Problem," but it allows multiple inheritance of interfaces using interface implementation.

  3. Multilevel Inheritance: A subclass inherits from another subclass, creating a chain of inheritance.

  4. Hierarchical Inheritance: Multiple subclasses inherit from the same superclass, forming a hierarchical structure.

Example of Single Inheritance:

Usage of Inheritance: Inheritance facilitates code reusability, promotes the principle of "is-a" relationship, and allows the creation of class hierarchies. It simplifies code maintenance and makes the program more organized and understandable.

List out methods of Iterator and explain it.

In Java, the Iterator interface provides a way to iterate over a collection (e.g., ArrayList, LinkedList, etc.) in a sequential manner, allowing you to retrieve and remove elements from the collection. The Iterator interface defines several methods to achieve these functionalities:

  1. boolean hasNext():

    • This method returns a boolean value ( true or false ) indicating whether there are more elements to be iterated over in the collection.
    • It checks if there is at least one more element in the collection.
  2. E next():

    • This method returns the next element in the collection and advances the iterator to the next position.
    • If there are no more elements to be iterated over (i.e., when hasNext() returns false ), calling next() will throw a NoSuchElementException.
  3. void remove():

    • This method removes the last element returned by the next() method from the underlying collection.
    • It can only be called once after a call to next().
    • If you call remove() before calling next() or if you call remove() multiple times after a single call to next(), it will throw an IllegalStateException.


Let's demonstrate the usage of the Iterator methods with an example using an **ArrayList`:


After removing Banana: [Apple, Orange]

Usage of Iterator: The Iterator interface is commonly used when you need to iterate over collections like lists and sets without knowing the internal structure of the collection. It provides a safe and efficient way to traverse through the elements of a collection, and the remove() method allows you to remove elements while iterating without causing any concurrent modification exceptions.

Describe with diagram the life cycle of Thread.

Thread life cycle
Thread life cycle

Following are the stages of the thread life cycle:

  1. New: A new thread begins its life cycle in the new state. It remains in this state until the program starts the thread. It is also referred to as a born thread.

  2. Runnable: After a newly born thread is started, the thread becomes runnable. A thread in this state is considered to be executing its task.

  3. Waiting: Sometimes, a thread transitions to the waiting state while it waits for another thread to perform a task. The thread transitions back to the runnable state only when another thread signals the waiting thread to continue executing.

  4. Timed Waiting: A runnable thread can enter the timed waiting state for a specified interval of time. A thread in this state transitions back to the runnable state when that time interval expires or when the event it is waiting for occurs.

  5. Terminated (Dead): A runnable thread reaches the terminated state when it completes its task or when an exception terminates its execution.

Demonstrate animation effect in JavaFX.

Sure! Below is a simple JavaFX program that demonstrates an animation effect using the TranslateTransition class to move a circle horizontally back and forth on the screen:

In this program, a blue circle is created using the Circle class. The TranslateTransition class is used to animate the circle's horizontal movement from 100 to 400 pixels. The animation is set to alternate back and forth with a duration of 2 seconds per cycle. The animation keeps repeating indefinitely, making the circle move smoothly between the specified positions.

When you run the program, you will see a window displaying the animated circle moving horizontally on the screen. The animation will continue indefinitely until you close the window.

Explain the architecture of JavaFX.

architecture of JavaFX
architecture of JavaFX

JavaFX is a comprehensive API for building GUI applications with rich graphics. It consists of several packages, including:

  1. javafx.animation: Provides classes for adding transition-based animations to JavaFX nodes.

  2. javafx.application: Contains classes responsible for the JavaFX application life cycle.

  3. javafx.css: Allows adding CSS-like styling to JavaFX GUI applications.

  4. javafx.event: Contains classes and interfaces for delivering and handling JavaFX events.

  5. javafx.geometry: Contains classes to define 2D objects and perform operations on them.

  6. javafx.stage: Holds top-level container classes for JavaFX applications.

  7. javafx.scene: Provides classes and interfaces to support the scene graph, which includes geometrical objects, UI controls, containers, and media elements.

  8. Prism: A high-performance hardware-accelerated graphical pipeline used to render graphics in JavaFX.

  9. GWT (Glass Windowing Toolkit): Manages windows, timers, surfaces, and event queues and connects the JavaFX Platform to the Native Operating System.

  10. Quantum Toolkit: Abstraction over low-level components, tying Prism and GWT together.

  11. WebView: Embeds HTML content into a scene graph using WebKit, supporting web technologies like HTML5, CSS, JavaScript, and more.

  12. Media Engine: Supports playback of audio and video content in various formats.

Seven marks

Explain inheritance with its types and give suitable example.


Define constructor. How objects are constructed? Explain constructor overloading with an example.

  • A constructor is a special member function in object-oriented programming that is used to initialize the state of an object when it is created. It is automatically called when an object is instantiated, allowing you to set initial values to the object's attributes and perform any necessary setup required for the object to be used.

Creating Object & Accessing members

  • new keyword creates new object
  • Syntax: ClassName objName = new ClassName();
  • Example : SmartPhone iPhone = new SmartPhone();
  • Object variables and methods can be accessed using the dot (.) operator
  • Example: = 8000;

Demonstrate use of try-catch construct in case of hierarchical Exception Handling. (i.e handling various exception belongs to the exception hierarchy)

  • In hierarchical exception handling, we use multiple catch blocks to handle exceptions based on their class hierarchy. The catch blocks are ordered from the most specific (subclass) exception to the most general (superclass) exception. This way, if a specific exception is caught, the catch block for its superclass will not be executed.

Refactored Explanation:

  1. The ExceptionHandlingExample class demonstrates exception handling in Java. In the main method, we use the try-catch construct to handle exceptions.

  2. In the first try block, we attempt to perform division by zero (10 / 0), which causes an ArithmeticException.

  3. We have a specific catch block to handle the ArithmeticException and print a custom error message for this specific issue (division by zero).

  4. We also have a more general catch block (catch (Exception e)) to handle any other unexpected exceptions and print a generic error message for them.

  5. In the second try block, we attempt to access an element from an array at an invalid index (index = 6), which results in an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException.

Write a program, which shows an example of function overloading. Also, differentiate between function overloading and overriding.

Explain Overloading and Overriding with example.(winter-7)


  • Overloading in Java refers to the ability to define multiple methods with the same name in the same class, but with different parameter lists.
  • The methods must have different types or number of parameters to be considered overloaded.
  • Overloading allows the same method name to be used for different operations based on the arguments passed.


  • Overriding in Java refers to the ability of a subclass to provide a specific implementation of a method that is already defined in its superclass.
  • The method in the subclass must have the same method signature (name, return type, and parameter list) as the one in the superclass.
  • When an object of the subclass calls the overridden method, it executes the implementation defined in the subclass rather than the one in the superclass.

Example of Function Overriding:

Certainly! Let's append one row with examples of both function overloading and function overriding:

FeatureFunction OverloadingFunction Overriding
DefinitionMultiple methods with the same name but different parameters.Method with the same name and parameters in a subclass that overrides the superclass method.
Occurs inWithin the same class.Between a superclass and its subclass.
InheritanceNot dependent on inheritance.Dependent on inheritance (method must be inherited).
Method SignatureMethod names must be the same, but parameters must be different.Method names and parameters must be the same.
Return TypeMay or may not have the same return type.Must have the same return type.
Static or InstanceCan be static or instance methods.Only instance methods can be overridden.
Compiler SelectionDecided at compile-time based on the method signature.Decided at runtime based on the object's actual type (dynamic binding).
Use of @OverrideNot required, but recommended for clarity.Required to indicate the intention of method overriding.

Write a program to take string input as command line argument. In addition, count occurrence of each character in a given string.

To run this program, follow these steps:

  1. Save the above code in a file named
  2. Open the terminal/command prompt and navigate to the directory containing
  3. Compile the program using the command: javac
  4. Run the program with a string input as a command-line argument, like this: java CharacterCount "hello world" (replace "hello world" with your desired string).
  5. The program will count the occurrence of each character in the given string and display the result.

Describe abstract class called Shape, which has three subclasses say Triangle, Rectangle, and Circle. Define one method area() in the abstract class and override this area() in these three subclasses to calculate for specific object i.e. area() of Triangle subclass should calculate area of triangle likewise for Rectangle and Circle.

Write a java program to implement the multiple inheritance concepts for calculating area of circle and square.


Area of the Triangle: 20.0
Area of the Rectangle: 24.0
Area of the Circle: 28.274333882308138

What do you mean by run time polymorphism? Write a program to demonstrate run time polymorphism.

  • Runtime polymorphism, also called dynamic polymorphism or late binding, means that a programming language decides which method or behavior to use when the code is running, not when it's being compiled. This decision is based on the type of object being used at runtime. It lets different objects of the same group behave differently when a shared method is called, depending on their individual implementations.

  • To demonstrate runtime polymorphism in Java, we can use inheritance and method overriding. In the example below, we create a superclass Animal with a method makeSound(). We then create two subclasses Dog and Cat, both of which override the makeSound() method to produce their respective sounds.

What is an Exception? List out various built-in exceptions in JAVA and explain any one Exception class with suitable example.

  • An exception is an event that disrupts the normal flow of the program. It is an object which is thrown at runtime.
  • An Exception in Java is an unexpected or exceptional event that occurs during the execution of a program and disrupts its normal flow. Exceptions are used to handle error conditions or exceptional situations in a program. When an exception occurs, the program terminates its normal execution and jumps to an exception handler that can deal with the exception appropriately.

In Java, exceptions are represented as objects that belong to classes derived from the java.lang.Exception class. Java provides a wide range of built-in exception classes that cover various types of error scenarios that can occur during program execution.

The list of common built-in exceptions in Java :

  1. ArithmeticException: Occurs during arithmetic operations like division by zero.
  2. NullPointerException: Happens when trying to use an object that is not assigned (null).
  3. ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: Occurs when accessing an array element with an invalid index.
  4. FileNotFoundException: Happens when trying to access a file that does not exist.
  5. IllegalArgumentException: Occurs when a method receives an inappropriate argument.
  6. ClassCastException: Happens when an inappropriate type cast is performed.
  7. NumberFormatException: Occurs when trying to convert an invalid string to a number.
  8. ConcurrentModificationException: Occurs when trying to modify a collection while iterating over it using an iterator.
  9. InterruptedException: Occurs when a thread is interrupted while it is sleeping or waiting.
  10. NoSuchElementException: Happens when trying to access elements from an empty collection.
  11. IOException: Occurs during Input/Output operations.
  12. RuntimeException: Represents various unchecked exceptions like IndexOutOfBoundsException, IllegalStateException, etc.

Explain thread life cycle. (3 - Marks)

Explain Thread life cycle in detail. Write a program to create a child thread to print integer numbers 1 to 10.

Sure! Here's a Java program to create a child thread that prints integer numbers from 1 to 10:

Enlist various layout panes and explain any two in detail.

Explain different layout panes used in JavaFX.(summer-7)

Layout PaneDescription
PaneBase class for layout panes. It contains the getChildren() method for returning a list of nodes in the pane.
StackPanePlaces the nodes on top of each other in the center of the pane.
FlowPanePlaces the nodes row-by-row horizontally or column-by-column vertically.
GridPanePlaces the nodes in the cells in a two-dimensional grid.
BorderPanePlaces the nodes in the top, right, bottom, left, and center regions.
HBoxPlaces the nodes in a single row.
VBoxPlaces the nodes in a single column.

Two layout panes that are commonly used are GridPane and VBox.

  1. GridPane:

    • The GridPane is a flexible layout pane that arranges nodes in a grid-like structure with rows and columns.
    • Each node is placed at specific grid coordinates, allowing precise control over the layout.
    • Nodes can span multiple rows and columns, enabling complex layouts.
    • It's well-suited for creating forms, tables, or any layout that requires consistent alignment.
  2. VBox:

    • The VBox arranges nodes in a single column, stacking them vertically.
    • It automatically sizes its child nodes based on their preferred heights, maintaining their natural sizes.
    • The VBox is useful when you need a vertical layout with elements placed one below the other.
    • It's commonly used for creating vertical menus, sidebars, or sections in a user interface.

Here's an example that demonstrates the usage of both GridPane and VBox:

How do you create a Scene object? How do you set a scene in a stage? Is it possible to create multiple scenes? Write a program to place a circle in the scene and fill circle with red color.

Sure! Here's the refactored content in a point-wise format for easy understanding:

Creating a Scene in JavaFX:

  1. Create Root Node: Choose a JavaFX UI element like Pane, Group, or GridPane as the root node, which will serve as the base for your scene's layout.

  2. Set Scene Dimensions: Specify the desired width and height for the scene while creating it.

  3. Create Scene Object: Use the root node and dimensions to create a Scene object.

  4. Create Stage: Create a Stage object, which represents the main window of your application.

  5. Set Scene to Stage: Set the Scene object to the Stage using the setScene() method.

  6. Display Stage: Use the show() method on the Stage to display your scene in a window.

Multiple Scenes in a Stage:

  • It's possible to create multiple Scene objects.
  • However, only one Scene can be displayed in the Stage at a time.
  • To switch between scenes, use the setScene() method on the Stage with the new Scene object.

Example Program to Place a Circle in a Scene:

State the design hints for class and inheritance. Also discuss the working and meaning of the “static” modifier with suitable examples.

Design Hints for Class and Inheritance:

  1. Single Responsibility Principle (SRP):

    • Each class should have a single purpose or job.
    • Avoid creating classes that do too many different things.
  2. Open/Closed Principle (OCP):

    • Classes should be open for extension but closed for modification.
    • Use inheritance and polymorphism to add new behavior without changing existing code.
  3. Liskov Substitution Principle (LSP):

    • Subclasses should be able to replace their parent classes without causing problems.
    • Subclasses should behave like their parent classes and fulfill their contracts.
  4. Interface Segregation Principle (ISP):

    • Create smaller, specific interfaces rather than large ones with many methods.
    • Classes should only implement the interfaces that are relevant to them.
  5. Dependency Inversion Principle (DIP):

    • High-level modules should not depend on low-level modules. Both should depend on abstractions.
    • Avoid tight coupling between classes and instead use interfaces or abstractions.

Working and Meaning of the "static" Modifier:

The "static" modifier in Java is used for class-level members that belong to the class itself rather than instances of the class. Here's what it means and how it works with suitable examples:

  1. Static Variables:

    • Static variables (also called class variables) are shared among all objects of a class.
    • They are initialized once when the class is loaded and retain their value throughout the program.
  2. Static Methods:

    • Static methods are associated with the class and don't require instances to be called.
    • They can access only other static members and cannot access instance variables or non-static methods.

"static" modifier Java program:

Using the "static" modifier, you can create utility classes with static methods for common tasks without the need to create instances. But be cautious with static variables as they share state across all objects, which can lead to unexpected behavior in some cases.

Explain in detail how inheritance and polymorphism are supported in java with necessary examples.

Inheritance in Java:

  • Inheritance allows a class (subclass) to inherit properties and behaviors from another class (superclass).
  • It helps in reusing code and creating a hierarchy of classes.
  • Subclasses can extend the functionality of the superclass by adding new features or overriding existing ones.
  • In Java, we use the extends keyword to implement inheritance.

Polymorphism in Java:

  1. Compile-time Polymorphism:

    • Also known as method overloading.
    • Occurs when methods with the same name but different parameters are defined in a class.
    • The correct method is chosen at compile-time based on the method signature.
  2. Runtime Polymorphism:

    • Also known as method overriding.
    • Occurs when a subclass provides its own implementation for a method already defined in the superclass.
    • The method to be executed is determined at runtime based on the actual object's type.

What is an Exception? Explain the exception hierarchy. Explain how to throw, catch and handle Exceptions.

Exception Hierarchy:

  • In Java, all exceptions are derived from the Throwable class, which is at the top of the exception hierarchy. There are two main types of exceptions:
  1. Checked exceptions are subclasses of Exception but not RuntimeException.
    • Examples: IOException, SQLException.
  2. Unchecked exceptions are subclasses of RuntimeException.
    • Examples: NullPointerException, ArithmeticException.

Throwing Exceptions:

  • To throw an exception, use the throw keyword followed by the exception object.
  • Example: __throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid input");`

Catching Exceptions:

  • Use a try-catch block to catch exceptions.
  • Code that may throw an exception goes inside the try block.
  • Catch blocks handle the exceptions with specified types.
  • Example:

Handling Exceptions:

  • Handle exceptions with appropriate actions, such as displaying an error message or logging.
  • Rethrow or throw a different exception if needed.
  • The finally block ensures certain code executes, regardless of exceptions.
  • Example:

Explain the thread state, thread properties and thread synchronization.

Thread Properties:

  1. Thread Priority: Threads in Java can have different priorities, ranging from 1 (lowest) to 10 (highest). A higher priority thread has a greater chance of being scheduled to run than a lower priority thread. However, thread priorities are platform-dependent, and the actual behavior may vary.

  2. Thread Name: Each thread can have a name, which is useful for identifying threads during debugging or logging.

  3. Thread ID: Threads are assigned a unique ID when they are created, which can be used to distinguish one thread from another.

What is Generic programming and why is it needed? Explain with example. List the limitations and restrictions of generic programming

Generic Programming:

Generic programming is a programming paradigm that allows writing reusable code that can work with different types without sacrificing type safety. In generic programming, algorithms and data structures can be written in a way that they can handle various data types, providing flexibility and code reusability.

Why is Generic Programming Needed?:

  1. Code Reusability: Generic programming allows developers to write code that can be used with multiple data types, reducing duplication and improving code maintenance.

  2. Type Safety: By using generics, the compiler ensures that the code is type-safe, eliminating the need for runtime type checks and reducing the risk of runtime errors.

  3. Performance: Generics enable compile-time type checking, which can lead to optimized code and better performance compared to using Object types and casting.

Limitations and Restrictions of Generic Programming:

  1. Primitive Types: Java generics cannot be directly used with primitive types like int, char, etc. Instead, we need to use their corresponding wrapper classes (Integer, Character, etc.).

  2. Type Erasure: Due to type erasure, the actual type information of generic types is not available at runtime, limiting some runtime operations.

  3. Array Creation: Generic arrays cannot be created directly in Java due to type erasure. It requires using an array of objects and casting.

  4. Generic Type Instantiation: Certain operations like instantiating a generic type (new T()) are not allowed due to type erasure.

  5. Wildcard Limitations: Wildcard types (e.g., <? extends T> or <? super T>) have some limitations, and we cannot use them for all operations.

With a neat diagram explain the Model view controller design pattern and list out the advantages and disadvantages of using it in designing an application.

Model view controller design
Model view controller design

Model-View-Controller (MVC) Design Pattern:

MVC is a popular design pattern used to separate an application's concerns into three interconnected components:

  1. Model:

    • Represents the data and business logic of the application.
    • Responsible for managing the data and handling the application's state.
    • Independent of the user interface.
    • Notifies the View about any changes in the data.
  2. View:

    • Represents the user interface components of the application.
    • Displays the data from the Model to the users.
    • Reacts to the user's interactions and sends the input to the Controller.
    • Does not contain any business logic.
  3. Controller:

    • Acts as an intermediary between the Model and the View.
    • Receives user input from the View and updates the Model accordingly.
    • Updates the View based on the changes in the Model.
    • Contains the application's business logic.

Advantages of the MVC Design Pattern:

  1. Separation of Concerns:
  • MVC separates the data, user interface, and application logic, making the codebase more organized and maintainable.
  1. Code Reusability:
  • The components are decoupled, allowing for easy reuse of Models and Views across different parts of the application.
  1. Modularity:
  • Each component can be developed and tested independently, making it easier to manage the codebase.
  1. Flexibility:
  • Changes in one component do not affect the others, providing flexibility for modification or updates.
  1. Collaboration:
  • MVC facilitates collaboration among developers, as different teams can work on different components simultaneously.

Disadvantages of the MVC Design Pattern:

  1. Complexity:
  • Implementing the MVC pattern can add some initial complexity to the application, especially for small-scale projects.
  1. Learning Curve:
  • Developers need to understand the MVC pattern thoroughly to implement it correctly, which may take time for newcomers.
  1. Overhead:
  • In some cases, the overhead of communication between the Model, View, and Controller can impact performance.
  1. Tight Coupling:
  • In certain scenarios, tight coupling between components can still occur, leading to some dependencies.
  1. Boilerplate Code:
  • MVC can result in boilerplate code, especially if the application is relatively simple.

Write a java program to take infix expressions and convert it into prefix expressions.

Write a java program that evaluates a math expression given in string form from command line arguments.

Explain file io using byte stream with appropriate example. hint: use FileInputStream, FileOutputStream

Now the program can be compiled and run from the command line. To copy a file, you can provide the source file name and destination file name as command-line arguments:

Explain file io using character stream with appropriate example. hint: use FileReader, FileWriter

File I/O using character streams in Java involves reading and writing character data to and from files. The FileReader and FileWriter classes are used for character-based input and output operations, respectively. These classes are part of the package.


  • The FileReader class is used for reading character data from files.
  • It reads characters from the file as Unicode values and converts them into Java characters.
  • It is ideal for reading text files, such as .txt files.


  • The FileWriter class is used for writing character data to files.
  • It writes characters as Unicode values into the file.
  • It is suitable for writing text data into a file.

Write a short note on Java Collections.

  • Java Collections is a framework that provides a set of classes and interfaces to store and manipulate groups of objects efficiently. It offers various data structures like lists, sets, queues, and maps to manage data in a structured and organized manner. Here are the key points about Java Collections:
  1. Interfaces and Classes:

    • The core of the Java Collections framework consists of interfaces and classes to represent different data structures.
    • Some important interfaces are List, Set, Queue, and Map, each with various implementations like ArrayList, HashSet, LinkedList, and HashMap.
  2. Generics:

    • Java Collections extensively uses generics to provide type safety and ensure that only the specified data type is allowed in a collection.
    • This helps in avoiding runtime errors due to incompatible data types.
  3. Dynamic Resizing:

    • Most implementations of Java Collections automatically resize themselves when elements are added or removed, ensuring efficient memory utilization.
  4. Common Operations:

    • Collections provide common operations like add, remove, search, and iterate over elements.
    • These operations are implemented efficiently based on the specific data structure, leading to optimized performance.
  5. Iterable Interface:

    • Many collection classes implement the Iterable interface, allowing them to be easily traversed using enhanced for loops or iterators.
  6. Sorting and Searching:

    • Java Collections provide methods for sorting and searching elements within the collection.
    • Sorting can be done using the Collections.sort() method, and searching using methods like contains() and indexOf().
  7. Concurrency:

    • Java Collections also offer classes that are thread-safe, suitable for concurrent access, and can be used in multi-threaded environments.
    • These classes, like ConcurrentHashMap and CopyOnWriteArrayList, handle concurrent modifications efficiently.
  8. Wrapper Classes:

    • Java Collections provide wrapper classes like Collections, Arrays, and Lists to perform various operations on collections, like finding the maximum or minimum element, reversing, or shuffling.
  9. Legacy Classes:

    • The Java Collections framework coexists with legacy classes like Vector and Hashtable that were present in older versions of Java.
    • While not recommended for new development, they can still be used in some scenarios for backward compatibility.
  10. Performance Considerations:

    • The choice of the appropriate collection class depends on the specific requirements of your application.
    • Consider factors like data size, frequent operations, and thread safety when selecting the collection to ensure optimal performance.

Overall, Java Collections provide a powerful and flexible framework for handling groups of objects, making data manipulation and management easier and more efficient.

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Write a program to add input elements in ArrayList collection class, then sort the inserted elements in descending order and display the sorted output. hint: use Collections.reverseOrder()

Write a short note on JAVAFX controls.

  1. Label:

    • Displays simple text on the screen.
    • Used to provide information or describe other UI elements.
    • Syntax: Label label = new Label("Text Here");
  2. Button:

    • Creates a labelled button that controls the application's function.
    • Responds to user clicks by executing specific actions.
    • Syntax: Button button = new Button("Click Me");
  3. RadioButton:

    • Provides various options to the user, where only one option can be chosen at a time.
    • Represents a single choice from a group of related options.
    • Syntax: RadioButton radioButton = new RadioButton("Option");
  4. CheckBox:

    • Allows the user to select multiple choices by marking the checkbox as on (true) or off (false).
    • Used when there are multiple options, and more than one option can be selected.
    • Syntax: CheckBox checkBox = new CheckBox("Option");
  5. TextField:

    • Gets input from the user in the form of text.
    • Used for user input, such as names, addresses, or other textual data.
    • Syntax: TextField textField = new TextField();
  6. PasswordField:

    • Used for password input, characters are not shown on the screen.
    • Provides security for sensitive information, like passwords.
    • Syntax: PasswordField passwordField = new PasswordField();
  7. HyperLink:

    • Allows users to refer to webpages through the application.
    • Used for navigation or external references.
    • Syntax: Hyperlink hyperlink = new Hyperlink("Link Text");
  8. Slider:

    • Provides a graphical pane of options to the user, where they move a slider to select a value from a range of values.
    • Ideal for adjusting settings or selecting values within a specified range.
    • Syntax: Slider slider = new Slider();
  9. ProgressBar:

    • Shows the progress of a task to the user.
    • Visualizes the completion status of a task.
    • Syntax: ProgressBar progressBar = new ProgressBar();
  10. ProgressIndicator:

    • Displays digital progress to the user as a percentage.
    • Used for showing progress when the exact value is not known.
    • Syntax: ProgressIndicator progressIndicator = new ProgressIndicator();
  11. ScrollBar:

    • Provides a scroll bar for scrolling down application pages.
    • Allows navigation through lengthy content that doesn't fit on the screen.
    • Syntax: ScrollPane scrollPane = new ScrollPane();
  12. Menu:

    • Implements menus for the application.
    • Organizes and groups related commands or options.
    • Syntax:
  13. ToolTip:

    • Provides hints to the user about any component used in the application, such as text fields or password fields.
    • Offers additional information or context when the user hovers over a UI element.
    • Syntax: Control control = new Control(); control.setTooltip(new Tooltip("Tooltip Text"));

Develop a GUI based application using JAVAFX controls.

This simple application creates a window with a button and a label. When the button is clicked, the label will update its text to display "Button clicked!". It's a basic example to demonstrate how to create a GUI application using JavaFX controls.

Explain the concept of inner classes and explain the types of inner classes with an example program.

Inner Classes in Java:

Inner classes are classes defined inside another class. They allow you to logically group classes within another class and enhance encapsulation. Inner classes can access members of the enclosing class, including private members, which provides a way to achieve tighter coupling between related classes. Java supports several types of inner classes, each with its own characteristics and use cases.

Types of Inner Classes:

  1. Member Inner Class:

    • A member inner class is defined at the member level of a class.
    • It is not static and has access to all members of the enclosing class, even private ones.
    • An instance of the member inner class can only be created within an instance of the enclosing class.
  2. Static Inner Class:

    • A static inner class is defined as a static member of the enclosing class.
    • It does not have access to the instance variables of the enclosing class and can only access static members.
    • An instance of the static inner class can be created without an instance of the enclosing class.
  3. Local Inner Class:

    • A local inner class is defined within a method or a block.
    • It has limited scope and is only accessible within the method or block where it is defined.
    • It can access both instance and local variables of the enclosing method or block, but they must be effectively final.
  4. Anonymous Inner Class:

    • An anonymous inner class is a special type of local inner class without a name.
    • It is defined and instantiated at the same time.
    • It is often used for one-time implementations of interfaces or abstract classes.

Let's see an example program demonstrating each type of inner class:

In this example, we have an outer class OuterClass with four types of inner classes: NestedInnerClass, MethodLocalInnerClass, anonymous inner class in the anonymousInnerClass() method, and MemberInnerClass. Each inner class has a display() method that prints a specific message. The main method demonstrates the creation and usage of each inner class.

Explain class and object with respect to java.


  • A class is a collection of data members (fields or attributes) and methods (functions) that define the behavior and characteristics of objects.
  • It provides a blueprint for creating objects.
  • The data members represent the state or properties of the object, and the methods define the operations or behavior that the object can perform.
  • It is declared using the class keyword, followed by the class name and a pair of curly braces enclosing the class body.
  • Example of class declaration:


  • An object is an instance of a class. It is a real-world entity that is created from a class blueprint.
  • Each object has its own set of attributes (data members) and can invoke the methods defined in its class to perform specific actions.
  • Objects are created using the new keyword, followed by the class name and parentheses (if the class has a parameterized constructor).
  • Example of object creation:

What are the data-types and operators available in Java?

Data Types:

  1. Primitive Data Types:

    • byte: 8-bit integer, range: -128 to 127
    • short: 16-bit integer, range: -32,768 to 32,767
    • int: 32-bit integer, range: -2^31 to 2^31-1
    • long: 64-bit integer, range: -2^63 to 2^63-1
    • float: 32-bit floating-point, range: ±3.40282347E+38F
    • double: 64-bit floating-point, range: ±1.7976931348623157E+308
    • char: 16-bit Unicode character, represents a single character
    • boolean: Represents true or false values
  2. Reference Data Types:

    • class: Defines a blueprint for objects.
    • interface: Defines a contract for classes to implement.
    • array: A collection of elements of the same type.


  • Arithmetic Operators: + , - , \ *, / , % (modulo, remainder)
  • Relational Operators: > , < , > = , < = , = = , ! =
  • Logical Operators: && (logical AND), || (logical OR), ! (logical NOT)
  • Assignment Operators: = , + = , - = , * = , \ = , % =
  • Increment/Decrement Operators: + + , - -
  • Bitwise Operators: & (bitwise AND), | (bitwise OR), ^ (bitwise XOR), ~ (bitwise NOT), < < (left shift), > > (right shift), > > > (unsigned right shift)
  • Conditional (Ternary) Operator: condition ? expression1 : expression2

Example of using data types and operators:

Write a program to rise and handle divide by zero exception.

List OOP characteristics and describe inheritance with examples.

OOP Characteristics:

  1. Encapsulation:
  • The bundling of data (attributes) and methods (functions) that operate on the data, ensuring that data access is controlled and protected.
  1. Abstraction:
  • Representing the essential features of an object and hiding the unnecessary details, allowing users to focus on the object's behavior rather than its implementation.
  1. Inheritance:
  • The ability of a class (subclass or derived class) to inherit properties and behaviors from another class (superclass or base class).
  1. Polymorphism:
  • The ability of objects to take on multiple forms, allowing a method to behave differently based on the object's type or the context in which it is called.
  1. Overriding:
  • The ability of a subclass to provide a specific implementation for a method that is already defined in its superclass.
  1. Dynamic Binding:
  • The process of determining which implementation of a method to call at runtime based on the actual type of the object.
  1. Message Passing:
  • Objects communicate with each other by sending messages, requesting actions or information.

Inheritance in Java:

  • Inheritance is a fundamental concept in object-oriented programming.
  • It allows a class to inherit properties and methods from another class, enabling code reusability and creating a hierarchy of classes.

Example of Inheritance:

Write a method for computing xy doing repetitive multiplication. X and y are of type integer and are to be given as command line arguments. Raise and handle exception(s) for invalid values of x and y.

List and explain available type of constructors in java with example.

Default Constructor:

  • A default constructor is automatically provided by Java if no other constructor is explicitly defined in the class.
  • It has no parameters and doesn't perform any initialization.
  • The default constructor is responsible for initializing the object with default values (e.g., 0 for numeric types, null for references).

Example of Default Constructor:

Parameterized Constructor:

  • A parameterized constructor is a constructor that takes one or more parameters to initialize the object with specific values.
  • It allows us to set the initial state of the object at the time of creation.
  • When a parameterized constructor is provided, the default constructor is no longer automatically provided by Java.

Example of Parameterized Constructor:

Copy Constructor:

  • A copy constructor is used to create a new object by copying the values of another object of the same class.
  • It is helpful when you want to create a new object with the same values as an existing object.
  • The copy constructor takes an object of the same class as a parameter and initializes the new object with the values of the passed object.

Example of Copy Constructor:

Explain Comparable and Cloneable interface.

Comparable Interface:

  • The Comparable interface is used to provide a natural ordering of objects.
  • It allows objects of a class to be compared to each other and sorted in a specific order.
  • The class that implements the Comparable interface must override the compareTo() method, which compares the current object with another object and returns a negative integer, zero, or a positive integer based on whether the current object is less than, equal to, or greater than the other object, respectively.

Example of Comparable Interface:


Cloneable Interface:

  • The Cloneable interface is a marker interface in Java, which means it doesn't have any methods.
  • Its purpose is to indicate that the objects of a class can be cloned, i.e., a duplicate copy of the object can be created.
  • The clone() method is inherited from the Object class, and classes that implement the Cloneable interface can override this method to provide a way to clone objects.

Example of Cloneable Interface:


Explain File class with its methods.

The File class in Java is a part of the package and is used to represent and manipulate files and directories on the file system. It provides methods to create, delete, rename, and perform other operations on files and directories. Here are some of the important methods of the File class:

  1. File(String pathname) and File(String parent, String child): Constructs a File object using the specified pathname or parent directory and child file/directory name.

  2. exists(): Checks if the file or directory exists.

  3. isFile(): Checks if the File object represents a file.

  4. isDirectory(): Checks if the File object represents a directory.

  5. getName(): Returns the name of the file or directory.

  6. getPath(): Returns the pathname of the File object.

  7. getAbsolutePath(): Returns the absolute pathname of the File object.

  8. getParent(): Returns the parent directory of the file or directory.

  9. length(): Returns the length of the file in bytes.

  10. canRead() and canWrite(): Checks if the file or directory is readable and writable, respectively.

  11. createNewFile(): Creates a new empty file.

  12. mkdir() and mkdirs(): Creates a new directory or directories.

  13. delete(): Deletes the file or directory.

  14. renameTo(File dest): Renames the file or directory to the specified destination.

  15. list(): Returns an array of strings containing the names of the files and directories in the directory.

  16. listFiles(): Returns an array of File objects representing the files and directories in the directory.

  17. lastModified(): Returns the last modified timestamp of the file in milliseconds since January 1, 1970.

  18. setLastModified(long time): Sets the last modified timestamp of the file.



What is polymorphism? Explain dynamic binding with example.


  • Polymorphism is a key concept in object-oriented programming where a single method or function can have different implementations depending on the type of objects it is called with.
  • It allows a class to have multiple methods with the same name but different behaviors.

Dynamic binding (runtime polymorphism):

  • Dynamic binding is a type of polymorphism that occurs at runtime in object-oriented programming languages.
  • In dynamic binding, the decision on which method implementation to invoke is made at runtime based on the actual type of the object, rather than the reference type.
  • It allows a class to have multiple methods with the same name but different behaviors, and the appropriate method is determined at runtime.
  • This is in contrast to static binding (compile-time polymorphism), where method resolution is done at compile-time based on the reference type.
  • Dynamic binding is achieved through method overriding, where a derived class provides a specific implementation for a method defined in the base class.
  • The @Override annotation in Java is used to indicate that a method is intended to override a method in the superclass.


Write a program that counts the number of words in a text file. The file name is passed as a command line argument. The words in the file are separated by white space characters.

Write a program that illustrates interface inheritance. Interface P is extended by P1 and P2. Interface P12 inherits from both P1 and P2. Each interface declares one constant and one method. class Q implements P12. Instantiate Q and invoke each of its methods. Each method displays one of the constants.


What is an Exception? Explain try, catch and finally with example.


  • An exception is an unexpected or abnormal event that occurs during the execution of a program.
  • It disrupts the normal flow of the program and can lead to program termination if not handled properly.
  • In Java, exceptions are objects that are created when abnormal conditions occur.


  • It is a mechanism in Java used to handle exceptions gracefully and prevent program crashes.
  • The try block is used to enclose the code that may raise an exception.
  • When an exception occurs within the try block, the control is immediately transferred to the corresponding catch block.
  • The catch block follows the try block and is used to catch and handle the specific type of exception that occurred in the try block.
  • The finally block comes after the catch block (if present) and is used to define code that must be executed, regardless of whether an exception occurred or not.
  • It is often used for cleanup operations such as closing resources or releasing locks.


  • In this example, we attempt to open a file using FileInputStream, but the file "non_existent_file.txt" does not exist.
  • As a result, a FileNotFoundException is thrown, which is caught in the catch block, and a message is printed.
  • Regardless of whether an exception occurs or not, the finally block ensures that the file is closed using file.close() before the program continues its execution.

What do you understand by thread? Describe the complete life cycle of thread.

What is thread? Describe the complete life cycle of thread.

Explain Thread life cycle in detail.(summer-7)


  • A thread is the smallest unit of a process that can be executed independently.
  • Threads allow a program to perform multiple tasks concurrently, thus improving the overall efficiency and responsiveness of the application.
  • In simple terms, a thread is a sequence of instructions that can execute concurrently with other threads within a process.
Thread life cycle
Thread life cycle

The life cycle of a thread consists of several stages, which are as follows:

  1. New:
  • In this stage, a thread is created, but it is not yet started.
  • The thread is in the new state when an instance of the Thread class is created, but the start() method has not been called.
  1. Runnable:
  • When the start() method is called on the thread object, the thread enters the runnable state.
  • In this state, the thread is ready to run, but it may or may not be currently executing, as the actual execution is managed by the thread scheduler.
  1. Running:
  • When the thread scheduler selects the thread for execution, it enters the running state.
  • The thread is now actively executing its code in the CPU.
  1. Blocked/Waiting:
  • A thread can enter the blocked or waiting state when it is paused or waiting for a specific event to occur.
  • This can happen when the thread calls methods like sleep(), wait(), or join().
  • The thread will remain in this state until the event it is waiting for occurs or until it is interrupted.
  1. Terminated:
  • A thread enters the terminated state when it completes its execution or when an unhandled exception occurs within the thread.
  • Once a thread is terminated, it cannot be restarted or resumed.

Explain Thread Synchronization with example.

Explain synchronization in Thread with suitable example.(winter-7)

Explain thread synchronization.(summer-7)

  • Thread synchronization is the process of coordinating the execution of multiple threads to ensure that they access shared resources or critical sections of code in a mutually exclusive manner.
  • This prevents concurrent threads from interfering with each other and ensures that data integrity is maintained.
  • In Java, you can use the synchronized keyword and locks to achieve thread synchronization.
  • When a method or a block of code is marked as synchronized, only one thread can execute that code at a time, while other threads must wait until the lock is released.

Here's an example to illustrate thread synchronization:


  • In this example, we have a Counter class with two synchronized methods: increment() and getCount().
  • These methods are synchronized to ensure that only one thread can access them at a time.
  • We create two IncrementThread instances, each working on the same Counter object.
  • Both threads call the increment() method, which increments the count.
  • Without synchronization, the final count would not be 20000 (10000 from each thread), but due to the synchronization, the final count will always be 20000, as the threads take turns to increment the count.

Explain all access modifiers and their visibility as class members.

Access modifiers in Java control the visibility and accessibility of class members (variables, methods, and inner classes) from other parts of the program. There are four types of access modifiers in Java:

  1. Public:

    • Class members with the public access modifier are accessible from anywhere in the program.
    • They have the widest visibility among all access modifiers.
    • Public members can be accessed from other classes, even from outside the package.
  2. Private:

    • Class members with the private access modifier are only accessible within the same class.
    • They have the narrowest visibility among all access modifiers.
    • Private members cannot be accessed from other classes, not even from the subclasses.
  3. Protected:

    • Class members with the protected access modifier are accessible within the same package and in subclasses, even if they are in a different package.
    • Protected members cannot be accessed from classes in a different package unless the subclass relationship is established.
  4. Default (No Modifier):

    • Class members with no access modifier (default access) are accessible within the same package but not from outside the package.
    • Default members are useful when you want to restrict access within the package but allow access to other classes in the same package.

Here is a table summarizing the visibility of class members based on access modifiers:

Access ModifierWithin ClassWithin PackageSubclass (Different Package)Outside Package

Compare String with StringBuffer. Also, write a program to count the occurrence of a character in a string.

PerformanceSlower for concatenationFaster for concatenation
Memory EfficiencyConsumes more memoryConsumes less memory
Thread SafetyThread-safe (Immutable)Not Thread-safe
Method AvailabilityLimited methodsMore methods available
UsageFor small, unchanging stringsFor frequently changing strings

Program to count the occurrence of a character in a string:


Explain the words super, static, final and this with the help of an example.

  1. super:
  • super is a keyword in Java that is used to refer to the superclass or parent class of a subclass.
  • It is often used to call the superclass's constructor, access overridden methods, and access superclass members.
  • When a subclass is created, it automatically inherits all the members (fields and methods) of its superclass. super allows us to explicitly access those inherited members.
  1. static:
  • static is a keyword in Java used to define class-level or static members (variables and methods) that belong to the class itself rather than an instance of the class.
  • Static members are shared among all instances of the class and can be accessed using the class name without creating an instance of the class.
  1. final:
  • final is a keyword in Java used to define constants, make classes not extendable (immutable), and prevent method overriding.
  • When a variable is declared as final, its value cannot be changed. When a class is declared as final, it cannot be subclassed. When a method is declared as final, it cannot be overridden by subclasses.
  1. this:
  • this is a keyword in Java used to refer to the current instance of the class.
  • It is often used to distinguish between instance variables and method parameters that have the same name, or to call one constructor from another constructor in the same class.


Discuss BufferedInputStream and BufferedOutputStream classes with an example.

Java BufferedOutputStream Class:

  • The BufferedOutputStream class is used for buffering an output stream, which improves performance by internally using a buffer to store data before writing it to the stream.
  • It is a subclass of FilterOutputStream, meaning it filters an existing output stream by adding buffering functionality to it.

Java BufferedInputStream Class:

  • The BufferedInputStream class is used to read information from a stream with improved performance, as it uses a buffer mechanism.
  • It automatically refills the internal buffer from the contained input stream when bytes are skipped or read, which allows reading many bytes at a time.
  • It is a subclass of FilterInputStream, and when created, it creates an internal buffer array.

Example: Using BufferedInputStream to read data from a file:

Example: Using BufferedOutputStream to write data to a file:

Create a class called Student. Write a student manager program to manipulate the student information from files by using FileInputStream and FileOutputStream.

Explain Set and Map in Java with example.

In Java, Set and Map are two interfaces from the Java Collections Framework that allow you to work with collections of elements in different ways.

  1. Set:
  • A Set is a collection that contains unique elements, meaning it cannot have duplicate values.
  • It does not maintain the insertion order of elements.
  • The Set interface extends the Collection interface and does not allow duplicate elements based on the equals() method.

Example of using a __Set`:


  1. Map:
  • A Map is a collection that stores key-value pairs. Each key in the map is unique, and it maps to a corresponding value.
  • It does not maintain the insertion order of elements.
  • The Map interface provides methods to access, modify, and remove elements based on their keys.

Example of using a __Map`:


Explain Data Types in detail with example.

Data TypeSizeExample
byte1 Bytebyte a = 10;
short2 Bytesshort a = 200;
int4 Bytesint a = 50000;
long8 Byteslong a = 20;
float4 Bytesfloat a = 10.2f;
double8 Bytesdouble a = 10.2;
char2 Byteschar a = 'a';
booleanNot definedboolean a = true;

Sure, here is the information about Java primitive data types without examples:

  1. byte

    • Smallest integer type.
    • Signed 8-bit type (1 Byte).
    • Range is -128 to 127.
    • Especially useful when working with streams of data from a network or file.
  2. short

    • Signed 16-bit (2 Byte) type.
    • Range: -32768 to 32767.
    • It is probably the least used Java type.
  3. int

    • The most commonly used type.
    • Signed 32-bit (4 Byte) type.
    • Range: -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647.
  4. long

    • Signed 64-bit (8 Byte) type.
    • It is useful when the int type is not large enough to hold the desired value.
  5. char

    • 16-bit (2 Byte) type.
    • Range: 0 to 65,536.
    • Used to represent single characters.
  6. float

    • 32-bit (4-Byte) type.
    • Specifies a single-precision floating-point value.
  7. double

    • 64-bit (8-Byte) type.
    • Used for storing floating-point numbers with double precision.
  8. boolean

    • Represents a boolean value with two possible states: true and false.
    • Internally, its "size" isn't precisely defined, as it represents one bit of information.

Differentiate between final, finally and finalize. What will happen if we make class and method as final?

Differentiate between final, finally and finalize
Differentiate between final, finally and finalize

If a class is declared as final, it means that the class cannot be subclassed or extended by other classes. Similarly, if a method is declared as final, it means that the method cannot be overridden by subclasses, and its implementation in the superclass is final. Let's see the implications of making a class and method as final with examples:

  1. Final Class:

In this example, the class Vehicle is declared as final, which means it cannot be subclassed. When we try to create a subclass Car of the Vehicle class, it will result in a compilation error, as we are not allowed to extend a final class.

  1. Final Method:

In this example, the method area() in the Shape class is declared as final, which means it cannot be overridden by subclasses. When we try to override the area() method in the Circle class, it will result in a compilation error, as we are not allowed to override a final method.

In both cases, using the final keyword ensures that the class or method is immutable and cannot be changed or extended, providing increased control over the behavior of the code and preventing unintended modifications.